Class ArraysExt


public final class ArraysExt extends Static
Static methods for simple operations on arrays and array elements. This is an extension to the standard Arrays utility class. Some worthy methods are:
  • The resize methods, which are very similar to the Arrays​.copy­Of(…) methods except that they accept null arrays and do not copy anything if the given array already has the requested length.
  • The insert and remove methods for adding and removing elements in the middle of an array.
  • The is­Sorted methods for verifying if an array is sorted, strictly or not.

Handling of null values

Many (but not all) methods in this class are tolerant to null parameter values, sometimes under certain conditions. See the method javadoc for details.

All methods in this class are tolerant to null elements in arrays. Null and NaN elements are ignored.

Performance consideration

The methods listed below are provided as convenience for casual use on small arrays. For large arrays or for frequent use, consider using the Java collection framework instead.
Convenience methods for casual use on small arrays
Method Alternative
resize(Object[], int) ArrayList
append(Object[], Object) ArrayList
insert(Object[], int, Object[], int, int) LinkedList
remove(Object[], int, int) LinkedList
intersects(Object[], Object[]) HashSet
contains(Object[], Object) HashSet
containsIdentity(Object[], Object) IdentityHashMap
Note that this recommendation applies mostly to arrays of objects. It may not apply to arrays of primitive types, since as of JDK7 the collection framework wraps every primitive types in objects.
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final boolean[]
    An empty array of boolean primitive type.
    static final byte[]
    An empty array of byte primitive type.
    static final char[]
    An empty array of char primitive type.
    static final double[]
    An empty array of double primitive type.
    static final float[]
    An empty array of float primitive type.
    static final int[]
    An empty array of int primitive type.
    static final long[]
    An empty array of long primitive type.
    static final short[]
    An empty array of short primitive type.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static boolean
    all­Equals(double[] array, double value)
    Returns true if all values in the specified array are equal to the specified value, which may be Double​.Na­N.
    static boolean
    all­Equals(float[] array, float value)
    Returns true if all values in the specified array are equal to the specified value, which may be Float​.Na­N.
    static boolean
    all­Equals(int[] array, int value)
    Returns true if all values in the specified array are equal to the specified value.
    static boolean
    all­Equals(Object[] array, Object value)
    Returns true if all values in the specified array are equal to the specified value, which may be null.
    static <T> T[]
    append(T[] array, T element)
    Returns a copy of the given array with a single element appended at the end.
    static int[]
    concatenate(int[] a1, int[] a2)
    Returns the concatenation of the given arrays.
    static long[]
    concatenate(long[] a1, long[] a2)
    Returns the concatenation of the given arrays.
    static <T> T[]
    concatenate(T[]... arrays)
    Returns the concatenation of all given arrays.
    static boolean
    contains(Object[] array, Object value)
    Returns true if the specified array contains the specified value.
    static boolean
    contains­Identity(Object[] array, Object value)
    Returns true if the specified array contains the specified reference.
    static boolean
    Returns true if the specified array contains the specified value, ignoring case.
    static float[]
    copy­As­Floats(double[] data)
    Returns a copy of the given array where each value has been casted to the float type.
    static float[]
    Returns a copy of the given array where each value has been casted to the float type, but only if all casts are lossless.
    static long[]
    copy­As­Longs(int[] data)
    Returns a copy of the given array where each value has been casted to the long type.
    static boolean
    has­Na­N(double[] array)
    Returns true if the specified array contains at least one Na­N value.
    static boolean
    has­Na­N(float[] array)
    Returns true if the specified array contains at least one Na­N value.
    static boolean[]
    insert(boolean[] src, int src­Off, boolean[] dst, int dst­Off, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index.
    static boolean[]
    insert(boolean[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range.
    static byte[]
    insert(byte[] src, int src­Off, byte[] dst, int dst­Off, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index.
    static byte[]
    insert(byte[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range.
    static char[]
    insert(char[] src, int src­Off, char[] dst, int dst­Off, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index.
    static char[]
    insert(char[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range.
    static double[]
    insert(double[] src, int src­Off, double[] dst, int dst­Off, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index.
    static double[]
    insert(double[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range.
    static float[]
    insert(float[] src, int src­Off, float[] dst, int dst­Off, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index.
    static float[]
    insert(float[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range.
    static int[]
    insert(int[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range.
    static int[]
    insert(int[] src, int src­Off, int[] dst, int dst­Off, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index.
    static long[]
    insert(long[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range.
    static long[]
    insert(long[] src, int src­Off, long[] dst, int dst­Off, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index.
    static short[]
    insert(short[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range.
    static short[]
    insert(short[] src, int src­Off, short[] dst, int dst­Off, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index.
    static <E> E[]
    insert(E[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range.
    static <E> E[]
    insert(E[] src, int src­Off, E[] dst, int dst­Off, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index.
    static boolean
    intersects(Object[] array1, Object[] array2)
    Returns true if at least one element in the first array is equals to an element in the second array.
    static boolean
    is­Range(int start, int[] array)
    Returns true if the given array is a finite arithmetic progression starting at the given value and having a common difference of 1.
    static boolean
    is­Single­Precision(double... values)
    Returns true if every values in the given double array could be casted to the float type without data lost.
    static boolean
    is­Sorted(byte[] array, boolean strict)
    Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order.
    static boolean
    is­Sorted(char[] array, boolean strict)
    Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order.
    static boolean
    is­Sorted(double[] array, boolean strict)
    Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order.
    static boolean
    is­Sorted(float[] array, boolean strict)
    Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order.
    static boolean
    is­Sorted(int[] array, boolean strict)
    Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order.
    static boolean
    is­Sorted(long[] array, boolean strict)
    Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order.
    static boolean
    is­Sorted(short[] array, boolean strict)
    Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order.
    static <E extends Comparable<? super E>>
    is­Sorted(E[] array, boolean strict)
    Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order.
    static <E> boolean
    is­Sorted(E[] array, Comparator<? super E> comparator, boolean strict)
    Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order.
    static int[]
    range(int start, int end)
    Returns the ordered values in the range from start inclusive to end exclusive.
    static boolean[]
    remove(boolean[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range.
    static byte[]
    remove(byte[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range.
    static char[]
    remove(char[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range.
    static double[]
    remove(double[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range.
    static float[]
    remove(float[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range.
    static int[]
    remove(int[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range.
    static long[]
    remove(long[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range.
    static short[]
    remove(short[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range.
    static <E> E[]
    remove(E[] array, int first, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range.
    static int
    Removes the duplicated elements in the given array.
    static void
    replace(double[] array, double search, double replacement)
    Replaces all occurrences of the given value by the given replacement.
    static void
    replace(float[] array, float search, float replacement)
    Replaces all occurrences of the given value by the given replacement.
    static boolean[]
    resize(boolean[] array, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with false if necessary.
    static byte[]
    resize(byte[] array, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary.
    static char[]
    resize(char[] array, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary.
    static double[]
    resize(double[] array, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary.
    static float[]
    resize(float[] array, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary.
    static int[]
    resize(int[] array, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary.
    static long[]
    resize(long[] array, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary.
    static short[]
    resize(short[] array, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary.
    static <E> E[]
    resize(E[] array, int length)
    Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but with the specified length, truncating or padding with null if necessary.
    static void
    reverse(int[] values)
    Reverses the order of elements in the given array.
    static void
    reverse(Object[] entries)
    Reverses the order of elements in the given array.
    static void
    swap(byte[] data, int i0, int i1)
    Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of byte values.
    static void
    swap(char[] data, int i0, int i1)
    Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of char values.
    static void
    swap(double[] data, int i0, int i1)
    Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of double values.
    static void
    swap(float[] data, int i0, int i1)
    Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of float values.
    static void
    swap(int[] data, int i0, int i1)
    Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of int values.
    static void
    swap(long[] data, int i0, int i1)
    Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of long values.
    static void
    swap(short[] data, int i0, int i1)
    Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of short values.
    static void
    swap(Object[] data, int i0, int i1)
    Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of Object values.
    static int[]
    union­Of­Sorted(int[] array1, int[] array2)
    Returns the union of two sorted arrays.
  • Field Details


