Class Configuration


public final class Configuration extends Object
Provides system-wide configuration for Apache SIS library. Methods in this class can be used for overriding SIS default values. Those methods can be used in final applications, but should not be used by libraries in order to avoid interfering with user's settings.

Other system-wide configuration

The following methods have system-wide effects on Apache SIS configuration, but are not yet controlled through this Configuration class: The following properties are defined by the standard Java environment. Apache SIS read those properties but does not modify them:
  • Method Details

    • current

      public static Configuration current()
      Returns the current configuration.
      the current configuration.
    • getDatabase

      public Optional<DataSource> getDatabase() throws SQLException
      Returns the data source for the SIS-wide "SpatialMetadata" database. This method returns the first of the following steps that succeed:
      1. If a JNDI context exists, use the data source registered under the "jdbc/Spatial­Metadata" name.
      2. Otherwise if a default data source has been supplied, use that data source.
      3. Otherwise if the SIS_DATA environment variable is defined, use the data source for "jdbc:derby:$SIS_DATA/Databases/Spatial­Metadata". That database will be created if it does not exist. Note that this is the only case where Apache SIS may create the database since it is located in the directory managed by Apache SIS.
      4. Otherwise if the org​.apache​.sis​.referencing​.database module is present on the module path, use the embedded database.
      5. Otherwise if the "derby​.system​.home" property is defined, use the data source for "jdbc:derby:Spatial­Metadata" database. This database will not be created if it does not exist.
      the data source for the "Spatial­Metadata" database.
      SQLException - if an error occurred while fetching the database source.
    • setDatabase

      public void setDatabase(Supplier<DataSource> source)
      Specifies the data source to use if no "jdbc/Spatial­Metadata" source is binded to a JNDI environment. Data source specified by JNDI has precedence over data source specified by this method in order to let users control their data source. The following example shows how to setup a connection to a PostgreSQL database:
      import org.postgresql.ds.PGSimpleDataSource;
      class MyClass {
          private static DataSource createDataSource() {
              PGSimpleDataSource ds = new PGSimpleDataSource();
              // Server default to "localhost".
              return ds;
          static initialize() {
              if (WANT_TO_CONFIGURE_JNDI) {
                  // Registration assuming that a JNDI implementation is available
                  Context env = (Context) InitialContext.doLookup("java:comp/env");
                  env.bind("jdbc/SpatialMetadata", createDataSource());
              // Fallback if there is no JNDI or no "SpatialMetadata" entry.
      This method can be invoked only before the first attempt to get the database. If the Data­Source has already be obtained, then this method throws Illegal­State­Exception.
      source - supplier of data source to set. The supplier may return null, in which case it will be ignored.
      Illegal­State­Exception - if Data­Source has already be obtained before this method call.
      See Also: