Release management

This page describes how to create and deploy the SIS Maven artifacts, binary bundle, javadoc and list of API changes. The Release FAQ page describes the foundation wide policies. Instructions on this page describe the steps specific to SIS (we do not use the mvn release command). The intended audiences are SIS release managers.


The instructions in this section need to be done only once per new release manager, or when configuring a new machine for performing the releases. If those steps have already been done, jump directly to the configuration section.

Before to perform a release, make sure that the following conditions hold:

  • Commands will be executed in a Unix shell.
  • All the following commands are available on the classpath:
    • git for fetching the source code.
    • svn (Subversion) for fetching the non-free sources.
    • gpg (GNU GPG) for signing artifacts.
    • gradle for compiling Apache SIS.
    • java and javac from the Java Development Kit (JDK).
    • zip for creating the release bundles.

Directory layout

The steps described in this page assume the following directory layout, where $NEW_VERSION and $RELEASE_CANDIDATE are environment variables introduced later. Some directories are Git checkout, other are ordinary directories. Any other layout can be used, provided that all relative paths in this page are adjusted accordingly.

<any root directory for SIS>
├─ main
├─ non-free
│  ├─ sis-embedded-data
│  └─ sis-epsg
├─ release
│  ├─ distribution
│  │  └─ $NEW_VERSION
│  └─ test
│     └─ maven
└─ site
   ├─ asf-site
   ├─ asf-staging
   ├─ javadoc
   └─ main

Create the above directory structure as below:

mkdir site
mkdir release
git clone main
git clone site/main
svn checkout
svn checkout release/test
svn checkout release/distribution
cd site/main
git worktree add ../asf-staging asf-staging
git worktree add ../asf-site asf-site

Generate GPG key

The releases have to be signed by public key cryptography signatures. Detailed instructions about why releases have to be signed are provided on the Release Signing page. The standard used is OpenPGP (Open Pretty Good Privacy), and a popular software implementation of that standard is GPG (GNU Privacy Guard). The OpenPGP instructions list out detailed steps on managing your keys. The following steps provide a summary:

Edit the ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf configuration file and add the following configuration options, or edit the existing values if any:

personal-digest-preferences SHA512
cert-digest-algo SHA512
default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed

If a private key already exists for emails or other purposes, it may be a good idea to keep that key as the default one. Add or modify the following line in the gpg.conf file, replacing <previous_key_id> by the existing key identifier (a value like 621CC013):

default-key <previous_key_id>

Generate 4096 bits RSA key pair using the following command-line. GPG will prompts for various informations. The list below the command suggests some values, keeping in mind that the new key should be used only for signing Apache software packages, not for daily emails.

gpg --gen-key
  • Kind of key: RSA and RSA (default). Do not create DSA key.
  • Key size: 4096 bits.
  • Validity time: 0 (key does not expire).
  • Real name: the developer’s name.
  • Email address: developer’s email address at
  • Comment: “CODE SIGNING KEY”.
  • Passphrase: please choose a strong one.

Verify the key information (replace Real Name by the above-cited developer’s name, keeping quotes in the command below). Note the key identifier, which is a value like 74383E9D. This key identifier will be needed for the next steps.

gpg --list-sigs "Real Name"

Sends the public key to a keys server (replace <key_id> by the above-cited key identifier). The default GPG configuration sends the key to hkp:// Note that while there is many key servers, most of them synchronize changes with each other, so a key uploaded to one should be disseminated to the rest.

gpg --send-key <key_id>

The key publication can be verified by going on the MIT server, then entering the developer’s “Real Name” in the Search String field. It may take a few hours before the published key is propagated.

Generate a revocation certificate. This is not for immediate use, but generating the certificate now is a safety in case the passphrase is lost. Keep the revocation certificate in a safe place, preferably on a removable device.

gpg --output revocation_certificate.asc --gen-revoke <key_id>

Web of trust

Have the key signed by at least three Apache commiters. This can be done by executing the following commands on the machine of the other Apache commiter, where <key_to_use> is the identifier of the other commiter’s key. Those operation should preferably be done in some event where the commiters can meet face-to-face. The other commiter should verify that the gpg --fingerprint command output matches the fingerprint of the key to sign.

gpg --recv-keys <key_id>
gpg --fingerprint <key_id>
gpg --default-key <key_to_use> --sign-key <key_id>
gpg --send-key <key_id>

The above-cited Release Signing page provides more instructions. Then, the signed public key shall be appended to the KEYS file on the SIS source code repository, then copied to the SIS distribution directory.