      public static final double[] EMPTY_DOUBLE
      An empty array of double primitive type. Such arrays are immutable and can be safely shared.

      public static final float[] EMPTY_FLOAT
      An empty array of float primitive type. Such arrays are immutable and can be safely shared.

      public static final long[] EMPTY_LONG
      An empty array of long primitive type. Such arrays are immutable and can be safely shared.

      public static final int[] EMPTY_INT
      An empty array of int primitive type. Such arrays are immutable and can be safely shared.

      public static final short[] EMPTY_SHORT
      An empty array of short primitive type. Such arrays are immutable and can be safely shared.

      public static final byte[] EMPTY_BYTE
      An empty array of byte primitive type. Such arrays are immutable and can be safely shared.

      public static final char[] EMPTY_CHAR
      An empty array of char primitive type. Such arrays are immutable and can be safely shared.

      public static final boolean[] EMPTY_BOOLEAN
      An empty array of boolean primitive type. Such arrays are immutable and can be safely shared.
  • Method Details

    • resize

      public static <E> E[] resize(E[] array, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but with the specified length, truncating or padding with null if necessary.
      • If the given length is longer than the length of the given array, then the returned array will contain all the elements of array at index i < array​.length. Elements at index i >= array​.length are initialized to null.
      • If the given length is shorter than the length of the given array, then the returned array will contain only the elements of array at index i < length. Remaining elements are not copied.
      • If the given length is equal to the length of the given array, then array is returned unchanged. No copy is performed. This behavior is different than the Arrays​.copy­Of(Object[], int) one.
      Note that if the given array is null, then this method unconditionally returns null no matter the value of the length argument.
      Type Parameters:
      E - the array elements.
      array - array to resize, or null.
      length - length of the desired array.
      a new array of the requested length, or array if the given array is null or already have the requested length.
      Negative­Array­Size­Exception - if length is negative.
      See Also:
    • resize

      public static double[] resize(double[] array, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary. This method returns null if and only if the given array is null, in which case the value of the length argument is ignored.
      array - array to resize, or null.
      length - length of the desired array.
      a new array of the requested length, or array if the given array is null or already have the requested length.
      Negative­Array­Size­Exception - if length is negative.
      See Also:
    • resize

      public static float[] resize(float[] array, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary. This method returns null if and only if the given array is null, in which case the value of the length argument is ignored.
      array - array to resize, or null.
      length - length of the desired array.
      a new array of the requested length, or array if the given array is null or already have the requested length.
      Negative­Array­Size­Exception - if length is negative.
      See Also:
    • resize

      public static long[] resize(long[] array, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary. This method returns null if and only if the given array is null, in which case the value of the length argument is ignored.
      array - array to resize, or null.
      length - length of the desired array.
      a new array of the requested length, or array if the given array is null or already have the requested length.
      Negative­Array­Size­Exception - if length is negative.
      See Also:
    • resize

      public static int[] resize(int[] array, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary. This method returns null if and only if the given array is null, in which case the value of the length argument is ignored.
      array - array to resize, or null.
      length - length of the desired array.
      a new array of the requested length, or array if the given array is null or already have the requested length.
      Negative­Array­Size­Exception - if length is negative.
      See Also:
    • resize

      public static short[] resize(short[] array, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary. This method returns null if and only if the given array is null, in which case the value of the length argument is ignored.
      array - array to resize, or null.
      length - length of the desired array.
      a new array of the requested length, or array if the given array is null or already have the requested length.
      Negative­Array­Size­Exception - if length is negative.
      See Also:
    • resize

      public static byte[] resize(byte[] array, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary. This method returns null if and only if the given array is null, in which case the value of the length argument is ignored.
      array - array to resize, or null.
      length - length of the desired array.
      a new array of the requested length, or array if the given array is null or already have the requested length.
      Negative­Array­Size­Exception - if length is negative.
      See Also:
    • resize

      public static char[] resize(char[] array, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with zeros if necessary. This method returns null if and only if the given array is null, in which case the value of the length argument is ignored.
      array - array to resize, or null.
      length - length of the desired array.
      a new array of the requested length, or array if the given array is null or already have the requested length.
      Negative­Array­Size­Exception - if length is negative.
      See Also:
    • resize

      public static boolean[] resize(boolean[] array, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements as the given array but specified length, truncating or padding with false if necessary. This method returns null if and only if the given array is null, in which case the value of the length argument is ignored.
      array - array to resize, or null.
      length - length of the desired array.
      a new array of the requested length, or array if the given array is null or already have the requested length.
      Negative­Array­Size­Exception - if length is negative.
      See Also:
    • remove

      public static <E> E[] remove(E[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      Type Parameters:
      E - the type of array elements.
      array - array from which to remove elements. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index of the first element to remove from the given array.
      length - number of elements to remove.
      array with the same elements than the given array except for the removed elements, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • remove

      public static double[] remove(double[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged, except for empty arrays. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array from which to remove elements. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index of the first element to remove from the given array.
      length - number of elements to remove.
      array with the same elements than the given array except for the removed elements, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • remove

      public static float[] remove(float[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged, except for empty arrays. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array from which to remove elements. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index of the first element to remove from the given array.
      length - number of elements to remove.
      array with the same elements than the given array except for the removed elements, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • remove

      public static long[] remove(long[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged, except for empty arrays. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array from which to remove elements. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index of the first element to remove from the given array.
      length - number of elements to remove.
      array with the same elements than the given array except for the removed elements, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • remove

      public static int[] remove(int[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged, except for empty arrays. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array from which to remove elements. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index of the first element to remove from the given array.
      length - number of elements to remove.
      array with the same elements than the given array except for the removed elements, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • remove

      public static short[] remove(short[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged, except for empty arrays. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array from which to remove elements. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index of the first element to remove from the given array.
      length - number of elements to remove.
      array with the same elements than the given array except for the removed elements, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • remove

      public static byte[] remove(byte[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged, except for empty arrays. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array from which to remove elements. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index of the first element to remove from the given array.
      length - number of elements to remove.
      array with the same elements than the given array except for the removed elements, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • remove

      public static char[] remove(char[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged, except for empty arrays. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array from which to remove elements. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index of the first element to remove from the given array.
      length - number of elements to remove.
      array with the same elements than the given array except for the removed elements, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • remove

      public static boolean[] remove(boolean[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array except for the given range. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged, except for empty arrays. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array from which to remove elements. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index of the first element to remove from the given array.
      length - number of elements to remove.
      array with the same elements than the given array except for the removed elements, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • insert

      public static <E> E[] insert(E[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range. These "spaces" will be made up of null elements. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      Type Parameters:
      E - the type of array elements.
      array - array in which to insert spaces. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index where the first space will be inserted. All array elements having an index equal to or higher than index will be moved forward. Can be array​.length for inserting spaces at the end of the array.
      length - number of spaces to insert.
      array containing the array elements with the additional space inserted, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • insert

      public static double[] insert(double[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range. These "spaces" will be made up of elements initialized to zero. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array in which to insert spaces. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index where the first space will be inserted. All array elements having an index equal to or higher than index will be moved forward. Can be array​.length for inserting spaces at the end of the array.
      length - number of spaces to insert.
      array containing the array elements with the additional space inserted, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • insert

      public static float[] insert(float[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range. These "spaces" will be made up of elements initialized to zero. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array in which to insert spaces. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index where the first space will be inserted. All array elements having an index equal to or higher than index will be moved forward. Can be array​.length for inserting spaces at the end of the array.
      length - number of spaces to insert.
      array containing the array elements with the additional space inserted, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • insert

