Class AngleFormat

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, Localized

public class AngleFormat extends Format implements Localized
Parses and formats angles according a specified pattern. The pattern is a string containing any characters, with a special meaning for the following characters:
Reserved characters
DThe integer part of degrees
dThe fractional part of degrees
MThe integer part of minutes
mThe fractional part of minutes
SThe integer part of seconds
sThe fractional part of seconds
#Fraction digits shown only if non-zero
.The decimal separator
?Omit the preceding field if zero
Upper-case letters D, M and S stand for the integer parts of degrees, minutes and seconds respectively. If present, they shall appear in that order.
Example: "M′D" is illegal because "M" and "S" are in reverse order. "D°S" is also illegal because "M" is missing between "D" and "S".
Lower-case letters d, m and s stand for fractional parts of degrees, minutes and seconds respectively. Only one of those can appear in a pattern. If present, they must be in the last field.
Example: "D​.dd°MM′" is illegal because "d" is followed by "M". "D​.mm" is also illegal because "m" is not the fractional part of "D".
The number of occurrences of D, M, S and their lower-case counterpart is the number of digits to format.
Example: "DD​.ddd" will format angles with two digits for the integer part and three digits for the fractional part (e.g. 4.4578 will be formatted as "04.458").
Separator characters like °, and are inserted "as-is" in the formatted string, except the decimal separator dot (.) which is replaced by the local-dependent decimal separator. Separator characters may be completely omitted; Angle­Format will still differentiate degrees, minutes and seconds fields according the pattern.
Example: "0480439" with the "DDDMMmm" pattern will be parsed as 48°04.39′.
The ? modifier specifies that the preceding field can be omitted if its value is zero. Any field can be omitted for Angle object, but only trailing fields are omitted for Longitude and Latitude.
Example: "DD°MM′?SS″?" will format an angle of 12.01° as 12°36″, but a longitude of 12.01°N as 12°00′36″N (not 12°36″N).
The above special case exists because some kind of angles are expected to be very small (e.g. rotation angles in Bursa-Wolf parameters are given in arc-seconds), while longitude and latitude values are usually distributed over their full ±180° or ±90° range. Since longitude or latitude values without the degrees field are unusual, omitting that field is likely to increase the risk of confusion in those cases.
Pattern examples
Pattern 48.5 -12.53125
DD°MM′SS.#″ 48°30′00″ -12°31′52.5″
DD°MM′ 48°30′ -12°32′
DD.ddd 48.500 -12.531
DD.### 48.5 -12.531
DDMM 4830 -1232
DDMMSSs 4830000 -1231525
DD°MM′?SS.s″? 48°30′ -12°31′52.5″
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AngleFormat

      public AngleFormat()
      Constructs a new Angle­Format for the default pattern and the current default locale.
    • AngleFormat

      public AngleFormat(Locale locale)
      Constructs a new Angle­Format for the default pattern and the specified locale.
      locale - the locale to use.
    • AngleFormat

      public AngleFormat(String pattern) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Constructs a new Angle­Format for the specified pattern and the current default locale.
      pattern - the pattern to use for parsing and formatting angles. See class description for an explanation of pattern syntax.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the specified pattern is illegal.
    • AngleFormat

      public AngleFormat(String pattern, Locale locale) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Constructs a new Angle­Format using the specified pattern and locale.
      pattern - the pattern to use for parsing and formatting angles. See class description for an explanation of pattern syntax.
      locale - the locale to use.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the specified pattern is illegal.
  • Method Details

    • getInstance

      public static AngleFormat getInstance()
      Constructs a new Angle­Format for the default pattern and the current default locale.
      an angle format for the current default locale.
    • getInstance

      public static AngleFormat getInstance(Locale locale)
      Constructs a new Angle­Format for the default pattern and the specified locale.
      locale - the locale to use.
      an angle format for the given locale.
    • applyPattern

      public void applyPattern(String pattern) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Sets the pattern to use for parsing and formatting angles. See class description for a description of pattern syntax.
      pattern - the pattern to use for parsing and formatting angle.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the specified pattern is not legal.
      See Also:
    • toPattern

      public String toPattern()
      Returns the pattern used for parsing and formatting angles. See class description for an explanation of how patterns work.
      the formatting pattern.
      See Also:
    • getRoundingMode

      public RoundingMode getRoundingMode()
      Returns the rounding mode. Default value is Rounding­Mode​.HALF_EVEN.
      the rounding mode.
      See Also:
    • setRoundingMode

      public void setRoundingMode(RoundingMode mode)
      Sets the rounding mode to the specified value. The given mode can be one of the following:
      Supported rounding modes
      Rounding mode Result
      UP Round away from zero.
      DOWN Round towards zero.
      CEILING Round towards positive infinity.
      FLOOR Round towards negative infinity.
      HALF_EVEN Round towards nearest neighbor.
      The Rounding­Mode​.HALF_UP and HALF_DOWN values are not supported by the current Angle­Format implementation.
      mode - the new rounding mode.
      See Also:
    • getPrecision

