Class CommonAuthorityFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
Authority­Factory, CRSAuthority­Factory, Factory

public class CommonAuthorityFactory extends GeodeticAuthorityFactory implements CRSAuthorityFactory
Creates coordinate reference systems in the "OGC", "CRS" or "AUTO(2)" namespaces. All namespaces recognized by this factory are defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). Most codes map to one of the constants in the Common­CRS enumeration.
Recognized Coordinate Reference System codes
Namespace Code Name Datum type CS type Axis direction Units
CRS 1 Computer display Engineering Cartesian (east, south) pixels
CRS 27 NAD27 Geographic Ellipsoidal (east, north) degrees
CRS 83 NAD83 Geographic Ellipsoidal (east, north) degrees
CRS 84 WGS84 Geographic Ellipsoidal (east, north) degrees
CRS 88 NAVD88 Vertical Vertical up metres
AUTO2 42001 WGS 84 / Auto UTM Projected Cartesian (east, north) user-specified
AUTO2 42002 WGS 84 / Auto Tr Mercator Projected Cartesian (east, north) user-specified
AUTO2 42003 WGS 84 / Auto Orthographic Projected Cartesian (east, north) user-specified
AUTO2 42004 WGS 84 / Auto Equirectangular Projected Cartesian (east, north) user-specified
AUTO2 42005 WGS 84 / Auto Mollweide Projected Cartesian (east, north) user-specified
OGC JulianDate Julian Temporal Time (future) days
OGC TruncatedJulianDate Truncated Julian Temporal Time (future) days
OGC UnixTime Unix Time Temporal Time (future) seconds

Note on codes in CRS namespace

The format is usually "CRS:n" where n is a number like 27, 83 or 84. However, this factory is lenient and allows the CRS part to be repeated as in "CRS:CRS84". It also accepts "OGC" as a synonymous of the "CRS" namespace.
Examples: "CRS:27", "CRS:83", "CRS:84", "CRS:CRS84", "OGC:CRS84".

Note on codes in AUTO(2) namespace

The format is usually "AUTO2:n,factor,λ₀,φ₀" where n is a number between 42001 and 42005 inclusive, factor is a conversion factor from the CRS units to metres (e.g. 0.3048 for a CRS with axes in feet) and (λ₀,φ₀) is the longitude and latitude of a point in the projection centre.
Examples: "AUTO2:42001,1,-100,45" identifies a Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) projection for a zone containing the point at (45°N, 100°W) with axes in metres.
Codes in the "AUTO" namespace are the same than codes in the "AUTO2" namespace, except that the EPSG code of the desired unit of measurement was used instead of the unit factor. The "AUTO" namespace was defined in the Web Map Service (WMS) 1.1.1 specification while the "AUTO2" namespace is defined in WMS 1.3.0. In Apache SIS implementation, the unit parameter (either as factor or as EPSG code) is optional and defaults to metres.

In the AUTO(2):42001 case, the UTM zone is calculated as specified in WMS 1.3 specification, i.e. without taking in account the Norway and Svalbard special cases and without switching to polar stereographic projections for high latitudes.

See Also: