Class MeasurementRange<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>>

Type Parameters:
E - the type of range elements as a subclass of Number.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Formattable, Checked­Container<E>, Emptiable

public class MeasurementRange<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>> extends NumberRange<E>
A range of numbers associated with a unit of measurement. All operations performed by this class (union, intersection, etc.) are performed in the unit of measurement of this range object - values of the range object given in argument are converted if needed before an operation is applied.

Other methods defined in this class:

  • Convenience create(…) static methods for every floating point primitive types. Usage of Measurement­Range with integer types is possible, but no convenience method is provided for integers because they are usually not representative of the nature of physical measurements.
  • unit() for getting the unit of measurement associated to this range.
  • convert­To(Unit) for converting the unit of measurement.
  • cast­To(Class) for casting the range values to another type.

Null unit of measurement

The unit of measurement should not be null, otherwise a Number­Range should be used instead of Measurement­Range. Nevertheless this class is tolerant to null units in order to support situations where a unit of measurement should be specified, but for some reason is unavailable. If the unit of measurement become known at a later stage, it can be specified by a call to convert­To(Unit).

Immutability and thread safety

This class is immutable and thus inherently thread-safe. Subclasses may or may not be immutable, at implementation choice. But implementers are encouraged to make sure that subclasses remain immutable for more predictable behavior.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • MeasurementRange

      public MeasurementRange(Range<E> range, Unit<?> unit)
      Constructs a range with the same values than the specified range and the given unit. This is a copy constructor, with the addition of a unit of measurement.
      range - the range to copy. The elements must be Number instances.
      unit - the unit of measurement, or null if unknown.
    • MeasurementRange

      public MeasurementRange(Class<E> type, ValueRange range, Unit<?> unit) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Constructs a range of the given type with values from the given annotation. This constructor does not verify if the given type is wide enough for the values of the given annotation, because those information are usually static. If nevertheless the given type is not wide enough, then the values are truncated in the same way than the Java language casts primitive types.
      type - the element type, restricted to one of Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float or Double.
      range - the range of values.
      unit - the unit of measurement, or null if unknown.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
    • MeasurementRange

      public MeasurementRange(Class<E> type, E minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, E maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded, Unit<?> unit)
      Constructs a range of Number objects.
      type - the element type, usually one of Float or Double.
      min­Value - the minimal value, or null if none.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value, or null if none.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      unit - the unit of measurement, or null if unknown.
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static MeasurementRange<Float> create(float minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, float maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded, Unit<?> unit)
      Constructs a range of float values. The minimum and maximum values cannot be NaN but can be infinite. If the minimum is greater than the maximum, then the range is empty. This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.
      min­Value - the minimal value, or Float​.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if none.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value, or Float​.POSITIVE_INFINITY if none.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      unit - the unit of measurement, or null if unknown.
      the new range of numeric values for the given endpoints and unit of measurement.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if Float​.is­Na­N(float) is true for a given value.
    • create

      public static MeasurementRange<Double> create(double minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, double maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded, Unit<?> unit)
      Constructs a range of double values. The minimum and maximum values cannot be NaN but can be infinite. If the minimum is greater than the maximum, then the range is empty. This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.
      min­Value - the minimal value, or Double​.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if none.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value, or Double​.POSITIVE_INFINITY if none.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      unit - the unit of measurement, or null if unknown.
      the new range of numeric values for the given endpoints and unit of measurement.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if Double​.is­Na­N(double) is true for a given value.
    • createGreaterThan

      public static MeasurementRange<Double> createGreaterThan(double minValue, Unit<?> unit)
      Constructs a range of double values greater than the given value. The min­Value is often zero for creating a range of strictly positive values. This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.
      min­Value - the minimal value (exclusive), or Double​.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if none.
      unit - the unit of measurement, or null if unknown.
      the new range of numeric values greater than the given value.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if Double​.is­Na­N(double) is true for the given value.
    • createBestFit

      public static MeasurementRange<?> createBestFit(Number minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, Number maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded, Unit<?> unit)
      Constructs a range using the smallest type of Number that can hold the given values. This method performs the same work than Number­Range​.create­Best­Fit(…) with an additional unit argument.

      This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.

      min­Value - the minimal value, or null if none.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value, or null if none.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      unit - the unit of measurement, or null if unknown.
      the new range, or null if both min­Value and max­Value are null.
      See Also:
    • unit

      public Unit<?> unit()
      Returns the unit of measurement, or null if unknown. In principle the unit should never be null, otherwise a Number­Range should have been used instead of Measurement­Range. Nevertheless this method may return null if a unit should exist but for some reason is unavailable.
      the unit of measurement, or null.
    • convertTo

      public MeasurementRange<E> convertTo(Unit<?> targetUnit) throws IncommensurableException
      Converts this range to the specified unit. If this measurement range has null unit, then the specified target unit are simply assigned to the returned range with no other changes.
      target­Unit - the target unit, or null for keeping the unit unchanged.
      the converted range, or this if no conversion is needed.
      Incommensurable­Exception - if the target unit are not compatible with this range unit.
    • castTo

      public <N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>> MeasurementRange<N> castTo(Class<N> type)
      Casts this range to the specified type. If the cast from this range type to the given type is a narrowing conversion, then the cast is performed according the rules of the Java language: the high-order bytes are silently dropped.
      cast­To in class Number­Range<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>>
      Type Parameters:
      N - the class to cast to.
      type - the class to cast to. Must be one of Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float or Double.
      the casted range, or this if this range already uses the specified type.
    • contains

      public boolean contains(Range<? extends E> range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns true if the supplied range is fully contained within this range. If the given range is an instance of Measurement­Range, then this method converts the value of the other range to the unit of measurement of this range before to perform the operation.
      contains in class Range<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>>
      range - the range to check for inclusion in this range.
      true if the given range is included in this range.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range is an instance of Measurement­Range using incommensurable unit of measurement.
    • intersects

      public boolean intersects(Range<? extends E> range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns true if this range intersects the given range. If the given range is an instance of Measurement­Range, then this method converts the value of the other range to the unit of measurement of this range before to perform the operation.
      intersects in class Range<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>>
      range - the range to check for intersection with this range.
      true if the given range intersects this range.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range is an instance of Measurement­Range using incommensurable unit of measurement.
    • intersect

      public Range<E> intersect(Range<E> range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns the intersection between this range and the given range. If the given range is an instance of Measurement­Range, then this method converts the value of the other range to the unit of measurement of this range before to perform the operation.
      intersect in class Range<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>>
      range - the range to intersect.
      the intersection of this range with the given range.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range is an instance of Measurement­Range using incommensurable unit of measurement.
    • union

      public Range<E> union(Range<E> range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns the union of this range with the given range. If the given range is an instance of Measurement­Range, then this method converts the value of the other range to the unit of measurement of this range before to perform the operation.
      union in class Range<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>>
      range - the range to add to this range.
      the union of this range with the given range.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range is an instance of Measurement­Range using incommensurable unit of measurement.
    • subtract

      public Range<E>[] subtract(Range<E> range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns the range of values that are in this range but not in the given range. This method returns an array of length 0, 1 or 2:
      • If the given range contains fully this range, returns an array of length 0.
      • If the given range is in the middle of this range, then the subtraction results in two disjoint ranges which will be returned as two elements in the array.
      • Otherwise returns an array of length 1.
      If the given range is an instance of Measurement­Range, then this method converts the value of the other range to the unit of measurement of this range before to perform the operation.
      subtract in class Range<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>>
      range - the range to subtract.
      this range without the given range, as an array of length 0, 1 or 2.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range is an instance of Measurement­Range using incommensurable unit of measurement.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object object)
      Compares this measurement range with the specified object for equality. Two Measurement­Range instances are considered equal if they met all conditions documented in the parent class and their unit() are equal in the sense of Objects​.equals(Object, Object). Note that this comparison does not distinguish the various Float​.Na­N or Double​.Na­N bit patterns.
      equals in class Range<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>>
      object - the object to compare with this range for equality.
      true if the given object is equal to this range.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      Returns a hash code value for this measurement range.
      hash­Code in class Range<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>>