Class NumberRange<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>>

Type Parameters:
E - the type of range elements as a subclass of Number.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Formattable, Checked­Container<E>, Emptiable
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class NumberRange<E extends Number & Comparable<? super E>> extends Range<E>
A range of numbers capable of widening conversions when performing range operations. Number­Range has no unit of measurement. For a range of physical measurements with unit of measure, see Measurement­Range.

Number­Range has some capability to convert different number types before to perform operations. In order to provide both this flexibility and the safety of generic types, most operations in this class are defined in two versions:

The methods from the parent class are preferable when the ranges are known to contain elements of the same type, since they avoid the cost of type checks and conversions. The method in this class are convenient when the parameterized type is unknown (<?>).

Other methods defined in this class:

Relationship with standards

Number­Range is the SIS class closest to the mathematical definition of interval. It is closely related, while not identical, to the ISO 19123 (Coverage geometry and functions) definition of "ranges". At the difference of the parent Range class, which can be used only with discrete coverages, the Number­Range class can also be used with continuous coverages.

Immutability and thread safety

This class and the Measurement­Range subclasses are immutable, and thus inherently thread-safe. Other subclasses may or may not be immutable, at implementation choice. But implementers are encouraged to make sure that all subclasses remain immutable for more predictable behavior.

Shared instances

Note: following is implementation details provided for information purpose. The caching policy may change in any SIS version.

All create static methods may return a shared instance. Those methods are preferred to the constructors when the range is expected to have a long lifetime, typically as instance given to parameter descriptor. Other methods do not check for shared instances, since the created object is often temporary.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • NumberRange

      public NumberRange(Range<E> range)
      Constructs a range with the same type and the same values than the specified range. This is a copy constructor.
      range - the range to copy. The elements must be Number instances.
    • NumberRange

      public NumberRange(Class<E> type, ValueRange range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Constructs a range of the given type with values from the given annotation. This constructor does not verify if the given type is wide enough for the values of the given annotation, because those information are usually static. If nevertheless the given type is not wide enough, then the values are truncated in the same way than the Java language casts primitive types.
      type - the element type, restricted to one of Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float or Double.
      range - the range of values.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
    • NumberRange

      public NumberRange(Class<E> type, E minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, E maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded)
      Constructs a range of Number objects.
      type - the element type, usually one of Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float or Double.
      min­Value - the minimal value, or null if none.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value, or null if none.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static <N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>> NumberRange<N> create(Class<N> type, N value)
      Constructs a range containing a single value of the given type. The given value is used as the minimum and maximum values, inclusive.
      Type Parameters:
      N - compile-time value of type.
      type - the element type, usually one of Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float or Double.
      value - the value, or null for creating an unbounded range.
      a range containing the given value as its inclusive minimum and maximum.
    • create

      public static NumberRange<Byte> create(byte minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, byte maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded)
      Constructs a range of byte values. If the minimum is greater than the maximum, then the range is empty. This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.
      min­Value - the minimal value.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      the new range of numeric values for the given endpoints.
    • create

      public static NumberRange<Short> create(short minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, short maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded)
      Constructs a range of short values. If the minimum is greater than the maximum, then the range is empty. This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.
      min­Value - the minimal value.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      the new range of numeric values for the given endpoints.
    • create

      public static NumberRange<Integer> create(int minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, int maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded)
      Constructs a range of int values. If the minimum is greater than the maximum, then the range is empty. This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.
      min­Value - the minimal value.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      the new range of numeric values for the given endpoints.
      See Also:
    • create

      public static NumberRange<Long> create(long minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, long maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded)
      Constructs a range of long values. If the minimum is greater than the maximum, then the range is empty. This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.
      min­Value - the minimal value.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      the new range of numeric values for the given endpoints.
    • create

      public static NumberRange<Float> create(float minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, float maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded)
      Constructs a range of float values. The minimum and maximum values cannot be NaN but can be infinite. If the minimum is greater than the maximum, then the range is empty. This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.
      min­Value - the minimal value, or Float​.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if none.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value, or Float​.POSITIVE_INFINITY if none.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      the new range of numeric values for the given endpoints.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if Float​.is­Na­N(float) is true for a given value.
    • create

      public static NumberRange<Double> create(double minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, double maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded)
      Constructs a range of double values. The minimum and maximum values cannot be NaN but can be infinite. If the minimum is greater than the maximum, then the range is empty. This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.
      min­Value - the minimal value, or Double​.NEGATIVE_INFINITY if none.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value, or Double​.POSITIVE_INFINITY if none.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      the new range of numeric values for the given endpoints.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if Double​.is­Na­N(double) is true for a given value.
    • createBestFit

      public static NumberRange<?> createBestFit(Number minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, Number maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded)
      Constructs a range using the smallest type of Number that can hold the given values. The given numbers do not need to be of the same type since they will be casted as needed. More specifically this method returns:
      • Number­Range<Byte> if the given values are integers between 0x80 and 0x7f inclusive.
      • Number­Range<Short> if the given values are integers between -32768 and 32767 inclusive.
      • Number­Range<Integer> if the given values are integers between -2147483648 and 2147483647 inclusive.
      • Number­Range<Long> if the given values are integers between -9223372036854775808L and 9223372036854775807L inclusive.
      • Number­Range<Float> if the given values can be casted to float values without data lost.
      • Number­Range<Double> if none of the above types is suitable.
      This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.
      min­Value - the minimal value, or null if none.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value, or null if none.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      the new range, or null if both min­Value and max­Value are null.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given numbers are not primitive wrappers for numeric types.
    • createBestFit

      public static NumberRange<?> createBestFit(boolean asFloat, Number minValue, boolean isMinIncluded, Number maxValue, boolean isMaxIncluded)
      Constructs a range using the smallest integer type or floating point type that can hold the given values. If as­Float is false, then the returned range can use any wrapper type and this method behaves as described in above method. If as­Float is true, then the returned range is restricted to Float and Double number types; integer types are casted to one of the floating point types.
      as­Float - whether to restrict the returned range to floating point types.
      min­Value - the minimal value, or null if none.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      max­Value - the maximal value, or null if none.
      is­Max­Included - true if the maximal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      the new range, or null if both min­Value and max­Value are null.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given numbers are not primitive wrappers for numeric types.
    • createLeftBounded

      public static NumberRange<Integer> createLeftBounded(int minValue, boolean isMinIncluded)
      Constructs a range of int values without upper bound. This method may return a shared instance, at implementation choice.

      API note

      For creating left-bounded ranges of floating point values, use one of the create(…) methods with a POSITIVE_INFINITY constant. We do not provide variants for other integer types because this method is typically invoked for defining the multiplicity of an attribute.
      min­Value - the minimal value.
      is­Min­Included - true if the minimal value is inclusive, or false if exclusive.
      the new range of numeric values from min­Value to positive infinity.
      See Also:
    • castOrCopy

      public static <N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>> NumberRange<N> castOrCopy(Range<N> range)
      Returns the specified Range as a Number­Range object. If the specified range is already an instance of Number­Range, then it is returned unchanged. Otherwise a new number range is created using the copy constructor.
      Type Parameters:
      N - the type of elements in the given range.
      range - the range to cast or copy.
      the same range than range as a Number­Range object.
    • castTo

      public <N extends Number & Comparable<? super N>> NumberRange<N> castTo(Class<N> type) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Casts this range to the specified type. If the cast from this range type to the given type is a narrowing conversion, then the cast is performed according the rules of the Java language: the high-order bytes are silently dropped.
      Type Parameters:
      N - the class to cast to.
      type - the class to cast to. Must be one of Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float or Double.
      the casted range, or this if this range already uses the specified type.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given type is not one of the primitive wrappers for numeric types.
    • getMinDouble

      public double getMinDouble()
      Returns the minimum value as a double. If this range is unbounded, then Double​.NEGATIVE_INFINITY is returned.
      the minimum value.
    • getMinDouble