      public static long[] insert(long[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range. These "spaces" will be made up of elements initialized to zero. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array in which to insert spaces. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index where the first space will be inserted. All array elements having an index equal to or higher than index will be moved forward. Can be array​.length for inserting spaces at the end of the array.
      length - number of spaces to insert.
      array containing the array elements with the additional space inserted, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • insert

      public static int[] insert(int[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range. These "spaces" will be made up of elements initialized to zero. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array in which to insert spaces. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index where the first space will be inserted. All array elements having an index equal to or higher than index will be moved forward. Can be array​.length for inserting spaces at the end of the array.
      length - number of spaces to insert.
      array containing the array elements with the additional space inserted, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • insert

      public static short[] insert(short[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range. These "spaces" will be made up of elements initialized to zero. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array in which to insert spaces. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index where the first space should be inserted. All array elements having an index equal to or higher than index will be moved forward.
      length - number of spaces to insert.
      array containing the array elements with the additional space inserted, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • insert

      public static byte[] insert(byte[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range. These "spaces" will be made up of elements initialized to zero. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array in which to insert spaces. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index where the first space will be inserted. All array elements having an index equal to or higher than index will be moved forward. Can be array​.length for inserting spaces at the end of the array.
      length - number of spaces to insert.
      array containing the array elements with the additional space inserted, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • insert

      public static char[] insert(char[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range. These "spaces" will be made up of elements initialized to zero. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array in which to insert spaces. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index where the first space will be inserted. All array elements having an index equal to or higher than index will be moved forward. Can be array​.length for inserting spaces at the end of the array.
      length - number of spaces to insert.
      array containing the array elements with the additional space inserted, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • insert

      public static boolean[] insert(boolean[] array, int first, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with additional "spaces" in the given range. These "spaces" will be made up of elements initialized to false. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the array reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given array is never modified.
      array - array in which to insert spaces. Can be null only if length is 0.
      first - index where the first space will be inserted. All array elements having an index equal to or higher than index will be moved forward. Can be array​.length for inserting spaces at the end of the array.
      length - number of spaces to insert.
      array containing the array elements with the additional space inserted, or array (which may be null) if length is 0.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if array is null and length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if first or first+length is out of array bounds.
      See Also:
    • insert

      public static <E> E[] insert(E[] src, int srcOff, E[] dst, int dstOff, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the dst reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given arrays are never modified.
      Type Parameters:
      E - the type of array elements.
      src - array to entirely or partially insert into dst. Can be null only if length is 0.
      src­Off - index of the first element of src to insert into dst.
      dst - array in which to insert src data. Can be null only if length is 0.
      dst­Off - index of the first element in dst where to insert src data. All elements of dst whose index is equal to or greater than dst­Off will be moved forward.
      length - number of src elements to insert.
      array which contains the merge of src and dst. This method returns directly dst when length is zero, but never return src.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if src or dst is null while length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if src­Off, src­Off+length or dst­Off is out of array bounds.
    • insert

      public static double[] insert(double[] src, int srcOff, double[] dst, int dstOff, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the dst reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given arrays are never modified.
      src - array to entirely or partially insert into dst. Can be null only if length is 0.
      src­Off - index of the first element of src to insert into dst.
      dst - array in which to insert src data. Can be null only if length is 0.
      dst­Off - index of the first element in dst where to insert src data. All elements of dst whose index is equal to or greater than dst­Off will be moved forward.
      length - number of src elements to insert.
      array which contains the merge of src and dst. This method returns directly dst when length is zero, but never return src.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if src or dst is null while length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if src­Off, src­Off+length or dst­Off is out of array bounds.
    • insert

      public static float[] insert(float[] src, int srcOff, float[] dst, int dstOff, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the dst reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given arrays are never modified.
      src - array to entirely or partially insert into dst. Can be null only if length is 0.
      src­Off - index of the first element of src to insert into dst.
      dst - array in which to insert src data. Can be null only if length is 0.
      dst­Off - index of the first element in dst where to insert src data. All elements of dst whose index is equal to or greater than dst­Off will be moved forward.
      length - number of src elements to insert.
      array which contains the merge of src and dst. This method returns directly dst when length is zero, but never return src.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if src or dst is null while length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if src­Off, src­Off+length or dst­Off is out of array bounds.
    • insert

      public static long[] insert(long[] src, int srcOff, long[] dst, int dstOff, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the dst reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given arrays are never modified.
      src - array to entirely or partially insert into dst. Can be null only if length is 0.
      src­Off - index of the first element of src to insert into dst.
      dst - array in which to insert src data. Can be null only if length is 0.
      dst­Off - index of the first element in dst where to insert src data. All elements of dst whose index is equal to or greater than dst­Off will be moved forward.
      length - number of src elements to insert.
      array which contains the merge of src and dst. This method returns directly dst when length is zero, but never return src.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if src or dst is null while length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if src­Off, src­Off+length or dst­Off is out of array bounds.
    • insert

      public static int[] insert(int[] src, int srcOff, int[] dst, int dstOff, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the dst reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given arrays are never modified.
      src - array to entirely or partially insert into dst. Can be null only if length is 0.
      src­Off - index of the first element of src to insert into dst.
      dst - array in which to insert src data. Can be null only if length is 0.
      dst­Off - index of the first element in dst where to insert src data. All elements of dst whose index is equal to or greater than dst­Off will be moved forward.
      length - number of src elements to insert.
      array which contains the merge of src and dst. This method returns directly dst when length is zero, but never return src.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if src or dst is null while length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if src­Off, src­Off+length or dst­Off is out of array bounds.
    • insert

      public static short[] insert(short[] src, int srcOff, short[] dst, int dstOff, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the dst reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given arrays are never modified.
      src - array to entirely or partially insert into dst. Can be null only if length is 0.
      src­Off - index of the first element of src to insert into dst.
      dst - array in which to insert src data. Can be null only if length is 0.
      dst­Off - index of the first element in dst where to insert src data. All elements of dst whose index is equal to or greater than dst­Off will be moved forward.
      length - number of src elements to insert.
      array which contains the merge of src and dst. This method returns directly dst when length is zero, but never return src.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if src or dst is null while length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if src­Off, src­Off+length or dst­Off is out of array bounds.
    • insert

      public static byte[] insert(byte[] src, int srcOff, byte[] dst, int dstOff, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the dst reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given arrays are never modified.
      src - array to entirely or partially insert into dst. Can be null only if length is 0.
      src­Off - index of the first element of src to insert into dst.
      dst - array in which to insert src data. Can be null only if length is 0.
      dst­Off - index of the first element in dst where to insert src data. All elements of dst whose index is equal to or greater than dst­Off will be moved forward.
      length - number of src elements to insert.
      array which contains the merge of src and dst. This method returns directly dst when length is zero, but never return src.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if src or dst is null while length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if src­Off, src­Off+length or dst­Off is out of array bounds.
    • insert

      public static char[] insert(char[] src, int srcOff, char[] dst, int dstOff, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the dst reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given arrays are never modified.
      src - array to entirely or partially insert into dst. Can be null only if length is 0.
      src­Off - index of the first element of src to insert into dst.
      dst - array in which to insert src data. Can be null only if length is 0.
      dst­Off - index of the first element in dst where to insert src data. All elements of dst whose index is equal to or greater than dst­Off will be moved forward.
      length - number of src elements to insert.
      array which contains the merge of src and dst. This method returns directly dst when length is zero, but never return src.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if src or dst is null while length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if src­Off, src­Off+length or dst­Off is out of array bounds.
    • insert

      public static boolean[] insert(boolean[] src, int srcOff, boolean[] dst, int dstOff, int length)
      Returns an array containing the same elements than the given array, with the content of another array inserted at the given index. If the length argument is 0, then this method returns the dst reference unchanged. Otherwise this method creates a new array. In every cases, the given arrays are never modified.
      src - array to entirely or partially insert into dst. Can be null only if length is 0.
      src­Off - index of the first element of src to insert into dst.
      dst - array in which to insert src data. Can be null only if length is 0.
      dst­Off - index of the first element in dst where to insert src data. All elements of dst whose index is equal to or greater than dst­Off will be moved forward.
      length - number of src elements to insert.
      array which contains the merge of src and dst. This method returns directly dst when length is zero, but never return src.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if src or dst is null while length is different than 0.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if length is negative.
      Index­Out­Of­Bounds­Exception - if src­Off, src­Off+length or dst­Off is out of array bounds.
    • append

      public static <T> T[] append(T[] array, T element)
      Returns a copy of the given array with a single element appended at the end. This method should be invoked only on rare occasions. If many elements are to be added, use Array­List instead.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of elements in the array.
      array - the array to copy with a new element. The original array will not be modified.
      element - the element to add (can be null).
      a copy of the given array with the given element appended at the end.
      Null­Pointer­Exception - if the given array is null.
      See Also:
    • concatenate

      @SafeVarargs public static <T> T[] concatenate(T[]... arrays)
      Returns the concatenation of all given arrays. This method performs the following checks:
      • If the arrays argument is null or contains only null elements, then this method returns null.
      • Otherwise if the arrays argument contains exactly one non-null array with a length greater than zero, then that array is returned. It is not copied.
      • Otherwise a new array with a length equals to the sum of the length of every non-null arrays is created, and the content of non-null arrays are appended in the new array in declaration order.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of arrays.
      arrays - the arrays to concatenate, or null.
      the concatenation of all non-null arrays (may be a direct reference to one of the given array if it can be returned with no change), or null.
      See Also:
    • concatenate

      public static long[] concatenate(long[] a1, long[] a2)
      Returns the concatenation of the given arrays. If any of the supplied arrays is null or empty, then the other array is returned directly (not copied).
      a1 - the first array to concatenate, or null.
      a2 - the second array to concatenate, or null.
      the concatenation of given arrays. May be one of the given arrays returned without copying.
    • concatenate

      public static int[] concatenate(int[] a1, int[] a2)
      Returns the concatenation of the given arrays. If any of the supplied arrays is null or empty, then the other array is returned directly (not copied).
      a1 - the first array to concatenate, or null.
      a2 - the second array to concatenate, or null.
      the concatenation of given arrays. May be one of the given arrays returned without copying.
    • removeDuplicated

      public static int removeDuplicated(Object[] array)
      Removes the duplicated elements in the given array. This method should be invoked only for small arrays, typically less than 10 distinct elements. For larger arrays, use Linked­Hash­Set instead.

