SIS 0.8 Release notes
- Release date: 2017-11-24
- Next release
- Previous release
- Incompatible changes
- Noticeable changes
- Requirement: Java 7
An important change in Apache SIS 0.8 is the replacement of the deprecated JSR-275 dependency by JSR-363 — Units of Measurement API (this implies an upgrade from GeoAPI 3.0.0 to GeoAPI 3.0.1). Users are encouraged to upgrade to Apache SIS 0.8 or later for resolving this dependency issue.
Incompatible changes
Not determined.
Noticeable changes
New Features
- [SIS-128] — Implement the JSR-363 javax.measure interfaces
- [SIS-341] — Support “crs-compound” in URLs
- [SIS-352] — Support spatial referencing by geographic identifiers (ISO 19112)
- [SIS-232] — Albers Equal Area (EPSG:9822)
- [SIS-230] — Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area (EPSG:9835)
- [SIS-231] — Lambert Cylindrical Equal Area (Spherical) (EPSG:9834)
- [SIS-220] — Transverse Mercator Zoned Grid System (EPSG:9824)
- [SIS-354] — Military Grid Reference System (MGRS)
- [SIS-284] — Geographic2D with Height Offsets (EPSG:9618)
- [SIS-343] — Axis order reversal (EPSG:9843)
- [SIS-337] — Package EPSG Derby DB in sis-epsg jar, eliminating the need for external SIS_DATA dir
- [SIS-355] — Provide a “deep copy” operation on ISO 19115 metadata
- [SIS-373] — Create JNI wrapper for GDAL/Proj.4
- [SIS-374] — Add-in for OpenOffice / LibreOffice
- [SIS-344] — Update EPSG geodetic dataset to version 9.0
- [SIS-353] — UTM should take in account Norway and Svalbard special cases
- [SIS-368] — When a coordinate operation change the longitude axis range from [-180 … +180]° to [0 … 360]°, the Envelopes.transform(…) result should be normalized accordingly
- [SIS-390] — When datum shift information are missing, still apply ellipsoid change
- [SIS-330] — Missing EPSG identifiers for Molodensky parameters
- [SIS-335] — CRS.findOperation(…) sometimes slow
- [SIS-327] — Defer loading of datum shift grid files
- [SIS-298] — Simplification in MetadataTreeFormat output
- [SIS-171] — Upgrade NetCDF to ISO-19115 mapping
- [SIS-314] — NetCDF: read method with subsampling and area parameters
- [SIS-367] — IntegerList: Comodification check / primitive Stream
Bug fixes
- [SIS-328] — EPSG factory on PostgreSQL fails because of missing cast
- [SIS-329] — Transformation of envelope from UTM to WGS84 sometimes wrongly expanded to the ±180° longitude range
- [SIS-333] — In GML, the second defining parameter of spheres should be gml:isSpheretrue</gml:isSphere>
- [SIS-346] — MetadataStandard.asValueMap(…) / asTreeTable(…) do not work if the argument implements more than one metadata interface
- [SIS-347] — Extents.area(GeographicBoundingBox) returns 0 if the longitude range is 360° large.
- [SIS-348] — CompoundFormat.parse(CharSequence text, ParsePosition pos) javadoc is inconsistent with implementation
- [SIS-349] — Dead-lock between ContextualParameters and WeakHashSet
- [SIS-364] — OperationNotFoundException thrown for some pairs of CRS when the EPSG database is not available