Class Types


public final class Types extends Static
Static methods working on GeoAPI types and Code­List values. This class provides:

Substituting a free text by a code list

The ISO standard allows to substitute some character strings in the "free text" domain by a Code­List value. Such substitution can be done with:


In the following XML fragment, the <mac:type> value is normally a <gco:Character­String> but has been replaced by a Sensor­Type code below:
  • Method Details

    • getStandardName

      @OptionalCandidate public static String getStandardName(Class<?> type)
      Returns the ISO name for the given class, or null if none. This method can be used for GeoAPI interfaces or Code­List.


      • get­Standard­Name(Citation.class) (an interface) returns "CI_Citation".
      • get­Standard­Name(Axis­Direction.class) (a code list) returns "CS_Axis­Direction".

      Implementation note

      This method looks for the UML annotation on the given type. It does not search for parent classes or interfaces if the given type is not directly annotated (i.e. @UML annotations are not inherited). If no annotation is found, then this method does not fallback on the Java name since, as the name implies, this method is about standard names.
      type - the GeoAPI interface or code list from which to get the ISO name, or null.
      the ISO name for the given type, or null if none or if the given type is null.
      See Also:
    • getListName

      public static String getListName(CodeList<?> code)
      Returns the ISO classname (if available) or the Java classname (as a fallback) of the given enumeration or code list value. This method uses the UML annotation if it exists, or fallback on the simple class name otherwise.


      • get­List­Name(Parameter­Direction​.IN_OUT) returns "SV_Parameter­Direction".
      • get­List­Name(Axis­Direction​.NORTH) returns "CS_Axis­Direction".
      • get­List­Name(Topic­Category​.INLAND_WATERS) returns "MD_Topic­Category­Code".
      • get­List­Name(Imaging­Condition​.BLURRED_IMAGE) returns "MD_Imaging­Condition­Code".
      code - the code for which to get the class name, or null.
      the ISO (preferred) or Java (fallback) class name, or null if the given code is null.
    • getCodeName

      public static String getCodeName(CodeList<?> code)
      Returns the ISO name (if available) or the Java name (as a fallback) of the given enumeration or code list value. If the value has no UML identifier, then the programmatic name is used as a fallback.


      • get­Code­Name(Parameter­Direction​.IN_OUT) returns "in/out".
      • get­Code­Name(Axis­Direction​.NORTH) returns "north".
      • get­Code­Name(Topic­Category​.INLAND_WATERS) returns "inland­Waters".
      • get­Code­Name(Imaging­Condition​.BLURRED_IMAGE) returns "blurred­Image".
      code - the code for which to get the name, or null.
      the UML identifiers or programmatic name for the given code, or null if the given code is null.
      See Also:
    • getCodeLabel

      public static String getCodeLabel(CodeList<?> code)
      Returns a unlocalized title for the given enumeration or code list value. This method builds a title using heuristics rules, which should give reasonable results without the need of resource bundles. For better results, consider using get­Code­Title(Code­List) instead.

      The current heuristic implementation iterates over all code names, selects the longest one excluding the field name if possible, then makes a sentence from that name.


      • get­Code­Label(Axis­Direction​.NORTH) returns "North".
      • get­Code­Label(Topic­Category​.INLAND_WATERS) returns "Inland waters".
      • get­Code­Label(Imaging­Condition​.BLURRED_IMAGE) returns "Blurred image".
      code - the code from which to get a title, or null.
      a unlocalized title for the given code, or null if the given code is null.
      See Also:
    • getCodeTitle

      public static InternationalString getCodeTitle(CodeList<?> code)
      Returns the title of the given enumeration or code list value. Title are usually much shorter than descriptions. English titles are often the same than the code labels.

      The code or enumeration value given in argument to this method can be retrieved from the returned title with the for­Code­Title(Char­Sequence) method. See Substituting a free text by a code list in this class javadoc for more information.

      code - the code for which to get the title, or null.
      the title, or null if the given code is null.
      See Also:
    • getDescription

      @OptionalCandidate public static InternationalString getDescription(CodeList<?> code)
      Returns the description of the given enumeration or code list value, or null if none. For a description of the code list as a whole instead of a particular code, see get­Description(Class).
      code - the code for which to get the localized description, or null.
      the description, or null if none or if the given code is null.
      See Also:
    • getDescription

      @OptionalCandidate public static InternationalString getDescription(Class<?> type)
      Returns a description for the given class, or null if none. This method can be used for GeoAPI interfaces or Code­List.
      type - the GeoAPI interface or code list from which to get the description, or null.
      the description, or null if none or if the given type is null.
      See Also:
    • getDescription

      public static InternationalString getDescription(Class<?> type, String property)
      Returns a description for the given property, or null if none. The given type shall be a GeoAPI interface, and the given property shall be a UML identifier. If any of the input argument is null, then this method returns null.
      type - the GeoAPI interface from which to get the description of a property, or null.
      property - the ISO name of the property for which to get the description, or null.
      the description, or null if none or if the given type or property name is null.
    • getCodeValues

      public static <T extends CodeList<?>> T[] getCodeValues(Class<T> codeType)
      Returns all known values for the given type of code list. Note that the size of the returned array may growth between different invocations of this method, since users can add their own codes to an existing list.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the compile-time type given as the code­Type parameter.
      code­Type - the type of code list.
      the list of values for the given code list, or an empty array if none.
      See Also:
    • forStandardName

      public static Class<?> forStandardName(String identifier)
      Returns the Java type (usually a GeoAPI interface) for the given ISO name, or null if none. The identifier argument shall be the value documented in the UML​.identifier() annotation on the Java type.


      • for­Standard­Name("CI_Citation") returns Citation.class
      • for­Standard­Name("CS_Axis­Direction") returns Axis­Direction.class

      Implementation note

      The package prefix (e.g. "CI_" in "CI_Citation") can be omitted. The flexibility is provided for allowing transition to newer ISO standards, which are dropping the package prefixes. For example, "CS_Axis­Direction" in ISO 19111:2007 has been renamed "Axis­Direction" in ISO 19111:2018.

      Only identifiers for the stable part of GeoAPI or for some Apache SIS classes are recognized. This method does not handle the identifiers for interfaces in the geoapi-pending module.

      Future evolution

      When a new ISO type does not yet have a corresponding GeoAPI interface, this method may temporarily return an Apache SIS class instead, until a future version can use the interface. For example, for­Standard­Name("CI_Individual") returns Default­Individual.class in Apache SIS versions that depend on GeoAPI 3.0, but the return type may be changed to Individual​.class when Apache SIS will be upgraded to GeoAPI 3.1.
      identifier - the ISO UML identifier, or null.
      the GeoAPI interface, or null if the given identifier is null or unknown.
    • forEnumName

      public static <T extends Enum<T>> T forEnumName(Class<T> enumType, String name)
      Returns the enumeration value of the given type that matches the given name, or null if none. This method is similar to the standard Enum​.value­Of(…) method, except that this method is more tolerant on string comparisons:
      • Name comparisons are case-insensitive.
      • Only letter and digit characters are compared. Spaces and punctuation characters like '_' and '-' are ignored.
      If there is no match, this method returns null — it does not thrown an exception, unless the given class is not an enumeration.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the compile-time type given as the enum­Type parameter.
      enum­Type - the type of enumeration.
      name - the name of the enumeration value to obtain, or null.
      a value matching the given name, or null if the name is null or if no matching enumeration is found.
      See Also:
    • forCodeName

      public static <T extends CodeList<T>> T forCodeName(Class<T> codeType, String name, boolean canCreate)
      Returns the code of the given type that matches the given name, or optionally returns a new one if none match the name. This method performs the same work than the GeoAPI Code­List​.value­Of(…) method, except that this method is more tolerant on string comparisons when looking for an existing code:
      • Name comparisons are case-insensitive.
      • Only letter and digit characters are compared. Spaces and punctuation characters like '_' and '-' are ignored.
      If no match is found, then a new code is created only if the can­Create argument is true. Otherwise this method returns null.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the compile-time type given as the code­Type parameter.
      code­Type - the type of code list.
      name - the name of the code to obtain, or null.
      can­Create - true if this method is allowed to create new code.
      a code matching the given name, or null if the name is null or if no matching code is found and can­Create is false.
      See Also:
    • forCodeTitle

      public static CodeList<?> forCodeTitle(CharSequence title)
      Returns the code list or enumeration value for the given title, or null if none. The current implementation performs the following choice:
      • If the given title is a value returned by a previous call to get­Code­Title(Code­List), returns the code or enumeration value used for creating that title.
      • Otherwise returns null.
      title - the title for which to get a code or enumeration value, or null.
      the code or enumeration value associated with the given title, or null.
      See Also:
    • toInternationalString

      @OptionalCandidate public static InternationalString toInternationalString(Map<String,?> properties, String prefix) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns an international string for the values in the given properties map, or null if none. This method is used when a property in a Map may have many localized variants. For example, the given map may contains a "remarks" property defined by values associated to the "remarks_en" and "remarks_fr" keys, for English and French locales respectively.

      If the given map is null, then this method returns null. Otherwise this method iterates over the entries having a key that starts with the specified prefix, followed by the '_' character. For each such key:

      • If the key is exactly equals to prefix, selects Locale​.ROOT.
      • Otherwise the characters after '_' are parsed as an ISO language and country code by the Locales​.parse(String, int) method. Note that 3-letters codes are replaced by their 2-letters counterparts on a best effort basis.
      • The value for the decoded locale is added in the international string to be returned.
      properties - the map from which to get the string values for an international string, or null.
      prefix - the prefix of keys to use for creating the international string.
      the international string, or null if the given map is null or does not contain values associated to keys starting with the given prefix.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if a key starts by the given prefix and:
      • The key suffix is an illegal Locale code,
      • or the value associated to that key is a not a Char­Sequence.
      See Also:
    • toInternationalString

      public static InternationalString toInternationalString(CharSequence string)
      Returns the given characters sequence as an international string. If the given sequence is null or an instance of International­String, then this method returns it unchanged. Otherwise, this method copies the International­String​.to­String() value in a new Simple­International­String instance and returns it.
      string - the characters sequence to convert, or null.
      the given sequence as an international string, or null if the given sequence was null.
      See Also:
    • toInternationalStrings

      public static InternationalString[] toInternationalStrings(CharSequence... strings)
      Returns the given array of Char­Sequences as an array of International­Strings. If the given array is null or an instance of International­String[], then this method returns it unchanged. Otherwise a new array of type International­String[] is created and every elements from the given array is copied or casted in the new array.

      If a defensive copy of the strings array is wanted, then the caller needs to check if the returned array is the same instance than the one given in argument to this method.

      strings - the characters sequences to convert, or null.
      the given array as an array of type International­String[], or null if the given array was null.
    • toString

      public static String toString(InternationalString i18n, Locale locale)
      Returns the given international string in the given locale, or null if the given string is null. If the given locale is null, then the i18n default locale is used.
      i18n - the international string to get as a localized string, or null if none.
      locale - the desired locale, or null for the i18n default locale.
      the localized string, or null if i18n is null.