Class MonolineFormatter


public class MonolineFormatter extends Formatter
A formatter writing log messages on a single line. Compared to the JDK Simple­Formatter, this formatter uses only one line per message instead of two. For example, messages formatted by Monoline­Formatter may look like:
Logging example
00:01CONFIG [MyApplication] Read configuration from “my-application/setup.xml”.
00:03INFO [EPSGFactory] Connected to the EPSG database version 9.1 on Derby 10.14.
00:12WARNING [NetcdfStore] Read “” in 0.2 second.
By default, Monoline­Formatter shows only the level and the message. One or two additional fields can be inserted between the level and the message if the set­Time­Format(String) or set­Source­Format(String) methods are invoked with o non-null argument. Examples:
  • set­Time­Format("HH:mm:ss") for formatting the time like 00:00:04", as time elapsed since the Monoline­Formatter creation time.
  • set­Source­Format("logger:long") for formatting the full logger name (e.g. "org​.apache​.sis​.storage​.netcdf").
  • set­Source­Format("class:short") for formatting the short class name, without package (e.g. "Netcdf­Store").

Configuration from logging​.properties

The format can also be set from a logging​.properties file. For example, user can cut and paste the following properties into logging​.properties:
# Properties for the MonolineFormatter.
# By default, MonolineFormatter displays only the log level
# and the message. Additional options can be specified here:
#  time:   If set, writes the time elapsed since initialization.
#          The argument specifies the output pattern. For example,
#          the "HH:mm:ss.SSSS" pattern displays the hours, minutes,
#          seconds and milliseconds.
#  source: If set, writes the source logger name or the source class name.
#          Valid argument values are "none", "logger:short", "logger:long",
#          "class:short", "class:long" and "class.method".
org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter.time = HH:mm:ss.SSS
org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter.source = class:short
See set­Time­Format(String) and set­Source­Format(String) for more information about the above time and source properties. Encoding and logging level are configured separately, typically on the JDK Console­Handler like below:
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.encoding = UTF-8
java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = FINE

Thread safety

The same Monoline­Formatter instance can be safely used by many threads without synchronization on the part of the caller. Subclasses should make sure that any overridden methods remain safe to call from multiple threads.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MonolineFormatter

      public MonolineFormatter()
      Constructs a default Monoline­Formatter. This no-argument constructor is invoked by the logging system if the logging​.properties file contains the following line:
      java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = org.apache.sis.util.logging.MonolineFormatter
    • MonolineFormatter

      public MonolineFormatter(Handler handler)
      Constructs a Monoline­Formatter configured for the given handler.

      Auto-configuration from the handler

      Formatters are often associated to a particular handler. If this handler is known, giving it at construction time can help this formatter to configure itself. This handler is only a hint - it will not be modified, and no reference to that handler will be kept by this constructor.
      handler - The handler to be used with this formatter, or null if unknown.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getHeader

      public String getHeader()
      Returns the string to write on the left side of the first line of every log records, or null if none. This is a string to be shown just before the level.
      the string to write on the left side of the first line of every log records, or null if none.
    • setHeader

      public void setHeader(String header)
      Sets the string to write on the left side of the first line of every log records.
      header - The string to write on the left side of the first line of every log records, or null if none.
    • getTimeFormat

      public String getTimeFormat()
      Returns the format for elapsed time, or null if the time is not shown. This method returns the pattern specified by the last call to the set­Time­Format(String) method, or the patten specified by the org​.apache​.sis​.util​.logging​.Monoline­Formatter​.time property in the jre/lib/logging​.properties file.
      the time pattern, or null if elapsed time is not formatted.
    • setTimeFormat

      public void setTimeFormat(String pattern) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Sets the format for elapsed time, or hides the time field. The pattern must matches the format specified in Simple­Date­Format, but for the time part only (no date).


      The "HH:mm:ss​.SSS" pattern will display the elapsed time in hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds.
      pattern - the time pattern, or null to disable time formatting.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given pattern is invalid.
    • getSourceFormat

      public String getSourceFormat()
      Returns the format for the source, or null is the source is not shown. This method returns the source format specified by the last call to the set­Source­Format(String) method, or the format specified by the org​.apache​.sis​.util​.logging​.Monoline­Formatter​.source property in the jre/lib/logging​.properties file.
      the source format, or null if source is not formatted.
    • setSourceFormat

      public void setSourceFormat(String format) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Sets the format for displaying the source, or hides the source field. The given format can be any of the following values, from more verbose to less verbose:
      • null for hiding the source field.
      • "class:long" for the source class name
      • "logger:long" for the logger name
      • "class:short" for the source class name without the package part.
      • "logger:short" for the logger name without the package part.
      • "class​.method" for the short class name followed by the source method name
      The source class name usually contains the logger name since (by convention) logger names are package names, but this is not mandatory neither enforced.
      format - the format for displaying the source, or null if the source shall not be formatted.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given argument is not one of the recognized format names.
    • getLevelColor

      public String getLevelColor(Level level)
      Returns the color used for the given level, or null if none. The current set of supported colors are "red", "green", "yellow", "blue", "magenta", "cyan" and "gray". This set may be extended in any future SIS version.
      level - the level for which to get the color.
      the color for the given level, or null if none.
    • setLevelColor

      public void setLevelColor(Level level, String color) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Sets the color to use for the given level, or null for removing colorization. This method should be invoked only if this formatter is associated to a Handler writing to a terminal supporting ANSI escape codes (a.k.a. ECMA-48, ISO/IEC 6429 and X3.64 standards).

      The given color argument shall be one of the values documented in the get­Level­Color(Level) method.

      level - the level for which to set a new color.
      color - the case-insensitive new color, or null if none.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given color is not one of the recognized values.
    • resetLevelColors

      public void resetLevelColors(boolean enabled)
      Resets the colors setting to its default value.
      • If enabled is true, then this method defines a default set of colors.
      • If enabled is false, then this method resets the formatting to plain text.
      This method does not check if ANSI escape codes are supported or not. This check must be done by the caller.
      enabled - true for defining a default set of colors, or false for removing all colors.
    • format

      public String format(LogRecord record)
      Formats the given log record and returns the formatted string. See the class javadoc for information on the log format.
      Specified by:
      format in class Formatter
      record - the log record to be formatted.
      a formatted log record.
    • formatMessage

      public String formatMessage(LogRecord record)
      Returns the localized message from the given log record. First this method gets the raw message from the given record. Then there is choices:
      • If the given record specifies a resource bundle, then the message is used as a key for fetching the localized resources in the given bundle.
      • If the given record specifies one or more parameters and if the message seems to use the Message­Format syntax, then the message is formatted by Message­Format.
      format­Message in class Formatter
      record - The log record from which to get a localized message.
      the localized message.
    • install

      public static MonolineFormatter install() throws SecurityException
      Installs a Monoline­Formatter for the root logger, or returns the existing instance if any. This method performs the following choices:
      • If a Console­Handler is associated to the root logger, then:
        • If that handler already uses a Monoline­Formatter, then the existing formatter is returned.
        • Otherwise the Console­Handler formatter is replaced by a new Monoline­Formatter instance, and that new instance is returned. We perform this replacement in order to avoid sending twice the same records to the console.
      • Otherwise a new Console­Handler using a new Monoline­Formatter is created and added to the root logger.


      The current implementation does not check for duplicated Console­Handler instances, and does not check if any child logger has a Console­Handler.
      the new or existing Monoline­Formatter. The formatter output can be configured using the set­Time­Format(String) and set­Source­Format(String) methods.
      Security­Exception - if this method does not have the permission to install the formatter.
    • install

      @Debug public static MonolineFormatter install(Logger logger, Level level) throws SecurityException
      Installs a Monoline­Formatter for the specified logger, or returns the existing instance if any. This method performs the following steps:
      • If a Console­Handler is associated to the given logger, then:
        • If that handler already uses a Monoline­Formatter, then the existing formatter is returned.
        • Otherwise the Console­Handler formatter is replaced by a new Monoline­Formatter instance, and that new instance is returned. We perform this replacement in order to avoid sending twice the same records to the console.
      • Otherwise:
        • The Logger​.set­Use­Parent­Handlers(boolean) flag is set to false for avoiding duplicated loggings if a Console­Handler instance exists in the parent handlers.
        • Parent handlers that are not Console­Handler instances are added to the given logger in order to preserve similar behavior as before the call to set­Use­Parent­Handlers(false).
        • A new Console­Handler using a new Monoline­Formatter is created and added to the given logger.


      The current implementation does not check for duplicated Console­Handler instances, and does not check if any child logger has a Console­Handler.

      Specifying a log level

      This method can opportunistically set the handler level. If the given level is non-null, then the Console­Handler using the Monoline­Formatter will be set to that level. This is mostly a convenience for temporary increase of logging verbosity for debugging purpose. This functionality should not be used in production environment, since it overwrite user's level setting.
      logger - the base logger to apply the change on.
      level - the desired level, or null if no level should be set.
      the new or existing Monoline­Formatter. The formatter output can be configured using the set­Time­Format(String) and set­Source­Format(String) methods.
      Security­Exception - if this method does not have the permission to install the formatter.