Gradle configuration

Edit the ~/.gradle/ file, making sure that the following properties are present:<path to a Java installation>
signing.gnupg.keyName=<your key ID>
asfNexusUsername=<login for uploding to Maven Central>
asfNexusPassword=<password for uploading to Maven Central>

Maven configuration

Edit the ~/.m2/setting.xml file, making sure that the following fragments are present. Note that the password can be enctypted.

      <username>login for uploding to Maven Central</username>
      <password>password for uploading to Maven Central</password>

Specific release configuration

For all instructions in this page, $OLD_VERSION and $NEW_VERSION stand for the version number of the previous and the new release respectively, and $RELEASE_CANDIDATE stands for the current release attempt. Those versions shall be set on the command line like below (Unix):

gpg --list-keys                     # For getting the value to put in <your key ID>
export OLD_VERSION=1.3
export NEW_VERSION=1.4
export SIGNING_KEY=<your key ID>    # hexadecimal number with 8 or 40 digits.

Make sure that the code signing key is the defauly key declared in ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf during the Maven deployment phase.

Review project status before branching

Replace the $OLD_VERSION number by $NEW_VERSION in the values of following properties on the development branch:

  • DOWNLOAD_URL in endorsed/src/org.apache.sis.util/main/org/apache/sis/setup/ file (note that the version number appears twice, and once more in @since Javadoc tag).
  • Review the and NOTICE files in root directory.
  • Review the README file in optional/src/org.apache.sis.gui/bundle/.

Commit and merge with other branches up to main branch.

git add --update
git commit --message="Set version number and the EPSG geodetic dataset URL to expected values after release."
# merge with main

Before to start the release process, we need to test more extensively the main branch. The tests described below often reveal errors that were unnoticed in daily builds. It is better to detect and fix them before to create the release branch. First, ensure that a PostgreSQL server is running and listening to the default port on local host (optional but recommended for more exhaustive testing — see PostgreSQL testing configuration for more details). Then execute the following commands and fix as much warnings as practical:

systemctl start postgresql.service        # Optional — exact command depends on Linux distribution.
gradle test --system-prop org.apache.sis.test.extensive=true

If the SIS_DATA environment variable was set during above build, unset it a try again. Ideally the build should be tested in both conditions (SIS_DATA set and unset). That test may be done in a separated shell (console window) in order to preserve the variable value in the shell performing the release.

unset SIS_DATA
echo $SIS_DATA
gradle cleanTest test

Update the list of supported CRS

The following steps regenerate the CoordinateOperationMethods and CoordinateReferenceSystems pages. Those steps are also useful as additional tests, since failure to generate those pages may reveal problems.

  • Open the AuthorityCodes class and apply the following changes without committing them. They are temporary hacks for including deprecated codes in the CRS list to be generated (those codes will appear with strike for making clear that they are deprecated):

    • Search DEPRECATED=0 (it appears in a SQL fragment) and replace by (DEPRECATED=0 OR TRUE).
    • Comment-out the if (table.showColumn != null) block which appears just above the DEPRECATED=0 occurrence.

  • Run the following commands:

    gradle assemble
    java --module-path endorsed/build/libs \
         --limit-modules org.apache.sis.referencing \
         --patch-module org.apache.sis.referencing=endorsed/build/classes/java/test/org.apache.sis.referencing \
         --module org.apache.sis.referencing/
    # Following requires a build of NetBeans project for fetching test dependencies. This may change in a future version.
    java --module-path endorsed/build/libs:netbeans-project/build/dependencies \
         --add-modules   org.opengis.geoapi.conformance,,org.apache.derby.engine \
         --limit-modules org.opengis.geoapi.conformance,,org.apache.derby.engine,org.apache.sis.referencing \
         --add-reads     org.apache.sis.referencing=org.opengis.geoapi.conformance,junit \
         --patch-module  org.apache.sis.referencing=endorsed/build/classes/java/test/org.apache.sis.referencing \
         --module org.apache.sis.referencing/
  • If successful, HTML files will be generated in the current directory. Open those files in a web browser and verify that information are okay, in particular the SIS and EPSG version numbers in the first paragraph.

  • If okay, move those two HTML files to the ../site/main/static/tables/ directory, overwriting previous files. Revert the hack in AuthorityCodes class, then commit:

    git commit --message="Update the list CRS and operation methods supported by Apache SIS $NEW_VERSION."

Prepare release notes

We update JIRA soon because doing so is sometimes a reminder of uncompleted tasks in source code. Update JIRA tasks and prepare release notes as below:

  • Ensure that the Fix Version in issues resolved since the last release includes this release version correctly.
  • Ensure that all open issues are resolved or closed before proceeding further.
  • On the site source code repository, create a content/release-notes/$ file with all the features added.
  • Use content/release-notes/$ as a template, omitting the old list of issues.
  • The release notes can be obtained from JIRA, by clicking on the Versions tab → the version number → Release notes and then configuring the release notes to display HTML format and copying it. A suggested approach would be to reorganize the release notes as New Features, then Improvements, then Bug Fixes, then Tests and finally Tasks. The Sub Tasks can be classified according the category of their parent issue.

Commit to staging area (not published immediately):

cd ../site/main
cp content/release-notes/$ content/release-notes/$
# Edit release notes before to continue.
git add content/release-notes/$
git commit --message "Release notes for Apache SIS $NEW_VERSION."

Create release artifacts

Execute the following commands. It is okay to checkout the branch in a separated directory if desired. The SIS_RC_DIR environment variable will specify that directory.

cd ../main
git checkout -b $NEW_VERSION-RC
export SIS_RC_DIR=`pwd`

Remove the files and modules that are not intended to be released. Edit at least the files listed below for removing all occurrences of “incubator” (the search is easier to do after the removal of “incubator” directory):

  • endorsed/src/org.apache.sis.util/main/
  • netbeans-project/nbproject/
  • netbeans-project/nbproject/project.xml
  • settings.gradle.kts
git rm .asf.yaml
git rm -r incubator
# Edit above-listed files before to continue.
git add --update    # for the removal of <module> elements in pom.xml files.
git commit --message="Remove the modules to be excluded from $NEW_VERSION release."

Update SIS version numbers by removing all occurrences of the -SNAPSHOT suffix at least in the following files:

  • parent/pom.xml
  • optional/build.gradle.kts
  • endorsed/build.gradle.kts
  • endorsed/src/org.apache.sis.openoffice/bundle/
  • endorsed/src/org.apache.sis.util/main/org/apache/sis/util/
  • endorsed/src/org.apache.sis.referencing/test/org/apache/sis/referencing/factory/sql/epsg/

Then commit:

git add --update
gradle test
git commit --message="Set version number to $NEW_VERSION."

Initialize the distribution directory

Create the directory for the new version and release candidate within the distribution directory. The $RELEASE_CANDIDATE variable shall be the number of current release attempt.

cd ../release/distribution
svn update
svn add $NEW_VERSION
export DIST_DIR=`pwd`

Copy the HEADER.html file from the previous release. Update the file content if necessary.

svn copy$OLD_VERSION/HEADER.html .

Generate Javadoc

Execute gradle javadoc. That command will fail. This is a known problem with the current Gradle build configuration. But it should have created a javadoc.options file that we will patch as below (gedit can be replaced by another editor):

gradle javadoc      # Fail. See workaround below.
gedit endorsed/build/tmp/javadoc/javadoc.options

Apply the following changes:

  • Move all -classpath content to --module-path.
  • Add the value of $PATH_TO_FX environment variable to the module-path.
  • Delete all Java source files listed after the options, everything until the end of file.
  • Add the following line in-place of deleted lines (omit the org.opengis.geoapi module if not desired):
--module org.opengis.geoapi,org.apache.sis.util,org.apache.sis.metadata,org.apache.sis.referencing,org.apache.sis.referencing.gazetteer,org.apache.sis.feature,,,,,,,,org.apache.sis.portrayal,org.apache.sis.profile.france,org.apache.sis.profile.japan,org.apache.sis.openoffice,org.apache.sis.console,org.apache.sis.gui

The following commands temporarily create links to optional modules for inclusion in the Javadoc. The GeoAPI interfaces may also be copied if they should be bundled with the Javadoc. Then the Javadoc command is launched manually.

cd endorsed/src
ln -s ../../optional/src/org.apache.sis.gui
cd -

# Replace "../../GeoAPI/3.0.2" by the path to a GeoAPI 3.0.2 checkout, or omit those lines.
mkdir endorsed/src/org.opengis.geoapi
cp -r ../../GeoAPI/3.0.2/geoapi/src/main/java                    endorsed/src/org.opengis.geoapi/main
cp -r ../../GeoAPI/3.0.2/geoapi/src/pending/java/org             endorsed/src/org.opengis.geoapi/main/
cp    ../../GeoAPI/3.0.2/geoapi/src/main/java9/  endorsed/src/org.opengis.geoapi/main/

javadoc @endorsed/build/tmp/javadoc/javadoc.options
firefox endorsed/build/docs/javadoc/index.html                      # For verifying the result.
rm    endorsed/src/org.apache.sis.gui
rm -r endorsed/src/org.opengis.geoapi

Prepares the Javadoc ZIP file to be released. Then update the online Javadoc:

cd endorsed/build/docs/
mv javadoc apidocs
zip -9 -r $DIST_DIR/apache-sis-$ apidocs
cd -
cd ../site/javadoc/
rm -r *
mv $SIS_RC_DIR/endorsed/build/docs/apidocs/* .
git checkout --
git add --all
git commit --message "Update javadoc for SIS $NEW_VERSION."

Publish Maven artifacts

This section publishes artifacts to the staging repository. If there is any issue with the deployment, the staging repository can easily be dropped and recreated.

Stage the parent POM

Execute the following:

cd $SIS_RC_DIR/parent
mvn clean install deploy --activate-profiles apache-release

Connect to the Nexus repository. The artifacts can be found under Build PromotionStaging repositories, and searching for org.apache.sis in the Repository column. Delete all org/apache/sis/parent/$NEW_VERSION/parent-$* files on the Nexus repository. They should not be there - source release will be deployed on another repository later. Then close this staging repository by clicking the checkbox for the open staging repositories (org.apache.sis-<id>) and press Close in the menu bar. In the description field, specify “Apache SIS parent POM”. Keep the window open, we will need it again later.

Stage the project arfifacts

Build the project and publish in the Maven local repository. The org.apache.sis.releaseVersion property will cause Javadoc to be generated for earch artifact (this step is normally skipped because a bit long) and sign the artifacts.

git status      # Make sure that everything is clean.
gradle clean
gradle test     --system-prop org.apache.sis.test.extensive=true
gradle assemble
mv --interactive optional/build/bundle/apache-sis-$ $DIST_DIR/apache-sis-$

rm endorsed/build/docs/*        # For forcing a rerun.
rm optional/build/docs/*
cd optional/build/libs/
ln ../../../endorsed/build/libs/*.jar .
ln $PATH_TO_FX/*.jar .
cd -
gradle assemble --system-prop org.apache.sis.releaseVersion=$NEW_VERSION
find -name "org.apache.sis.*-javadoc.jar" -exec zip -d '{}' errors.log \;
gradle publishToMavenLocal --system-prop org.apache.sis.releaseVersion=$NEW_VERSION

# Check that the Javadoc archives do not have a size close to zero.
ll ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/sis/core/sis-referencing/$NEW_VERSION
ll ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/sis/application/sis-javafx/$NEW_VERSION
find ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/sis -name "sis-*-$NEW_VERSION-*.asc" -exec gpg --verify '{}' \;

gradle publish --system-prop org.apache.sis.releaseVersion=$NEW_VERSION

In the Nexus repository, click on “Refresh”. A new org.apache.sis item should appear in the Repository column of Build PromotionStaging repositories. Navigate through the artifact tree and make sure that all Javadoc, source and jar files have .asc (GPG signature) and .sha1 files. Select any *-javadoc.jar file and click on the Archive Browser tab on the right side. Select any *.html file which is known to use some of the custom taglets defined in buildSrc. Click on that file and verify that the custom elements are rendered properly. Then close this staging repository. In the description field, specify “Apache SIS main artifacts”.

Stage the non-free resources

Go to the directory that contains a checkout of Those modules will not be part of the distribution (except on Maven), but we nevertheless need to ensure that they work. Replace occurrences of <version>$OLD_VERSION</version> by <version>$NEW_VERSION</version> in the pom.xml files.

cd ../non-free
svn update
mvn clean install
mvn javadoc:javadoc                   # Test that Javadoc can be generated.
svn commit --message "Set version number and dependencies to $NEW_VERSION."
mvn deploy --activate-profiles apache-release

Verify the staged artifacts in the Nexus repository. In the sis-epsg-$NEW_VERSION.jar file, verify that META-INF/LICENSE contains the EPSG terms of use. Delete all org/apache/sis/non-free/$NEW_VERSION/non-free-$* files. Delete all org/apache/sis/non-free/sis-epsg/$NEW_VERSION/sis-epsg-$NEW_VERSION-source.jar.* files. Then close this staging repository. In the description field, specify “Apache SIS non-free resources”.

Click on the org.apache.sis-<id> link in order to get the URL to the temporary Maven repository created by Nexus. We will announce later (in the Put the release candidate up for a vote section) on the dev@ mailing list the availability of this temporary repository for testing purpose.

Stage the source, binary and Javadoc artifacts

The official Apache releases are the files in the $DIST_DIR directory. By contrast, above Maven artifacts are only conveniences. We have already staged the Javadoc and binaries. Now stage the sources and cleanup:

git archive --prefix apache-sis-$NEW_VERSION-src/ --output $DIST_DIR/apache-sis-$ $NEW_VERSION-RC
zip -d apache-sis-$ apache-sis-$NEW_VERSION/lib/org.apache.sis.openoffice.jar

Sign the source, Javadoc and binary artifacts:

gpg --armor --detach-sign --default-key $SIGNING_KEY apache-sis-$
sha512sum apache-sis-$ > apache-sis-$

gpg --armor --detach-sign --default-key $SIGNING_KEY apache-sis-$
sha512sum apache-sis-$ > apache-sis-$

gpg --armor --detach-sign --default-key $SIGNING_KEY apache-sis-$
sha512sum apache-sis-$ > apache-sis-$

Verify checksums and signatures:

find . -name "*.sha512" -exec sha512sum --check '{}' \;
find . -name "*.asc"    -exec gpg      --verify '{}' \;

Integration test

Create a temporary directory where Apache SIS will write the EPSG dataset. Force the Java version to the one supported by Apache SIS (adjust JDK11_HOME as needed). Specify the URL to the nexus repository, where #### is the identifier of the “non-free” repository.

export SIS_DATA=/tmp/apache-sis-data
mkdir $SIS_DATA
export JAVA_OPTS="-enableassertions -Dorg.apache.sis.epsg.downloadURL"
export JAVA_OPTS=$JAVA_OPTS/org/apache/sis/non-free/sis-epsg/$NEW_VERSION/sis-epsg-$NEW_VERSION.jar

Test the binary

Unzip the binaries and execute the examples documented in the command-line interface page.

cd /tmp
unzip $DIST_DIR/apache-sis-$
cd apache-sis-$NEW_VERSION
./bin/sis crs EPSG:6676
./bin/sis identifier
./bin/sis identifier
./bin/sis identifier
./bin/sis transform --sourceCRS EPSG:4267 --targetCRS EPSG:4326 AmericanCities.csv
./bin/sis transform --sourceCRS EPSG:4267 --targetCRS EPSG:4326 CanadianCities.csv

Test the Maven artifacts

Go to the test Maven project. Open the root pom.xml file and set the <version> number to the SIS release to be tested. Then go to the <url> declaration of ` each block and replace value by the URL of the temporary Maven repository created by Nexus. Usually, only the 3 last digits need to be updated.

cd $SIS_RC_DIR/../release/test/maven
# Edit <url> in pom.xml before to continue.
mvn compile
svn commit -m "Test project for SIS $NEW_VERSION-RC$RELEASE_CANDIDATE"

Clear the local Maven repository in order to force downloads from the Nexus repository, then test. This will also verify the checksums.

rm -r $SIS_DATA/*
rm -r ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/sis
mvn package --show-version --strict-checksums

Verify that the EPSG dataset has been created, then cleanup:

du --summarize --human-readable $SIS_DATA/Databases/SpatialMetadata
mvn clean

Test the downloads

Stage the release candidate:

svn add apache-sis-$NEW_VERSION-*
cd ../..
svn commit --message "SIS $NEW_VERSION release candidate $RELEASE_CANDIDATE"

Execute the following commands in any temporary directory for testing the sources:

# Test
gpg --verify apache-sis-$
unzip apache-sis-$
cd apache-sis-$NEW_VERSION-src
gradle assemble

Execute the following commands in any temporary directory for testing the binary:

# Test
gpg --verify apache-sis-$
unzip apache-sis-$
cd apache-sis-$NEW_VERSION
unset SIS_DATA
./bin/sis about --verbose
./bin/sis crs --format WKT

Prepare Web site

Review and update the static/DOAP.rdf file on the site source code repository. Add a new <release> block for the new release with the estimated release date.

Update the following files (e.g. the release date in

  • content/
  • content/
  • content/ for EPSG dataset version
  • content/ for SIS version and JAXB dependency
  • content/developer-guide/introduction/Installation.html

Execute hugo and browse the documentation in the public repository. If okay, commit and copy to staging repository:

git commit --message "Prepare documentation for the $NEW_VERSION release."

# Copy to staging repository
rm --recursive ../asf-staging/*
mv public/.htaccess public/* ../asf-staging/
rmdir public
cd ../asf-staging/

# Remove trailing whitespaces
find . -name "*.html" -type f -exec sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' '{}' \;
find . -name "*.xml" -type f -exec sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//' '{}' \;

# Commit
git add --all
git commit --message "Staging repository for the $NEW_VERSION release."
git push

The new web site will be published in the staging area. It will not yet be published on

Put the release candidate up for a vote

  • Create a VOTE email thread on dev@ to record votes as replies. A template is available here.
  • Create a DISCUSS email thread on dev@ for any vote questions. A template is available here.
  • Perform a review of the release and cast your vote:
  • a -1 vote does not necessarily mean that the vote must be redone, however it is usually a good idea to rollback the release if a -1 vote is received. See Recovering from a vetoed release below.
  • After the vote has been open for at least 72 hours, has at least three +1 PMC votes and no -1 votes, then post the results to the vote thread:
    • Reply to the initial email and prepend to the original subject “[RESULT]”
    • Include a list of everyone who voted +1, 0 or -1.

Recovering from a vetoed release

Reply to the initial vote email and prepend to the original subject:


Delete the svn tag created by the release:perform step:

svn delete$NEW_VERSION --message "deleting tag from rolled back release"

Drop the Nexus staging repository:

  • Go to Nexus repositoryBuild PromotionStaging repositories and search for org.apache.sis in the Repository column.
  • Right click on the closed staging repositories (org.apache.sis-<id>) and select Drop.

Make the required updates that caused the vote to be canceled during the release cycle.

Finalize the release

The artificats in the repository are not yet mirrored and available for Maven to download. Promote the staged Nexus artifacts, by releasing them.

  • Go to Nexus repositoryBuild PromotionStaging repositories and search for org.apache.sis in the Repository column.
  • Click the checkboxes of the closed staging repositories (org.apache.sis-<id>) and press Release in the menu bar.

Check in the source and binary artifacts into distribution svn which will be pulled by all mirrors within 24 hours. The dist/dev svn is not mirrored, but the dist/release is. From any directory:

    --message "Committing SIS Source and Binary Release Candidate $RELEASE_CANDIDATE for SIS-$NEW_VERSION."

svn delete$NEW_VERSION \
    --message "Delete SIS $NEW_VERSION staging repository after release."

Verify release signatures. Download all source and binary artifacts into a new directory, then execute in that directory:

find . -name "*.asc" -exec gpg --verify '{}' \;

The output shall report only good signatures.

Update other web sites (JIRA, GitHub, Wiki):

  • Update the JIRA:
    • Update the versions to mark the version as “released”.
    • Set the date to the date that the release was approved.
    • Make a new release entry in JIRA for the next release.
  • Create a new GitHub release.
  • Update the Roadmap wiki page.

Announce the release

  • WAIT 24 hours after committing releases for mirrors to replicate.
  • Publish the web site updates:
    • On the asf-site branch, execute git merge asf-staging and push.
  • Make an announcement about the release on the dev@, users@, and announce@ mailing lists. A template is available here. The email needs to be sent from an email address and the message format must be RAW text only (no HTML).

Delete the prior version:

svn delete$OLD_VERSION \
    --message "Archive SIS-$OLD_VERSION after release of SIS-$NEW_VERSION."

Update main branch for the next development cycle

On the main branch:

  • Search for all occurrences of SNAPSHOT and update the version number.
  • Edit the value of the MAJOR_VERSION or MINOR_VERSION constant in the endorsed/src/org.apache.sis.util/main/org/apache/sis/system/ file.

Delete old artifacts on Maven snapshot repository

Login in the Nexus repository. In the Repositories tag, select Snapshots of type hosted (not to be confused with Snapshots of type group). Delete the whole org/apache/sis directory. It will be recreated the next time that Jenkins is run.