SIS 1.0 Release notes
- Release date: 2019-09-27
- Next release
- Previous release
- Incompatible changes
- Noticeable changes
- Requirement: Java 8 + JAXB (either bundled in the JDK or provided)
Apache SIS 1.0 can marshal and unmarshal metadata in XML documents using the new ISO 19115-3 standard. The previous ISO 19139 standard is still supported and automatically recognized at unmarshalling time. This release also contains improvements in reading netCDF files and a beginning of raster support.
Incompatible changes
The following changes in Apache SIS 1.0 are incompatible with SIS 0.8:
— the field has been renamedcoordinate
for consistency with terminology used in ISO 19111 international standard.DataStore.getOpenParameters()
— return type has been changed fromParameterValueGroup
— return type has been changed fromEnvelope
— behavior change: if the desired source dimensions were not explicitly specified, then the source dimensions that are not required for producing the desired target dimensions are automatically trimmed.- The
module released in Apache SIS 0.8 has been excluded from this release. That module was compiled for Proj4 and is incompatible with Proj5 or Proj6.
Noticeable changes
New Features
- [SIS-221] — Hotine Oblique Mercator (EPSG:9812, 9815)
- [SIS-227] — American Polyconic (EPSG:9818)
- [SIS-426] — Mollweide projection
- [SIS-450] — Sinusoidal projection
- [SIS-408] — Add SpecializableTransform
- [SIS-410] — More stable MathTransform.Inverse serialization
- [SIS-412] — Add a CRS.findOperations(sourceCRS, targetCRS, …) method
- [SIS-413] — Units.PSU should have a scale value of 1/1000
- [SIS-424] — Create Feature instances from a SQL database
- [SIS-425] — Drop package prefixes in table created in “metadata” schema
- [SIS-307] — GSoC: Create the foundation of a module for remote sensing data
- [SIS-444] — GridCoverageResource interface for raster data
- [SIS-443] — Give access to netCDF raster data as GridCoverage
- [SIS-454] — Approximate geodesic path by Bézier curve
- [SIS-422] — Migrate from SVN to Git as the main SIS code repository
- [SIS-396] — Update EPSG geodetic dataset to version 9.4
- [SIS-468] — Update EPSG geodetic dataset to version 9.7
- [SIS-395] — Need a public way to get connection to “SpatialMetadata” database
- [SIS-338] — Stores predefined metadata in the SpatialMetadata database
- [SIS-81] — Replace ModifiableMetadata.isModifiable() by an enum
- [SIS-345] — Upgrade JAXB binding to ISO 19115-3
- [SIS-126] — Replace the NamespacePrefixMapper hack by NamespaceContext
- [SIS-399] — When renaming “xsi:type” value, may need to declare a new namespace
- [SIS-404] — Allow profiles to extend legacy metadata schema
- [SIS-455] — Compute length of cubic Bézier curve
- [SIS-458] — TransformSeparator should omit unused source dimensions, unless requested otherwise
- [SIS-315] — NetCDF: convention interface and parsing utilities
- [SIS-316] — NetCDF: build CRS and GridToCRS Transform from netcdf variables and attributes
- [SIS-446] — NetCDF store should be robust to non-linear localization grid
- [SIS-445] — NetCDF store should be robust to localization grid crossing anti-meridian
- [SIS-448] — Extension to CF-conventions for localization grid smaller than data in netCDF
- [SIS-449] — Extension to CF-conventions for bands in a netCDF variable
- [SIS-429] — Arithmetic operation on quantities on values converted to system units
- [SIS-421] — Retrofit WarningListener in a more generic EventListener
Bug fixes
- [SIS-377] — Latitude of natural origin = -90 wrongly rejected for Transverse Mercator
- [SIS-376] — Geographic/geocentric conversion fails if the geographic CRS is two-dimensional
- [SIS-378] — Too aggressive simplification of some units of measurement
- [SIS-382] — SI multiples not recognized when applied on kilogram
- [SIS-414] — Multiplication symbol should be omitted when the unit is Units.UNITY
- [SIS-385] — Inaccurate formulas in DistanceUtils
- [SIS-386] — Replace DefaultEllipsoid.orthodromicDistance(…) method
- [SIS-431] — Need MD_ReferenceSystem adapter
- [SIS-407] — OutOfMemoryError when reading Sentinel 1 image with GeoTIFF reader
- [SIS-432] — Using BETA2007.gsb grid throws IllegalArgumentException
- [SIS-439] — NetCDF reader does not support unlimited dimension
- [SIS-441] — UnconvertibleObjectException when reading code list value from PostgreSQL
- [SIS-461] — Replace “ordinate” by “coordinate”
- [SIS-464] — DataSet.getEnvelope() should return Optional
- [SIS-402] — Missing @XmlElement on DefaultMetadata.getCharacterSets()
- [SIS-114] — Sidebar on the left side always have the “home” menu item active
- [SIS-456] — New numbering scheme for development branches
- [SIS-438] — Make SIS compatible with latest Java versions
- [SIS-388] — Upgrade Java platform requirement from JDK7 to JDK8
- [SIS-383] — Upgrade Derby dependency and reduce dependency on JavaDB
- [SIS-405] — Upgrade or remove JAXB annotations of ImmutableIdentifier
- [SIS-64] — Remove duplicated profile in sis-build-helper after MNG-3328 get fixed
- [SIS-415] — Remove links to remotesensing.org
- [SIS-430] — Remove PACK200 usage
- [SIS-463] — Move WKT support from sis-metadata to sis-referencing
- [SIS-406] — Move XML support from sis-utility module to sis-metadata
- [SIS-331] — Verify the mapping from ISO 19115:2003 to ISO 19115:2014
- [SIS-375] — Cache: override default Map methods
- [SIS-440] — ComparisonMode.APPROXIMATIVE should be APPROXIMATE