      This method compares all pair of elements using the Objects​.equals(Object, Object) method - so null elements are allowed. If duplicated values are found, then only the first occurrence is retained; the second occurrence is removed in-place. After all elements have been compared, this method returns the number of remaining elements in the array. The free space at the end of the array is padded with null values.

      Callers can obtain an array of appropriate length using the following idiom. Note that this idiom will create a new array only if necessary:

      T[] array = ...;
      array = resize(array, removeDuplicated(array));
      API note: This method return type is not an array in order to make obvious that the given array will be modified in-place. This behavior is different than the behavior of many other methods in this class, which do not modify the given source array.
      array - array from which to remove duplicated elements, or null.
      the number of remaining elements in the given array, or 0 if the given array was null.
    • reverse

      public static void reverse(Object[] entries)
      Reverses the order of elements in the given array. This operation is performed in-place. If the given array is null, then this method does nothing.
      entries - the array in which to reverse the order of elements, or null if none.
    • reverse

      public static void reverse(int[] values)
      Reverses the order of elements in the given array. This operation is performed in-place. If the given array is null, then this method does nothing.
      values - the array in which to reverse the order of elements, or null if none.
    • range

      public static int[] range(int start, int end)
      Returns the ordered values in the range from start inclusive to end exclusive. This method performs the same work than Int­Stream​.range(int, int) but returning values in an array instead of in a stream. This method is okay for small sequences; for large sequences the stream approach should be preferred.

      For any array returned by this method, is­Range(start, array) is guaranteed to return true.

      Use case

      This method is convenient for enumerating dimensions in a coordinate reference system or bands in an image. Some methods in the Java library or in Apache SIS want dimensions or bands to be specified by their indices. An example from the Java library is the bank­Indices argument in Raster​.create­Banded­Raster(…, bank­Indices, …). An example from Apache SIS is the range argument in Grid­Coverage­Resource​.read(…, range). This range(start, end) method can be used in the common case where all bands are wanted in order.
      start - first value (inclusive) in the array to return.
      end - upper bound (exclusive) of values in the array to return.
      a finite arithmetic progression of common difference of 1 with all values in the specified range.
      Arithmetic­Exception - if the sequence length is greater than Integer​.MAX_VALUE.
      See Also:
    • isRange

      public static boolean isRange(int start, int[] array)
      Returns true if the given array is a finite arithmetic progression starting at the given value and having a common difference of 1. More specifically:
      • If array is null, then return false.
      • Otherwise if array is empty, then return true for consistency with range(int, int).
      • Otherwise for any index 0 ≤ i < array​.length, if array[i] is equal to start + i (computed as if no overflow occurs), then return true.
      • Otherwise return false.
      This method is useful when array is an argument specified to another method, and determining that the argument values are start, start+1, start+2, etc. allows some optimizations.


      is­Range(1, array) returns true if the given array is {1, 2, 3, 4} but false if the array is {1, 2, 4} (missing 3).
      start - first value expected in the given array.
      array - the array to test, or null.
      true if the given array is non-null and equal to range(start, start + array​.length).
      See Also:
    • isSorted

      public static <E> boolean isSorted(E[] array, Comparator<? super E> comparator, boolean strict)
      Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order. Special cases:
      • Empty arrays are considered as sorted.
      • Null arrays are considered as unknown content and cause a Null­Pointer­Exception to be thrown.
      • null elements are considered unordered and may appear anywhere in the array; they will be silently ignored.
      Type Parameters:
      E - the type of array elements.
      array - the array to test for order.
      comparator - the comparator to use for comparing order.
      strict - true if elements should be strictly sorted (i.e. equal elements are not allowed), or false otherwise.
      true if all elements in the given array are sorted in increasing order.
    • isSorted

      public static <E extends Comparable<? super E>> boolean isSorted(E[] array, boolean strict)
      Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order. Special cases:
      • Empty arrays are considered as sorted.
      • Null arrays are considered as unknown content and cause a Null­Pointer­Exception to be thrown.
      • null elements are considered unordered and may appear anywhere in the array; they will be silently ignored.
      Type Parameters:
      E - the type of array elements.
      array - the array to test for order.
      strict - true if elements should be strictly sorted (i.e. equal elements are not allowed), or false otherwise.
      true if all elements in the given array are sorted in increasing order.
    • isSorted

      public static boolean isSorted(double[] array, boolean strict)
      Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order. Special cases:
      • Empty arrays are considered as sorted.
      • Null arrays are considered as unknown content and cause a Null­Pointer­Exception to be thrown.
      • Na­N elements are considered unordered and may appear anywhere in the array; they will be silently ignored.
      array - the array to test for order.
      strict - true if elements should be strictly sorted (i.e. equal elements are not allowed), or false otherwise.
      true if all elements in the given array are sorted in increasing order.
    • isSorted

      public static boolean isSorted(float[] array, boolean strict)
      Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order. Special cases:
      • Empty arrays are considered as sorted.
      • Null arrays are considered as unknown content and cause a Null­Pointer­Exception to be thrown.
      • Na­N elements are considered unordered and may appear anywhere in the array; they will be silently ignored.
      array - the array to test for order.
      strict - true if elements should be strictly sorted (i.e. equal elements are not allowed), or false otherwise.
      true if all elements in the given array are sorted in increasing order.
    • isSorted

      public static boolean isSorted(long[] array, boolean strict)
      Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order. Special cases:
      • Empty arrays are considered as sorted.
      • Null arrays are considered as unknown content and cause a Null­Pointer­Exception to be thrown.
      array - the array to test for order.
      strict - true if elements should be strictly sorted (i.e. equal elements are not allowed), or false otherwise.
      true if all elements in the given array are sorted in increasing order.
    • isSorted

      public static boolean isSorted(int[] array, boolean strict)
      Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order. Special cases:
      • Empty arrays are considered as sorted.
      • Null arrays are considered as unknown content and cause a Null­Pointer­Exception to be thrown.
      array - the array to test for order.
      strict - true if elements should be strictly sorted (i.e. equal elements are not allowed), or false otherwise.
      true if all elements in the given array are sorted in increasing order.
    • isSorted

      public static boolean isSorted(short[] array, boolean strict)
      Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order. Special cases:
      • Empty arrays are considered as sorted.
      • Null arrays are considered as unknown content and cause a Null­Pointer­Exception to be thrown.
      array - the array to test for order.
      strict - true if elements should be strictly sorted (i.e. equal elements are not allowed), or false otherwise.
      true if all elements in the given array are sorted in increasing order.
    • isSorted

      public static boolean isSorted(byte[] array, boolean strict)
      Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order. Special cases:
      • Empty arrays are considered as sorted.
      • Null arrays are considered as unknown content and cause a Null­Pointer­Exception to be thrown.
      array - the array to test for order.
      strict - true if elements should be strictly sorted (i.e. equal elements are not allowed), or false otherwise.
      true if all elements in the given array are sorted in increasing order.
    • isSorted

      public static boolean isSorted(char[] array, boolean strict)
      Returns true if all elements in the specified array are in increasing order. Special cases:
      • Empty arrays are considered as sorted.
      • Null arrays are considered as unknown content and cause a Null­Pointer­Exception to be thrown.
      array - the array to test for order.
      strict - true if elements should be strictly sorted (i.e. equal elements are not allowed), or false otherwise.
      true if all elements in the given array are sorted in increasing order.
    • swap

      public static void swap(Object[] data, int i0, int i1)
      Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of Object values.
      Note: While trivial, this method is provided because its need occurs relatively often and the availability of a swap method makes the code easier to read.
      data - the array in which to swap elements.
      i0 - index of one element to be swapped.
      i1 - index of the other element to be swapped.
    • swap

      public static void swap(double[] data, int i0, int i1)
      Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of double values.
      Note: While trivial, this method is provided because its need occurs relatively often and the availability of a swap method makes the code easier to read.
      data - the array in which to swap elements.
      i0 - index of one element to be swapped.
      i1 - index of the other element to be swapped.
    • swap

      public static void swap(float[] data, int i0, int i1)
      Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of float values.
      data - the array in which to swap elements.
      i0 - index of one element to be swapped.
      i1 - index of the other element to be swapped.
    • swap

      public static void swap(long[] data, int i0, int i1)
      Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of long values.
      data - the array in which to swap elements.
      i0 - index of one element to be swapped.
      i1 - index of the other element to be swapped.
    • swap

      public static void swap(int[] data, int i0, int i1)
      Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of int values.
      Note: While trivial, this method is provided because its need occurs relatively often and the availability of a swap method makes the code easier to read.
      data - the array in which to swap elements.
      i0 - index of one element to be swapped.
      i1 - index of the other element to be swapped.
    • swap

      public static void swap(short[] data, int i0, int i1)
      Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of short values.
      data - the array in which to swap elements.
      i0 - index of one element to be swapped.
      i1 - index of the other element to be swapped.
    • swap

      public static void swap(byte[] data, int i0, int i1)
      Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of byte values.
      data - the array in which to swap elements.
      i0 - index of one element to be swapped.
      i1 - index of the other element to be swapped.
    • swap

      public static void swap(char[] data, int i0, int i1)
      Swaps the elements at the given indices in the given array of char values.
      data - the array in which to swap elements.
      i0 - index of one element to be swapped.
      i1 - index of the other element to be swapped.
    • replace

      public static void replace(double[] array, double search, double replacement)
      Replaces all occurrences of the given value by the given replacement. This method compares the values using Double​.double­To­Raw­Long­Bits(double): A common usage for this method is to replace pad values by Double​.Na­N in the sample values of a grid coverage. This method does nothing if the given array is null or if search is the same bits pattern than replacement.
      array - the array where to perform the search and replace, or null.
      search - the value to search.
      replacement - the replacement.
    • replace

      public static void replace(float[] array, float search, float replacement)
      Replaces all occurrences of the given value by the given replacement. This method compares the values using Float​.float­To­Raw­Int­Bits(float): A common usage for this method is to replace pad values by Float​.Na­N in the sample values of a grid coverage. This method does nothing if the given array is null or if search is the same bits pattern than replacement.
      array - the array where to perform the search and replace, or null.
      search - the value to search.
      replacement - the replacement.
    • copyAsLongs

