Class EllipsoidToCentricTransform

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Parameterized, Lenient­Comparable, Math­Transform

public class EllipsoidToCentricTransform extends AbstractMathTransform implements Serializable
Transform from two- or three- dimensional ellipsoidal coordinates to (geo)centric coordinates. This transform is usually (but not necessarily) part of a conversion from geographic to Cartesian geocentric coordinates. Each input coordinates is expected to contain:
  1. longitude (λ) relative to the prime meridian (usually Greenwich),
  2. latitude (φ),
  3. optionally height above the ellipsoid (h).
Output coordinates are as below:
  • In the Cartesian case:
    1. distance from Earth center on the X axis (toward the intersection of prime meridian and equator),
    2. distance from Earth center on the Y axis (toward the intersection of 90°E meridian and equator),
    3. distance from Earth center on the Z axis (toward North pole).
The units of measurements depend on how the Math­Transform has been created:
  • Ellipsoid­To­Centric­Transform instances created directly by the constructor expect (λ,φ) values in radians and compute (X,Y,Z) values in units of an ellipsoid having a semi-major axis length of 1.
  • Transforms created by the create­Geodetic­Conversion(…) static method expect (λ,φ) values in degrees and compute (X,Y,Z) values in units of the ellipsoid axes (usually metres).
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • eccentricitySquared

      protected final double eccentricitySquared
      The square of eccentricity: ℯ² = (a²-b²)/a² where a is the semi-major axis length and b is the semi-minor axis length.
  • Constructor Details

    • EllipsoidToCentricTransform

      public EllipsoidToCentricTransform(double semiMajor, double semiMinor, Unit<Length> unit, boolean withHeight, EllipsoidToCentricTransform.TargetType target)
      Creates a transform from angles in radians on ellipsoid having a semi-major axis length of 1. More specifically Ellipsoid­To­Centric­Transform instances expect input coordinates as below:
      1. longitudes in radians relative to the prime meridian (usually Greenwich),
      2. latitudes in radians,
      3. optionally heights above the ellipsoid, in units of an ellipsoid having a semi-major axis length of 1.
      Output coordinates are as below, in units of an ellipsoid having a semi-major axis length of 1:
      1. distance from Earth center on the X axis (toward the intersection of prime meridian and equator),
      2. distance from Earth center on the Y axis (toward the intersection of 90°E meridian and equator),
      3. distance from Earth center on the Z axis (toward North pole).

      Geographic to geocentric conversions

      For converting geographic coordinates to geocentric coordinates, Ellipsoid­To­Centric­Transform instances need to be concatenated with the following affine transforms:
      • Normalization before Ellipsoid­To­Centric­Transform:
        • Conversion of (λ,φ) from degrees to radians
        • Division of (h) by the semi-major axis length
      • Denormalization after Ellipsoid­To­Centric­Transform:
        • Multiplication of (X,Y,Z) by the semi-major axis length
      After Ellipsoid­To­Centric­Transform construction, the full conversion chain including the above affine transforms can be created by get­Contextual­Parameters().complete­Transform(factory, this)}.
      semi­Major - the semi-major axis length.
      semi­Minor - the semi-minor axis length.
      unit - the unit of measurement for the semi-axes and the ellipsoidal height.
      with­Height - true if source geographic coordinates include an ellipsoidal height (i.e. are 3-D), or false if they are only 2-D.
      target - whether the target coordinate shall be Cartesian or Spherical.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • createGeodeticConversion

      public static MathTransform createGeodeticConversion(MathTransformFactory factory, double semiMajor, double semiMinor, Unit<Length> unit, boolean withHeight, EllipsoidToCentricTransform.TargetType target) throws FactoryException
      Creates a transform from geographic to geocentric coordinates. This factory method combines the Ellipsoid­To­Centric­Transform instance with the steps needed for converting degrees to radians and expressing the results in units of the given ellipsoid.

      Input coordinates are expected to contain:

      1. longitudes in degrees relative to the prime meridian (usually Greenwich),
      2. latitudes in degrees,
      3. optionally heights above the ellipsoid, in units of the ellipsoid axis (usually metres).
      Output coordinates are as below, in units of the ellipsoid axis (usually metres):
      1. distance from Earth center on the X axis (toward the intersection of prime meridian and equator),
      2. distance from Earth center on the Y axis (toward the intersection of 90°E meridian and equator),
      3. distance from Earth center on the Z axis (toward North pole).
      factory - the factory to use for creating and concatenating the affine transforms.
      semi­Major - the semi-major axis length.
      semi­Minor - the semi-minor axis length.
      unit - the unit of measurement for the semi-axes and the ellipsoidal height.
      with­Height - true if source geographic coordinates include an ellipsoidal height (i.e. are 3-D), or false if they are only 2-D.
      target - whether the target coordinate shall be Cartesian or Spherical.
      the conversion from geographic to geocentric coordinates.
      Factory­Exception - if an error occurred while creating a transform.
    • createGeodeticConversion

      public static MathTransform createGeodeticConversion(MathTransformFactory factory, Ellipsoid ellipsoid, boolean withHeight) throws FactoryException
      Creates a transform from geographic to Cartesian geocentric coordinates (convenience method). This method is equivalent to the following:
      return createGeodeticConversion(factory,
              withHeight, TargetType.CARTESIAN);
      The target type is assumed Cartesian because this is the most frequently used target.
      factory - the factory to use for creating and concatenating the affine transforms.
      ellipsoid - the semi-major and semi-minor axis lengths with their unit of measurement.
      with­Height - true if source geographic coordinates include an ellipsoidal height (i.e. are 3-D), or false if they are only 2-D.
      the conversion from geographic to Cartesian geocentric coordinates.
      Factory­Exception - if an error occurred while creating a transform.
    • getContextualParameters

      protected ContextualParameters getContextualParameters()
      Returns the parameters used for creating the complete conversion. Those parameters describe a sequence of normalizethisdenormalize transforms, not including axis swapping. Those parameters are used for formatting Well Known Text (WKT) and error messages.
      get­Contextual­Parameters in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      the parameter values for the sequence of normalizethisdenormalize transforms.
    • getParameterValues

      @Debug public ParameterValueGroup getParameterValues()
      Returns a copy of internal parameter values of this Ellipsoid­To­Centric­Transform transform. The returned group contains parameter values for the number of dimensions and the eccentricity.

      Usage note

      This method is mostly for debugging purposes since the isolation of non-linear parameters in this class is highly implementation dependent. Most GIS applications will instead be interested in the contextual parameters.
      Specified by:
      get­Parameter­Values in interface Parameterized
      get­Parameter­Values in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      a copy of the internal parameter values for this transform.
      See Also:
    • getParameterDescriptors

      @Debug public ParameterDescriptorGroup getParameterDescriptors()
      Returns a description of the internal parameters of this Ellipsoid­To­Centric­Transform transform. The returned group contains parameter descriptors for the number of dimensions and the eccentricity.
      Specified by:
      get­Parameter­Descriptors in interface Parameterized
      get­Parameter­Descriptors in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      a description of the internal parameters.
      See Also:
    • getSourceDimensions

      public final int getSourceDimensions()
      Gets the dimension of input points, which is 2 or 3.
      Specified by:
      get­Source­Dimensions in interface Math­Transform
      Specified by:
      get­Source­Dimensions in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      2 or 3.
      See Also:
    • getTargetDimensions

      public final int getTargetDimensions()
      Gets the dimension of output points, which is 3.
      Specified by:
      get­Target­Dimensions in interface Math­Transform
      Specified by:
      get­Target­Dimensions in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      always 3.
      See Also:
    • getTargetType

      public final EllipsoidToCentricTransform.TargetType getTargetType()
      Returns whether the target coordinate system is Cartesian or Spherical.
      whether the target coordinate system is Cartesian or Spherical.
    • derivative

      public Matrix derivative(DirectPosition point) throws TransformException
      Computes the derivative at the given location. This method relaxes a little bit the Math­Transform contract by accepting two- or three-dimensional points even if the number of dimensions does not match the get­Source­Dimensions() value.


      That flexibility on the number of dimensions is required for calculation of inverse transform derivative, because that calculation needs to inverse a square matrix with all terms in it before to drop the last row in the two-dimensional case.
      Specified by:
      derivative in interface Math­Transform
      derivative in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      point - the position where to evaluate the derivative.
      the derivative at the specified point (never null).
      Transform­Exception - if the derivative cannot be evaluated at the specified point.
    • transform

      public Matrix transform(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, boolean derivate) throws TransformException
      Converts the (λ,φ) or (λ,φ,h) geodetic coordinates to to (X,Y,Z) geocentric coordinates, and optionally returns the derivative at that location.
      Specified by:
      transform in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      src­Pts - the array containing the source coordinates (cannot be null).
      src­Off - the offset to the point to be transformed in the source array.
      dst­Pts - the array into which the transformed coordinates is returned. May be the same than src­Pts. May be null if only the derivative matrix is desired.
      dst­Off - the offset to the location of the transformed point that is stored in the destination array.
      derivate - true for computing the derivative, or false if not needed.
      the matrix of the transform derivative at the given source position, or null if the derivate argument is false.
      Transform­Exception - if the point cannot be transformed or if a problem occurred while calculating the derivative.
      See Also:
    • transform

      public void transform(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) throws TransformException
      Converts the (λ,φ) or (λ,φ,h) geodetic coordinates to to (X,Y,Z) geocentric coordinates. This method performs the same conversion than transform(double[], int, double[], int, boolean), but the formulas are repeated here for performance reasons.
      Specified by:
      transform in interface Math­Transform
      transform in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      src­Pts - the array containing the source point coordinates.
      src­Off - the offset to the first point to be transformed in the source array.
      dst­Pts - the array into which the transformed point coordinates are returned. May be the same than src­Pts.
      dst­Off - the offset to the location of the first transformed point that is stored in the destination array.
      num­Pts - the number of point objects to be transformed.
      Transform­Exception - if a point cannot be transformed.
    • inverseTransform

      protected void inverseTransform(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) throws TransformException
      Converts Cartesian coordinates (X,Y,Z) to ellipsoidal coordinates (λ,φ) or (λ,φ,h). This method is invoked by the transform returned by inverse().
      src­Pts - the array containing the source point coordinates.
      src­Off - the offset to the first point to be transformed in the source array.
      dst­Pts - the array into which the transformed point coordinates are returned. May be the same than src­Pts.
      dst­Off - the offset to the location of the first transformed point that is stored in the destination array.
      num­Pts - the number of point objects to be transformed.
      Transform­Exception - if the calculation does not converge.
    • inverse

      public MathTransform inverse()
      Returns the inverse of this transform. The default implementation returns a transform that will delegate its work to inverse­Transform(double[], int, double[], int, int).
      Specified by:
      inverse in interface Math­Transform
      inverse in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      the conversion from (geo)centric to ellipsoidal coordinates.
    • computeHashCode

      protected int computeHashCode()
      Computes a hash value for this transform. This method is invoked by Abstract­Math­Transform​.hash­Code() when first needed.
      compute­Hash­Code in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      the hash code value. This value may change between different execution of the Apache SIS library.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object, ComparisonMode mode)
      Compares the specified object with this math transform for equality.
      Specified by:
      equals in interface Lenient­Comparable
      equals in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      object - the object to compare with this transform.
      mode - the strictness level of the comparison. Default to STRICT.
      true if the given object is considered equals to this math transform.
      See Also:
    • tryConcatenate

      protected MathTransform tryConcatenate(boolean applyOtherFirst, MathTransform other, MathTransformFactory factory) throws FactoryException
      If this transform expects three-dimensional inputs, and if the transform just before this one unconditionally sets the height to zero, then replaces this transform by a two-dimensional one. The intent is to handle the following sequence of operations defined in the EPSG database:
      1. Inverse of Geographic 3D to 2D conversion (EPSG:9659)
      2. Geographic/geocentric conversions (EPSG:9602)
      Replacing the above sequence by a two-dimensional Ellipsoid­To­Centric­Transform instance allow the following optimizations:
      • Avoid computation of h value.
      • Allow use of the more efficient Affine­Transform before this transform instead of a transform based on a matrix of size 4×3.
      try­Concatenate in class Abstract­Math­Transform
      apply­Other­First - true if the transformation order is other followed by this, or false if the transformation order is this followed by other.
      other - the other math transform to (pre-)concatenate with this transform.
      factory - the factory which is (indirectly) invoking this method, or null if none.
      the combined math transform, or null if no optimized combined transform is available.
      Factory­Exception - if an error occurred while combining the transforms.
      See Also: