SIS 0.3 Release notes
- Release date: 2013-08-17
- Next release
- Previous release
- Incompatible changes
- Noticeable changes
- Requirement: Java 6
This is the first Apache SIS release as a graduated project (outside incubator).
Incompatible changes
Not determined.
Noticeable changes
New Features
- [SIS-62] — Create a sis-utility module
- [SIS-52] — Create a sis-metadata module
- [SIS-55] — Skeleton implementation of GeoAPI Citation
- [SIS-46] — Add sis-console module to current SIS project
- [SIS-66] — Create new Range class to avoid licensing issues
- [SIS-77] — Provide an IDE build for Eclipse
- [SIS-57] — A Logo for SIS
- [SIS-31] — Website needs a facelift
- [SIS-38] — Add the missing documentation comments for SIS-core storage
- [SIS-40] — Add the missing documentation comments for SIS WS layer
- [SIS-41] — Improve the demo.jsp CSS
- [SIS-44] — Update the ‘demo.jsp’ file in the SIS webapp to use an open source maps API
- [SIS-56] — Merge parent-sis with root pom.xml and configure
- [SIS-72] — Find some clean way to put Anchor functionality in public API
- [SIS-78] — Replace null locale by Locale.ROOT
- [SIS-82] — Metadata implementations could use a single field for union
- [SIS-85] — Consider removing metadata synchronization
- [SIS-87] — Provide copy constructors in metadata objects
- [SIS-88] — Reduce side of public API
- [SIS-90] — Metadata objects should use EnumSet and CodeListSet when appropriate
Bug fixes
- [SIS-37] — LICENSE and NOTICE files are in incorrect location in sis-core-0.3-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jar
- [SIS-60] — Duplicated LICENSE and NOTICE files
- [SIS-53] — “svn:ignore” property missing on the “sis-app” directory
- [SIS-49] — ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException caused by method getCircularRegionApproximation(int numberOfPoints) in LatLonPointRadius class
- [SIS-58] — Fix SIS Jetty Webapp definition to pick random port
- [SIS-70] — Make QuadTreeNode and associated classes package private
- [SIS-95] — Explicitly specify Typed extends Object parameters in FallbackConverterTest
- [SIS-99] — Change URL (or any reference to incubator in Jira)
- [SIS-103] — Fix Eclipse errors in SIS
- [SIS-120] — AngleFormat: Missing minus sign when the degrees field is zero
- [SIS-54] — Remove the definition of the sis.version property
- [SIS-59] — Move large test file outside code area
- [SIS-61] — Create a sis-build-helper module
- [SIS-63] — Fix
in sis-build-helper after Apache upgrated the Maven used by Jenkins - [SIS-65] — Remove the version number overwriting of maven-project-info-reports-plugin
- [SIS-73] — Remove the automatic mapping of UUIDs to objects
- [SIS-80] — PropertyDescriptor to implement ExtendedElementInformation
- [SIS-89] — Move DefaultReferencingIdentifier out of org.apache.sis.referencing package
- [SIS-101] — Move QuadTree and GeoRSSData in their own packages
- [SIS-105] — Rename the sis-app module as sis-console