      public static long[] copyAsLongs(int[] data)
      Returns a copy of the given array where each value has been casted to the long type.
      data - the array to copy, or null.
      a copy of the given array with values casted to the long type, or null if the given array was null.
    • copyAsFloats

      public static float[] copyAsFloats(double[] data)
      Returns a copy of the given array where each value has been casted to the float type. This method does not verify if the casts would cause data loss.
      data - the array to copy, or null.
      a copy of the given array with values casted to the float type, or null if the given array was null.
    • copyAsFloatsIfLossless

      public static float[] copyAsFloatsIfLossless(double[] data)
      Returns a copy of the given array where each value has been casted to the float type, but only if all casts are lossless. If any cast causes data loss, then this method returns null. This method is equivalent to the following code, but potentially more efficient:
      if (isSinglePrecision(data)) {
          return copyAsFloat(data);
      } else {
          return null;
      data - the array to copy, or null.
      a copy of the given array with values casted to the float type, or null if the given array was null or if a cast would cause data lost.
    • isSinglePrecision

      public static boolean isSinglePrecision(double... values)
      Returns true if every values in the given double array could be casted to the float type without data lost. If this method returns true, then the array can be converted to the float[] type with copy­As­Floats(double[]) and the exact same double values can still be obtained by casting back each float value to double.
      values - the values to test for their precision, or null.
      true if every values can be casted to the float type without data lost.
    • hasNaN

      public static boolean hasNaN(double[] array)
      Returns true if the specified array contains at least one Na­N value.
      array - the array to check, or null.
      true if the given array is non-null and contains at least one NaN value.
    • hasNaN

      public static boolean hasNaN(float[] array)
      Returns true if the specified array contains at least one Na­N value.
      array - the array to check, or null.
      true if the given array is non-null and contains at least one NaN value.
    • allEquals

      public static boolean allEquals(Object[] array, Object value)
      Returns true if all values in the specified array are equal to the specified value, which may be null. If the given array is empty, then this method returns true.
      array - the array to check.
      value - the expected value.
      true if all elements in the given array are equal to the given value.
    • allEquals

      public static boolean allEquals(double[] array, double value)
      Returns true if all values in the specified array are equal to the specified value, which may be Double​.Na­N. A NaN value is considered equal to all other NaN values.
      array - the array to check.
      value - the expected value.
      true if all elements in the given array are equal to the given value.
    • allEquals

      public static boolean allEquals(float[] array, float value)
      Returns true if all values in the specified array are equal to the specified value, which may be Float​.Na­N.
      array - the array to check.
      value - the expected value.
      true if all elements in the given array are equal to the given value.
    • allEquals

      public static boolean allEquals(int[] array, int value)
      Returns true if all values in the specified array are equal to the specified value.
      array - the array to check.
      value - the expected value.
      true if all elements in the given array are equal to the given value.
    • containsIgnoreCase

      public static boolean containsIgnoreCase(String[] array, String value)
      Returns true if the specified array contains the specified value, ignoring case. This method should be used only for very small arrays.
      array - the array to search in. May be null.
      value - the value to search.
      true if the array is non-null and contains the given value, or false otherwise.
    • containsIdentity

      public static boolean containsIdentity(Object[] array, Object value)
      Returns true if the specified array contains the specified reference. The comparisons are performed using the == operator.

      This method should be used only for very small arrays, or for searches to be performed only once, because it performs a linear search. If more than one search need to be done on the same array, consider using Identity­Hash­Map instead.

      array - the array to search in. May be null and may contains null elements.
      value - the value to search. May be null.
      true if the array is non-null and contains the value (which may be null), or false otherwise.
    • contains

      public static boolean contains(Object[] array, Object value)
      Returns true if the specified array contains the specified value. The comparisons are performed using the Object​.equals(Object) method.

      This method should be used only for very small arrays, or for searches to be performed only once, because it performs a linear search. If more than one search need to be done on the same array, consider using Hash­Set instead.

      array - the array to search in. May be null and may contains null elements.
      value - the value to search. May be null.
      true if the array is non-null and contains the value (which may be null), or false otherwise.
      See Also:
    • intersects

      public static boolean intersects(Object[] array1, Object[] array2)
      Returns true if at least one element in the first array is equals to an element in the second array. The element doesn't need to be at the same index in both array.

      This method should be used only for very small arrays since it may be very slow. If the arrays are large or if an array will be involved in more than one search, consider using Hash­Set instead.

      array1 - the first array, or null.
      array2 - the second array, or null.
      true if both array are non-null and have at least one element in common.
      See Also:
    • unionOfSorted

      public static int[] unionOfSorted(int[] array1, int[] array2)
      Returns the union of two sorted arrays. The input arrays shall be sorted in strictly increasing order. The output array is the union of the input arrays without duplicated values, with elements sorted in strictly increasing order. Callers are encouraged to place the following assertions before calls to this method, using the is­Sorted(int[], boolean) and Arrays​.to­String(int[]) methods:
      assert isSorted(array1, true) : toString(array1);
      assert isSorted(array2, true) : toString(array2);
      array1 - the first array, or null.
      array2 - the second array, or null.
      the union of the given array without duplicated values, or null if the two given arrays were null. May be one of the given arrays.
      See Also: