SIS 1.2 Release notes
- Release date: 2022-05-18
- Next release
- Previous release
- Incompatible changes
- Noticeable changes
- Requirement: Java 8
Apache SIS 1.2 can read World Files and ESRI ASCII grid and BIL/BIP/BSQ rasters, in addition to GeoTIFF support added in SIS 1.1, and in addition to netCDF support added in previous releases. This release also contains various bug fixes improving the stability.
Incompatible changes
Noticeable changes
New Features
- [SIS-529] — Provide native GeoTIFF metadata
- [SIS-541] — Add “World File” reader and writer
- [SIS-540] — Add an ESRI ASCII Grid reader and writer
- [SIS-543] — Add a BIL/BIP/BSQ data store
- [SIS-524] — Image masking based on a geometry
- [SIS-528] — Add a “system monitor” with visual indication of seek operations
- [SIS-533] — Add “Rotated Latitude/Longitude” coordinate operation
- [SIS-228] — Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (EPSG:9820)
- [SIS-229] — Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area (Spherical) (EPSG:1027)
- [SIS-542] — Mercator auxiliary sphere
- [SIS-538] — Support ESRI WKT element GEOGTRAN
- [SIS-539] — Create a “cloud” group of modules, starting with AWS S3
- [SIS-300] — Complete the information provided in Citations constants
- [SIS-520] — SQLStore should avoid creating features with cyclic associations
- [SIS-514] — GridGeometry.subgrid(…) should accept an area of interest with less dimensions than the base grid
- [SIS-535] — Search for coordinate operations create too many CRS
- [SIS-336] — URL to EPSG installation instructions should be customizable
- [SIS-393] — Missing META-INF service declarations for authority factories
Bug fixes
- [SIS-523] — Download of EPSG data must use https
- [SIS-527] — Improve stability of JavaFX application
- [SIS-519] — Never-ending loop in AbstractFeature.equals/hashCode
- [SIS-532] — NaN from unhandled case in reverse Oblique Mercator calculations
- [SIS-537] — Oblique Stereographic: Wrong longitude in reverse transform + suggested fix
- [SIS-522] — IllegalArgumentException in GridExtent.toEnvelope(…)
- [SIS-521] — Malformed SQL query in SQLStore