      public double getPrecision()
      Returns the precision of angles formatted by current pattern, in decimal degrees. For example if the angle pattern is "D°MM′", then this method returns 1/60.
      precision in decimal degrees of angles formatted by current pattern.
    • setPrecision

      public void setPrecision(double resolution, boolean allowFieldChanges)
      Adjusts the number of fraction digits, and optionally the visible fields, for the given precision. If the allow­Field­Changes argument is false, then this method adjusts only the minimum and maximum fraction digits in order to show angles with at least the specified precision. But if the allow­Field­Changes argument is true, then this method may change the set of fields (degrees, minutes or seconds) to show before to adjust the number of fraction digits. In that case, this method selects the first row in the following table where the precision matches the condition:
      Selected fields for given precision
      Precision Fields
      ≥ 1°
      ≥ ⅒° D.d°
      ≥ 1′ D°MM′
      ≥ ⅒′ D°MM.m′
      ≥ 1″ D°MM′SS″
      ≥ ⅒″ D°MM′SS.s″
      other D°MM′…″
      resolution - the desired angle resolution, in decimal degrees.
      allow­Field­Changes - whether this method is allowed to change the set of fields (degrees, minutes or seconds).
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given resolution is NaN or infinite.
    • getMinimumFractionDigits

      public int getMinimumFractionDigits()
      Returns the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of the last field. This value can be set by the repetition of 'd', 'm' or 's' symbol in the pattern.
      the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion.
      See Also:
    • setMinimumFractionDigits

      public void setMinimumFractionDigits(int count)
      Sets the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of the last field. If the given value is greater than the maximum number of fraction digits, then that maximum number will be set to the given value too.
      count - the minimum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion.
      See Also:
    • getMaximumFractionDigits

      public int getMaximumFractionDigits()
      Returns the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of the last field. This value can be set by the repetition of '#' symbol in the pattern.
      the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion.
      See Also:
    • setMaximumFractionDigits

      public void setMaximumFractionDigits(int count)
      Sets the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion of the last field. If the given value is smaller than the minimum number of fraction digits, then that minimum number will be set to the given value too.
      count - the maximum number of digits allowed in the fraction portion.
      See Also:
    • setMaximumWidth

      public void setMaximumWidth(int width)
      Modifies, if needed, the pattern in order to fit formatted angles in the given maximum total width. This method applies zero, one or more of the following changes, in that order:
      1. If needed, reduce the maximum number of fraction digits.
      2. If omitting all fraction digits would not be sufficient for fitting a formatted angle in the given width, remove the seconds field (if any) from the pattern.
      3. If the above changes are not sufficient, remove the minutes field (if any) from the pattern.
      4. If the above changes are not sufficient, set the minimal width of degrees field to 1.
      Note that despite the above changes, formatted angles may still be larger than the given width if that width is small, or if the formatted angles are too large in magnitude.

      This method does not take into account the space needed for the hemisphere symbol when formatting Latitude or Longitude objects.

      width - the maximum total width of formatted angle.
    • format

      public final String format(double angle)
      Formats an angle. The angle will be formatted according the pattern given to the last call of apply­Pattern(String).
      angle - angle to format, in decimal degrees.
      the formatted string.
    • format

      public StringBuffer format(double angle, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos)
      Formats an angle in the given buffer. The angle will be formatted according the pattern given to the last call of apply­Pattern(String).
      angle - angle to format, in decimal degrees.
      to­Append­To - the buffer where to append the formatted angle.
      pos - an optional object where to store the position of the field in the formatted text, or null if this information is not wanted. This field position shall be created with one of the Angle­Format​.Field constants.
      the to­Append­To buffer, returned for method calls chaining.
    • format

      public StringBuffer format(Object value, StringBuffer toAppendTo, FieldPosition pos) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Formats an angle, latitude or longitude value in the given buffer. The angular values will be formatted according the pattern given to the last call of apply­Pattern(String), with some variations that depend on the value class:
      • If value is a Latitude instance, then the value is formatted as a positive angle followed by the "N" (positive value) or "S" (negative value) symbol.
      • If value is a Longitude instance, then the value is formatted as a positive angle followed by the "E" (positive value) or "W" (negative value) symbol.
      • If value is any Angle other than a Latitude or Longitude, then it is formatted as by the format(double, String­Buffer, Field­Position) method.
      Specified by:
      format in class Format
      value - Angle object to format.
      to­Append­To - the buffer where to append the formatted angle.
      pos - an optional object where to store the position of the field in the formatted text, or null if this information is not wanted. This field position shall be created with one of the Angle­Format​.Field constants.
      the to­Append­To buffer, returned for method calls chaining.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if value if not an instance of Angle.
    • formatToCharacterIterator

      public AttributedCharacterIterator formatToCharacterIterator(Object value)
      Formats an angle, latitude or longitude value as an attributed character iterator. Callers can iterate and queries the attribute values as in the following example:
      AttributedCharacterIterator it = angleFormat.formatToCharacterIterator(myAngle);
      for (char c=it.first(); c!=AttributedCharacterIterator.DONE; {
          // 'c' is a character from the formatted string.
          if (it.getAttribute(AngleFormat.Field.MINUTES) != null) {
              // If we enter this block, then the character 'c' is part of the minutes field,
              // This field extends from it.getRunStart(MINUTES) to it.getRunLimit(MINUTES).
      Alternatively, if the current iterator index is before the start of the minutes field, then the starting position of that field can be obtained directly by it​.get­Run­Limit(MINUTES). If the current iterator index is inside the minutes field, then the above method call will rather returns the end of that field. The same strategy works for other all fields too.

      The returned character iterator contains all Number­Format​.Field attributes in addition to the Angle­Format​.Field ones. Consequently, the same character may have more than one attribute. For example, when formatting 45°30′15.0″N, then:

      In Apache SIS implementation, the returned character iterator also implements the Char­Sequence interface for convenience.
      format­To­Character­Iterator in class Format
      value - the Angle object to format.
      a character iterator together with the attributes describing the formatted value.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if value if not an instance of Angle.
    • parse

      public Angle parse(String source, ParsePosition pos)
      Parses the given string as an angle. This method can parse the string even if it is not strictly compliant to the expected pattern. For example if is­Fallback­Allowed() is true, then this method will parse "48°12.34'" correctly even if the expected pattern was "DDMM​.mm" (i.e. the string should have been "4812.34").

      If the given string ends with a "N" or "S" hemisphere symbol, then this method returns an instance of Latitude. Otherwise if the string ends with a "E" or "W" symbol, then this method returns an instance of Longitude. Otherwise this method returns an instance of Angle.

      This method is stricter than the parse(String) method regarding whitespaces between the degrees, minutes and seconds fields. This is because whitespaces could be used as a separator for other kinds of values. If the string is known to contain only an angle value, use parse(String) instead.

      source - the string to parse.
      pos - on input, index of the first source character to read. On output, index after the last parsed character.
      the parsed string as an Angle, Latitude or Longitude object.
      See Also:
    • parse

      public Angle parse(String source) throws ParseException
      Parses the given string as an angle. This full string is expected to represents an angle value. This assumption allows parse(String) to be more tolerant than parse(String, Parse­Position) regarding white spaces between degrees, minutes and seconds fields.
      source - the string to parse.
      the parsed string as an Angle, Latitude or Longitude object.
      Parse­Exception - if the string cannot be fully parsed.
      See Also:
    • parseObject

      public Object parseObject(String source, ParsePosition pos)
      Parses a substring as an object. The default implementation delegates to parse(String, Parse­Position).
      Specified by:
      parse­Object in class Format
      source - the string to parse.
      pos - the position where to start parsing.
      the parsed string as an Angle, Latitude or Longitude object.
    • parseObject

      public Object parseObject(String source) throws ParseException
      Parses the given string as an object. The default implementation delegates to parse(String).
      parse­Object in class Format
      source - the string to parse.
      the parsed string as an Angle, Latitude or Longitude object.
      Parse­Exception - if the string cannot be fully parsed.
    • isFallbackAllowed

      public boolean isFallbackAllowed()
      Returns true if the parse methods are allowed to fallback on the build-in default symbols if the string to parse doesn't match the applied pattern.
      true if the ASCII quote characters are allowed at parsing time.
    • setFallbackAllowed

      public void setFallbackAllowed(boolean allowed)
      Sets whether the parse methods are allowed to fallback on the build-in default symbols if the string to parse doesn't match the applied pattern. The build-in fallback is:
      • ° (an extended-ASCII character) or space (in parse(String) method only) for degrees.
      • ' (an ASCII character) or (the default Unicode character) for minutes.
      • " (an ASCII character) or (the default Unicode character) for seconds.
      The default value is true, because many end-users will not enter the Unicode and symbols. However, developers may need to set this flag to false if those ASCII symbols are used in a wider context (for example the " character for quoting strings).
      allowed - true if the ASCII quote characters are allowed at parsing time.
    • getLocale

      public Locale getLocale()
      Returns this formatter locale. This is the locale specified at construction time if any, or the default locale at construction time otherwise.
      Specified by:
      get­Locale in interface Localized
      this formatter locale (never null).
    • clone

      public AngleFormat clone()
      Returns a clone of this Angle­Format.
      clone in class Format
      a clone of this format.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Returns a "hash value" for this object.
      hash­Code in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      Compares this format with the specified object for equality.
      equals in class Object
      object - the object to compare with this angle format for equality.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this object for debugging purpose.
      to­String in class Object