      public double getMinDouble(boolean inclusive)
      Returns the minimum value with the specified inclusive or exclusive state. If this range is unbounded, then Double​.NEGATIVE_INFINITY is returned.
      inclusive - true for the minimum value inclusive, or false for the minimum value exclusive.
      the minimum value, inclusive or exclusive as requested.
    • getMaxDouble

      public double getMaxDouble()
      Returns the maximum value as a double. If this range is unbounded, then Double​.POSITIVE_INFINITY is returned.
      the maximum value.
    • getMaxDouble

      public double getMaxDouble(boolean inclusive)
      Returns the maximum value with the specified inclusive or exclusive state. If this range is unbounded, then Double​.POSITIVE_INFINITY is returned.
      inclusive - true for the maximum value inclusive, or false for the maximum value exclusive.
      the maximum value, inclusive or exclusive as requested.
    • getMedian

      public double getMedian()
      Computes the average of minimum and maximum values. If numbers are integers, the average is computed using inclusive values (e.g. equivalent to get­Min­Double(true)). Otherwise the minimum and maximum values are used as-is (because making them inclusive is considered an infinitely small change).

      Special cases:

      (minimum + maximum) / 2 computed using inclusive values.
    • getSpan

      public double getSpan()
      Computes the difference between minimum and maximum values. If numbers are integers, the difference is computed using inclusive values (e.g. using get­Min­Double(true)). Otherwise the minimum and maximum values are used as-is (because making them inclusive is considered an infinitely small change).

      Special cases:

      (maximumminimum) computed using inclusive values.
    • containsAny

      public boolean containsAny(Number value) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns true if this range contains the given value. This method converts this or the given argument to the widest numeric type, then performs the same work than Range​.contains(Comparable).
      value - the value to check for inclusion in this range, or null.
      true if the given value is non-null and included in this range.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range cannot be converted to a valid type through widening conversion.
    • containsAny

      public boolean containsAny(NumberRange<?> range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns true if the supplied range is fully contained within this range. This method converts this or the given argument to the widest numeric type, then delegates to Range​.contains(Range).
      range - the range to check for inclusion in this range.
      true if the given range is included in this range.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range cannot be converted to a valid type through widening conversion, or if the units of measurement are not convertible.
    • intersectsAny

      public boolean intersectsAny(NumberRange<?> range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns true if the supplied range intersects this range. This method converts this or the given argument to the widest numeric type, then delegates to Range​.intersects(Range).
      range - the range to check for intersection with this range.
      true if the given range intersects this range.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range cannot be converted to a valid type through widening conversion, or if the units of measurement are not convertible.
    • intersectAny

      public NumberRange<?> intersectAny(NumberRange<?> range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns the union of this range with the given range. This method converts this or the given argument to the widest numeric type, then delegates to Range​.intersect(Range).
      range - the range to add to this range.
      the intersection of this range with the given range.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range cannot be converted to a valid type through widening conversion, or if the units of measurement are not convertible.
    • unionAny

      public NumberRange<?> unionAny(NumberRange<?> range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns the union of this range with the given range. This method converts this or the given argument to the widest numeric type, then delegates to Range​.union(Range).
      range - the range to add to this range.
      the union of this range with the given range.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range cannot be converted to a valid type through widening conversion, or if the units of measurement are not convertible.
    • subtractAny

      public NumberRange<?>[] subtractAny(NumberRange<?> range) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Returns the range of values that are in this range but not in the given range. This method converts this or the given argument to the widest numeric type, then delegates to Range​.subtract(Range).
      range - the range to subtract.
      this range without the given range, as an array of length 0, 1 or 2.
      Illegal­Argument­Exception - if the given range cannot be converted to a valid type through widening conversion, or if the units of measurement are not convertible.
    • transform

      public NumberRange<?> transform(MathTransform1D converter) throws TransformException
      Returns this range converted using the given converter.
      converter - the converter to apply.
      the converted range, or this if the result is the same as this range.
      Transform­Exception - if an error occurred during the conversion.