Subject: [VOTE] Apache SIS ${version} RC1
This is a call for a vote on the following Apache SIS ${version} release candidate artifacts:
Change log/release notes:${version}.html
All Release Artifacts:${version}/RC1/
PGP release keys (signed using GnuPG):
Maven staging repository:
<repositories> <repository> <id>sis.staging</id> <name>SIS staging repository</name> <url>{XXX}</url> </repository> </repositories>
Web site except for Javadoc which will be updated the release day. The developer guide is also a work in progress not yet updated.
Please verify the artifacts and vote. The vote will be open for 72 hours. Closing date may be changed to a later day if testers need more time.
[ ] +1 approve [ ] +0 no opinion [ ] -1 disapprove (and reason why)
If no issue is reported, the content of above staging repositories will be moved as-is (no recompilation) to Apache mirrors and Maven Central repository when the release will happen. If blocking issues are reported, a new staging repository at a new URL will be created for the second release candidate.