Class DefaultCartesianCS

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Formattable, Deprecable, Lenient­Comparable, Affine­CS, Cartesian­CS, Coordinate­System, Identified­Object

public class DefaultCartesianCS extends DefaultAffineCS implements CartesianCS
A 2- or 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system made of straight orthogonal axes. All axes shall have the same linear unit of measure.
Permitted associations
Used with CRS Permitted axis names
Geocentric “Geocentric X”, “Geocentric Y”, “Geocentric Z”
Projected “Easting” or “Westing”, “Northing” or “Southing”
Engineering unspecified
Image unspecified

Immutability and thread safety

This class is immutable and thus thread-safe if the property values (not necessarily the map itself) and the Coordinate­System­Axis instances given to the constructor are also immutable. Unless otherwise noted in the javadoc, this condition holds if all components were created using only SIS factories and static constants.
See Also: