Class ImageRenderer


public class ImageRenderer extends Object
A builder for the rendered image to be returned by Grid­Coverage​.render(Grid­Extent). This builder does not copy any sample values. Instead, it wraps existing data arrays into Raster objects by computing required information such as pixel stride, scanline stride and band offsets. Different set­Data(…) methods are provided for allowing to specify the data arrays from different objects such as Java2D Data­Buffer or NIO Buffer.

All set­Data(…) methods assume that the first valid element in each array is the value located at Grid­Coverage​.get­Grid­Geometry().get­Extent().get­Low(). This Image­Renderer class computes automatically the offsets from that position to the position of the first value included in the slice­Extent given to the constructor.

Usage example

class MyResource extends GridCoverage {
    public RenderedImage render(GridExtent sliceExtent) {
        ImageRenderer renderer = new ImageRenderer(this, sliceExtent);
        try {
            return renderer.createImage();
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException | ArithmeticException | RasterFormatException e) {
            throw new CannotEvaluateException("Cannot create an image.", e);


Current implementation constructs only images made of a single tile. Support for tiled images will be added in a future version.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ImageRenderer

      public ImageRenderer(GridCoverage coverage, GridExtent sliceExtent)
      Creates a new image renderer for the given slice extent.
      coverage - the source coverage for which to build an image.
      slice­Extent - the domain from which to create an image, or null for the coverage extent.
      Subspace­Not­Specified­Exception - if this method cannot infer a two-dimensional slice from slice­Extent.
      Disjoint­Extent­Exception - if the given extent does not intersect the given coverage.
      Arithmetic­Exception - if a stride calculation overflows the 32 bits integer capacity.
  • Method Details

    • getNumBands

      public final int getNumBands()
      Returns the number of bands that the image will have. By default, this is the number of sample dimensions in the grid coverage.
      the number of bands in the rendered image.
    • getBounds

      public final Rectangle getBounds()
      Returns the location of the image upper-left corner together with the image size. The image coordinate system is relative to the slice­Extent specified at construction time: the (0,0) pixel coordinates correspond to the slice­Extent low coordinates. Consequently, the rectangle x and y coordinates are (0,0) if the image is located exactly in the area requested by slice­Extent, or is shifted as below otherwise:
      ( x, y ) = (grid coordinates of actually provided region) − (grid coordinates of requested region)
      the rendered image location and size (never null).
    • getXYDimensions

      public final int[] getXYDimensions()
      The dimensions to select in the grid coverage for producing an image. This is the array obtained by Grid­Extent​.get­Subspace­Dimensions(2). The array content is almost always {0,1}, i.e. the 2 first dimensions in a coordinate tuple.
      indices of x and y coordinate values in a grid coordinate tuple.
    • getImageGeometry

      public GridGeometry getImageGeometry(int dimCRS)
      Computes the conversion from pixel coordinates to CRS, together with the geospatial envelope of the image. The Grid­Geometry returned by this method is derived from the coverage grid geometry with the following changes:
      dim­CRS - desired number of dimensions in the CRS. This is usually 2.
      conversion from pixel coordinates to CRS of the given number of dimensions, together with image bounds and geospatial envelope if possible.
      See Also:
    • getProperty

      public Object getProperty(String key)
      Returns the value associated to the given property. The properties recognized by current implementation are:
      key - the property for which to get a value.
      value associated to the given property, or null if none.
    • addProperty

      public void addProperty(String key, Object value)
      Adds a value associated to a property. This method can be invoked only once for each key. Those properties will be given to the image created by the create­Image() method.
      key - key of the property to set.
      value - value to associate to the given key.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if a value is already associated to the given key.
    • setData

      public void setData(DataBuffer data)
      Sets the data as a Java2D buffer. The number of banks in the given buffer must be equal to the expected number of bands. In each bank, the value located at the bank offset is the value located at Grid­Coverage​.get­Grid­Geometry().get­Extent().get­Low(), as specified in class javadoc.
      data - the Java2D buffer containing data for all bands.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if data is null.
      Mismatched­Coverage­Range­Exception - if the given data buffer does not have the expected amount of banks.
    • setData

      public void setData(DataType dataType, Buffer... data)
      Sets the data as NIO buffers. The number of buffers must be equal to the expected number of bands. All buffers must be backed by arrays of the type specified by the data­Type argument and have the same amount of remaining elements. This method wraps the underlying arrays of a primitive type into a Java2D buffer; data are not copied. For each buffer, the grid coverage data (not only the slice data) starts at buffer position and ends at that position + remaining.

      The data type must be specified in order to distinguish between the signed and unsigned types. Data­Type​.BYTE and Data­Type​.USHORT are unsigned, all other supported types are signed.

      Implementation note: the Java2D buffer is set by a call to set­Data(Data­Buffer), which can be overridden by subclasses if desired.

      data­Type - type of data.
      data - the buffers wrapping arrays of primitive type.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if data is null or one of data element is null.
      Mismatched­Coverage­Range­Exception - if the number of specified buffers is not equal to the number of bands.
      Unsupported­Operation­Exception - if a buffer is not backed by an accessible array or is read-only.
      Array­Store­Exception - if a buffer type is incompatible with data­Type.
      Raster­Format­Exception - if buffers do not have the same amount of remaining values.
      Arithmetic­Exception - if a buffer position overflows the 32 bits integer capacity.
    • setData

      public void setData(Vector... data)
      Sets the data as vectors. The number of vectors must be equal to the expected number of bands. All vectors must be backed by arrays (indirectly, through buffers backed by arrays) and have the same size. This method wraps the underlying arrays of a primitive type into a Java2D buffer; data are not copied.

      Implementation note: the NIO buffers are set by a call to set­Data(Data­Type, Buffer...), which can be overridden by subclasses if desired.

      data - the vectors wrapping arrays of primitive type.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if data is null or one of data element is null.
      Mismatched­Coverage­Range­Exception - if the number of specified vectors is not equal to the number of bands.
      Unsupported­Operation­Exception - if a vector is not backed by an accessible array or is read-only.
      Raster­Format­Exception - if vectors do not have the same size.
      Arithmetic­Exception - if a buffer position overflows the 32 bits integer capacity.
    • setInterleavedPixelOffsets

      public void setInterleavedPixelOffsets(int pixelStride, int[] bandOffsets)
      Specifies the offsets to add to sample index in each band in order to reach the sample value in the Data­Buffer bank. This method should be invoked when the data given to set­Data(…) contains only one Vector, Buffer or Data­Buffer bank, and the bands in that unique bank are interleaved.


      For an image having three bands named Red (R), Green (G) and Blue (B), if the sample values are stored in a single bank in a R₀,G₀,B₀, R₁,G₁,B₁, R₂,G₂,B₂, R₃,G₃,B₃, etc. fashion, then this method should be invoked as below:
      setInterleavedPixelOffsets(3, new int[] {0, 1, 2});
      pixel­Stride - the number of data elements between each pixel in the data vector or buffer.
      band­Offsets - offsets to add to sample index in each band. This is typically {0, 1, 2, …}. The length of this array shall be equal to get­Num­Bands().
    • setVisibleBand

      public void setVisibleBand(int band)
      Specifies the band to use for defining pixel colors when the image is displayed on screen. All other bands, if any, will exist in the raster but be ignored at display time. The default value is 0, the first (and often only) band.

      Implementation note

      An Index­Color­Model will be used for displaying the image.
      band - the band to use for display purpose.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given band is not between 0 (inclusive) and get­Num­Bands() (exclusive).
      See Also:
    • setCategoryColors

      public void setCategoryColors(Function<Category,Color[]> colors)
      Specifies the colors to apply for each category in a sample dimension. The given function can return null for unrecognized categories. If this method is never invoked, or if a category is unrecognized, then the default is a grayscale for quantitative categories and transparent for qualitative categories (typically "no data" values).


      The following code specifies a color palette from blue to red with white in the middle. This is useful for data with a clear 0 (white) in the middle of the range, with a minimal value equals to the negative of the maximal value.
      setCategoryColors((category) -> category.isQuantitative() ? new Color[] {
              Color.BLUE, Color.CYAN, Color.WHITE, Color.YELLOW, Color.RED} : null);
      colors - the colors to use for each category. The colors argument cannot be null, but colors​.apply(Category) can return null.
    • createRaster

      public Raster createRaster()
      Creates a raster with the data specified by the last call to a set­Data(…) method. The raster upper-left corner is located at the position given by get­Bounds(). The returned raster is often an instance of Writable­Raster, but read-only rasters are also allowed.
      the raster, usually (but not necessarily) an instance of Writable­Raster.
      Illegal­State­Exception - if no set­Data(…) method has been invoked before this method call.
      Raster­Format­Exception - if a call to a Raster factory method failed.
      Arithmetic­Exception - if a property of the raster to construct exceeds the capacity of 32 bits integers.
    • createImage

      public RenderedImage createImage()
      Creates an image with the data specified by the last call to a set­Data(…) method. The image upper-left corner is located at the position given by get­Bounds(). The two-dimensional image geometry is stored as a property associated to the "org.apache.sis.GridGeometry" key. The sample dimensions are stored as a property associated to the "org.apache.sis.SampleDimensions" key.

      The default implementation returns an instance of Writable­Rendered­Image if the create­Raster() return value is an instance of Writable­Raster, or a read-only Rendered­Image otherwise.

      the image.
      Illegal­State­Exception - if no set­Data(…) method has been invoked before this method call.
      Raster­Format­Exception - if a call to a Raster factory method failed.
      Arithmetic­Exception - if a property of the image to construct exceeds the capacity of 32 bits integers.