Class NamedIdentifier

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<Generic­Name>, Identifier, Reference­Identifier, Generic­Name

public class NamedIdentifier extends ImmutableIdentifier implements GenericName
An identification of a CRS object which is both a Identifier and a Generic­Name. This class implements both interfaces in order to allow usage of the same instance either as an object name or alias. This flexibility make easier to uses object's names in two different models:
  • In the ISO 19111 model, objects have a single name of type RS_Identifier and an arbitrary amount of aliases of type Generic­Name.
  • In the GML model, objects have an arbitrary number of names of type gml:Code­Type, but do not have any alias.
By using this Named­Identifier class, users can declare supplemental object's names as aliases and have those names used in contexts where Identifier instances are required, like GML marshalling time.

Name ↔ Identifier mapping

The Generic­Name attributes will be inferred from Identifier attributes as below:
  • Tip: derived from the identifier code.
  • Head: derived from the identifier code space if non-null. If there is no code space, then the scope is derived from the shortest authority's alternate titles, or the main title if there are no alternate titles. This policy exploits the ISO 19115 comment saying that citation alternate titles often contain abbreviation (for example "DCW" as an alternative title for "Digital Chart of the World").


If the identifier attributes are authority = new Default­Citation("IOGP"), code­Space = "EPSG" and code = "4326", then the name attributes will be head = "EPSG", tip = "4326" and to­String() = "EPSG:4326". Note that the scope does not appear in the string representation of names.

Immutability and thread safety

This class is immutable and thus inherently thread-safe if the Citation and International­String arguments given to the constructor are also immutable. It is caller's responsibility to ensure that those conditions hold, for example by invoking Default­Citation​.transition­To(Default­Citation​.State​.FINAL) before passing the arguments to the constructor. Subclasses shall make sure that any overridden methods remain safe to call from multiple threads and do not change any public Named­Identifier state.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • NamedIdentifier

      public NamedIdentifier(ReferenceIdentifier identifier)
      Creates a new identifier from the specified one. This is a copy constructor which get the code, codespace, authority, version and the description (if available) from the given identifier.

      If the given identifier implements the Generic­Name interface, then calls to tip(), head(), scope() and similar methods will delegate to that name.

      identifier - the identifier to copy.
      See Also:
    • NamedIdentifier

      public NamedIdentifier(GenericName name)
      Creates a new identifier from the specified name. This constructor infers the identifier attributes (code, codespace and authority) from the given name. Calls to name-related methods like tip(), head() and scope() will delegate to the given name.
      name - the name to wrap.
      See Also:
    • NamedIdentifier

      public NamedIdentifier(Map<String,?> properties) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Constructs an identifier from the given properties. The content of the properties map is used as described in the super-class constructor, with the addition of an optional "name" property.
      Recognized properties
      Property name Value type Returned by
      "name" GenericName (none)
      Defined in parent class (reminder)
      "code" String ImmutableIdentifier.getCode()
      "codespace" String ImmutableIdentifier.getCodeSpace()
      "authority" String or Citation ImmutableIdentifier.getAuthority()
      "version" String ImmutableIdentifier.getVersion()
      "description" String or International­String ImmutableIdentifier.getDescription()
      "locale" Locale (none)
      The "code" property is mandatory and all other properties are optional. If a "name" property is provided, then calls to name-related methods like tip(), head() and scope() will delegate to the given name.
      properties - the properties to be given to this identifier.
      Invalid­Parameter­Value­Exception - if a property has an invalid value.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if a property is invalid for some other reason.
    • NamedIdentifier

      public NamedIdentifier(Citation authority, CharSequence code)
      Constructs an identifier from an authority and code. This is a convenience constructor for commonly-used parameters.

      If the given code is an International­String, then the code​.to­String(Locale​.ROOT) return value will be used for the code property, and the complete international string will be used for the name property.

      authority - organization or party responsible for definition and maintenance of the code space or code, or null if not available.
      code - identifier code or name, optionally from a controlled list or pattern defined by the authority. The code cannot be null.
    • NamedIdentifier

      public NamedIdentifier(Citation authority, String codeSpace, CharSequence code, String version, InternationalString description)
      Constructs an identifier from an authority and localizable code, with an optional version number and description.

      If the given code is an International­String, then the code​.to­String(Locale​.ROOT) return value will be used for the code property, and the complete international string will be used for the name property.

      authority - organization or party responsible for definition and maintenance of the code space or code, or null if not available.
      code­Space - name or identifier of the person or organization responsible for namespace, or null if not available. This is often an abbreviation of the authority name.
      code - identifier code or name, optionally from a controlled list or pattern defined by a code space. The code cannot be null.
      version - the version of the associated code space or code as specified by the code authority, or null if none.
      description - natural language description of the meaning of the code value, or null if none.
  • Method Details

    • castOrCopy

      public static NamedIdentifier castOrCopy(ReferenceIdentifier object)
      Returns a SIS identifier implementation with the values of the given arbitrary implementation. This method performs the first applicable action in the following choices:
      • If the given object is null, then this method returns null.
      • Otherwise if the given object is already an instance of Named­Identifier, then it is returned unchanged.
      • Otherwise a new Named­Identifier instance is created using the copy constructor and returned. Note that this is a shallow copy operation, because the other metadata contained in the given object are not recursively copied.
      object - the object to get as a SIS implementation, or null if none.
      a SIS implementation containing the values of the given object (may be the given object itself), or null if the argument was null.
    • castOrCopy

      public static NamedIdentifier castOrCopy(GenericName object)
      Returns a SIS name implementation with the values of the given arbitrary implementation. This method performs the first applicable action in the following choices:
      • If the given object is null, then this method returns null.
      • Otherwise if the given object is already an instance of Named­Identifier, then it is returned unchanged.
      • Otherwise a new Named­Identifier instance is created using the copy constructor and returned. Note that this is a shallow copy operation, because the other metadata contained in the given object are not recursively copied.
      object - the object to get as a SIS implementation, or null if none.
      a SIS implementation containing the values of the given object (may be the given object itself), or null if the argument was null.
    • tip

      public LocalName tip()
      The last element in the sequence of parsed names. By default, this is the same value than the code provided as a local name.
      Specified by:
      tip in interface Generic­Name
      the last element in the list of parsed names.
      See Also:
    • head

      public LocalName head()
      Returns the first element in the sequence of parsed names. By default, this is the same value than the code space provided as a local name.
      Specified by:
      head in interface Generic­Name
      the first element in the list of parsed names.
      See Also:
    • scope

      public NameSpace scope()
      Returns the scope (name space) in which this name is local. By default, this is the same value than the authority provided as a name space.
      Specified by:
      scope in interface Generic­Name
      the scope of this name.
      See Also:
    • depth

      public int depth()
      Returns the depth of this name within the namespace hierarchy.
      Specified by:
      depth in interface Generic­Name
      the depth of this name.
    • getParsedNames

      public List<? extends LocalName> getParsedNames()
      Returns the sequence of local names making this generic name. The length of this sequence is the depth. It does not include the scope.
      Specified by:
      get­Parsed­Names in interface Generic­Name
      the local names making this generic name, without the scope. Shall never be null neither empty.
    • push

      public ScopedName push(GenericName scope)
      Returns this name expanded with the specified scope. One may represent this operation as a concatenation of the specified name with this.
      Specified by:
      push in interface Generic­Name
      scope - The name to use as prefix.
      a concatenation of the given scope with this name.
    • toFullyQualifiedName

      public GenericName toFullyQualifiedName()
      Returns a view of this name as a fully-qualified name.
      Specified by:
      to­Fully­Qualified­Name in interface Generic­Name
      the fully-qualified name (never null).
    • toInternationalString

      public InternationalString toInternationalString()
      Returns a local-dependent string representation of this generic name. This string is similar to the one returned by to­String() except that each element has been localized in the specified locale. If no international string is available, then this method returns an implementation mapping to to­String() for all locales.
      Specified by:
      to­International­String in interface Generic­Name
      a localizable string representation of this name.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this generic name. This string representation is local-independent. It contains all elements listed by get­Parsed­Names() separated by a namespace-dependent character (usually : or /).
      Specified by:
      to­String in interface Generic­Name
      to­String in class Formattable­Object
      a local-independent string representation of this generic name.
      See Also:
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(GenericName object)
      Compares this name with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this name lexicographically precedes, is equal to, or follows the specified object.
      Specified by:
      compare­To in interface Comparable<Generic­Name>
      object - the object to compare with.
      -1 if this identifier precedes the given object, +1 if it follows it.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      Compares this identifier with the specified object for equality.
      equals in class Immutable­Identifier
      object - the object to compare with this name.
      true if the given object is equal to this name.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code value for this object.
      hash­Code in class Immutable­Identifier