All Classes and Interfaces

Provides information about the Apache SIS running environment.
An instance of an feature association role containing the associated feature.
An instance of an attribute type containing the value of an attribute in a feature.
Presence and absence of features, their attributes and their relationships.
Description of the content of a resource.
Describes the operation for transforming coordinates in the source CRS to coordinates in the target CRS.
Coordinate reference system, defined by a coordinate system and (usually) a datum.
The set of coordinate system axes that spans a given coordinate space.
Data evaluation method.
Specifies the relationship of a Coordinate System to the earth.
Default implementations of some DirectPosition methods, leaving the data storage to subclasses.
Aspect of quantitative quality information.
Default implementations of most Envelope methods, leaving the data storage to subclasses.
Base class of factories provided in the Apache SIS library.
An instance of a feature type containing values for a real-world phenomena.
Default implementations of several methods for classes that want to implement the FeatureSet interface.
Base class for geographic area of the dataset.
Information used to determine geographic location corresponding to image location.
Default implementations of several methods for classes that want to implement the GridCoverageResource interface.
Basic information required to uniquely identify a resource or resources.
Base class for objects identified by a name or a code.
Identification and description information inherited by property types and feature types.
Base class for character strings that has been internationalized into several locales.
Identifiable geographic place.
Degree of adherence to logical rules of data structure, attribution and relationships.
Provides a default implementation for most methods required by the MathTransform interface.
Base class for implementations of inverse math transforms.
Base class for math transforms that are known to be one-dimensional in all cases.
Base class for implementation of inverse math transforms.
Base class for math transforms that are known to be two-dimensional in all cases.
Base class for implementation of inverse math transforms.
Provides basic operations using Java reflection for metadata implementations.
Information about the reliability of data quality results.
Base class for sequence of identifiers rooted within the context of a namespace.
Describes the behaviour of a feature type as a function or a method.
Abstract definition of a parameter or group of parameters used by a coordinate operation or a process.
Information about the individual and / or organization of the party.
Accuracy of the position of features.
Description of a spatial and temporal reference system used by a dataset.
Default implementations of several methods for classes that want to implement the Resource interface.
Base class of more specific result classes.
Method used to represent geographic information in the dataset.
Renamed AbstractTemporalQuality for following a renaming in ISO 19157:2013.
Accuracy of the temporal attributes and temporal relationships of features.
Accuracy and correctness of attributes and classification of features.
Bridge between Matrix and Java2D AffineTransform instances.
A collection of resources.
An angle in decimal degrees.
Parses and formats angles according a specified pattern.
Constants that are used as attribute keys in the iterator returned from AngleFormat.formatToCharacterIterator(Object).
The rate of change of an angular displacement with respect to time.
Static methods for performing argument checks.
Static methods for simple operations on arrays and array elements.
Describes one association from the FeatureType to be built by an FeatureTypeBuilder to another FeatureType.
Name of attributes used in the mapping from/to netCDF metadata to ISO 19115 metadata.
Holds the attribute names describing a simple latitude, longitude, and vertical bounding box.
Holds the attribute names describing a responsible party.
Holds the attribute names describing a term together with a vocabulary (or naming authority).
Roles that can be associated to some attributes for instructing FeatureTypeBuilder how to generate predefined operations.
Describes one AttributeType which will be part of the feature type to be built by a FeatureTypeBuilder.
High-level characteristics about the axes of a coordinate system.
Modifications to apply on the axes of a coordinate system in order to produce a new coordinate system.
Thrown to indicate that an operation could not complete because of a failure in the backing store (a file or a database).
A coverage where all sample values at a given location can be provided in an array of primitive type.
Computes or interpolates values of sample dimensions at given positions.
Basic access to grid data values backed by a n-dimensional DataBuffer.
Base class of builders for various kinds of IdentifiedObject.
Parameters for a geographic transformation between two datum having the same prime meridian.
A concurrent map capable to locks entries for which the value is in process of being computed.
The handler returned by Cache.lock(K), to be used for unlocking and storing the result.
Base class for methods to export as formulas in the Apache OpenOffice spread sheet.
Thrown when a quantity can not be evaluated.
Thrown when an unrecoverable error occurred during the probing of a file.
Common abstraction for implementations that manage the display and user manipulation of spatial graphic elements.
A listener of displacements in a source canvas which can reproduce the same displacement in a target canvas.
An event which, when occurring on a parent resource, is also fired by all children resources.
Describes a sub-range of sample values in a sample dimension.
Describes one characteristic of the AttributeType will will be built by a FeatureTypeBuilder.
Static methods working on char values, and some character constants.
Subsets of Unicode characters identified by their general category.
Static methods working with CharSequence instances.
A container that ensures that all elements are assignable to a given base type.
A set of predefined constants and static methods working on citations.
Static methods working on Class objects.
Notifies listeners that a resource or a data store is being closed and should no longer be used.
A specialized Set implementation for use with CodeList values.
Colorization algorithm to apply for colorizing a computed image.
Information about the computed image to colorize.
The colors to use for formatting Well Known Text (WKT) objects.
Command line interface for Apache SIS.
Creates coordinate reference systems in the "OGC", "CRS" or "AUTO(2)" namespaces.
Frequently-used geodetic CRS and datum that are guaranteed to be available in SIS.
Frequently-used engineering CRS and datum that are guaranteed to be available in SIS.
Frequently-used temporal CRS and datum that are guaranteed to be available in SIS.
Frequently-used vertical CRS and datum that are guaranteed to be available in SIS.
Specifies the level of strictness when comparing two LenientComparable objects for equality.
Base class of Format implementations which delegate part of their work to other Format instances.
An image with tiles computed on-the-fly and cached for future reuse.
Exposes a sequence of FeatureSets as a single one.
A concurrent authority factory that caches all objects created by another factory.
Thrown when an operation cannot be performed while a read operation is in progress.
Thrown when an operation cannot be performed while a write operation is in progress.
Provides system-wide configuration for Apache SIS library.
Static methods working on Collection or CheckedContainer objects.
The parameters that describe a sequence of normalizenon-linear kerneldenormalize transforms as a whole.
Whether a matrix is used for normalization or denormalization before or after a non-linear operation.
The convention to use for WKT formatting.
Formats spatiotemporal coordinates using number, angle and date formats inferred from the coordinate system.
Optional information about the context in which a requested coordinate operation will be used.
Finds a conversion or transformation path from a source CRS to a target CRS.
Utility methods working on CoordinateSystem objects and their axes.
May be thrown on attempt to use an object which has been corrupted by a previous operation.
Creates a grid coverage resource from an aggregation of an arbitrary number of other resources.
A canvas for RenderedImage provided by a GridCoverage or a GridCoverageResource.
Combines an arbitrary number of coverages into a single one.
An image or tabular view of GridCoverage together with controls for band selection and other operations.
Type of view shown in the explorer.
Definition of filtering to apply for fetching a subset of GridCoverageResource.
Static methods working on Coordinate Reference Systems.
A list of Coordinate Reference Systems (CRS) from which the user can select.
Keys in a map of options for configuring the way data are read or written to a storage.
Collection of features that share a common set of attributes or properties.
Manages a series of features, coverages or sensor data.
Thrown when a data store is closed and can no more return data.
Thrown when a store cannot be read because the stream contains invalid data.
Thrown when a DataStore cannot complete a read or write operation.
Provides information about a specific DataStore implementation.
An action to execute for testing if a StorageConnector input can be read.
Thrown when a data store failed to construct the coordinate reference system (CRS) or other positioning information.
Static convenience methods creating DataStore instances from a given storage object.
Identification of the primitive type used for storing sample values in an image.
Entry point for Apache SIS application.
Small but non-constant translations to apply on coordinates for datum shifts or other transformation process.
Transforms between two CRS (usually geographic) based on different datum.
Annotates classes or methods that are provided mostly for debugging purpose.
Functions working on float and double values while taking in account their representation in base 10.
Closeness of reported coordinate values to values accepted as or being true.
Correctness of the temporal references of an item (reporting of error in time measurement).
Designations for the measuring instruments, the platform carrying them, and the mission to which the data contributes.
Location of the responsible individual or organization.
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system with straight axes that are not necessarily orthogonal.
Associated resource information.
Aggregation or derivation method.
Details of the methodology by which geographic information was derived from the instrument readings.
Information about the application schema used to build the dataset.
Associated resource information.
Indicates the role played by the association between two features.
Information about content type for groups of attributes for a specific range dimension.
Definition of an attribute in a feature type.
Range of wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Data quality basic measure.
Boundary enclosing the dataset, expressed as the closed set of (x,y) coordinates of the polygon.
Graphic that provides an illustration of the dataset (should include a legend for the graphic).
A 2- or 3-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system made of straight orthogonal axes.
Standardized resource reference.
Reference date and event used to describe it.
Excess data present in the dataset, as described by the scope.
Data absent from the dataset, as described by the scope.
A CRS describing the position of points through two or more independent coordinate reference systems.
A coordinate system made of two or more independent coordinate systems.
Adherence to rules of the conceptual schema.
Trustworthiness of a data quality result.
Information about the outcome of evaluating the value(s) against a specified acceptable conformance quality level.
Restrictions on the access and use of a resource or metadata.
Information required to enable contact with the responsible person and/or organization.
A parameterized mathematical operation that converts coordinates to another CRS without any change of datum.
Creates operations capable to transform coordinates from a given source CRS to a given target CRS.
Coordinate system axis name, direction, unit and range of values.
Links a given operation name with a resource identified by an "identifier".
Information about the content of a grid data cell.
Result of a data quality measure organising the measured values as a coverage.
A 3-dimensional coordinate system made of a polar coordinate system extended by a straight perpendicular axis.
Description of a transfer data file.
Information required to identify a dataset.
Quality information for the data specified by a data quality scope.
A coordinate reference system that is defined by its coordinate conversion from another CRS (not by a datum).
Data quality descriptive result.
Technical means and media by which a resource is obtained from the distributor.
Axis properties.
Information about the distributor of and options for obtaining the resource.
Information about the distributor.
Adherence of values to the value domains.
Geometric figure that can be used to describe the approximate shape of the earth.
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system for geodetic latitude and longitude, optionally with ellipsoidal height.
A 1-, 2- or 3-dimensional contextually local coordinate reference system.
Defines the origin of an engineering coordinate reference system.
Information about the environmental conditions during the acquisition.
Description of the evaluation method and procedure applied.
Reference to an external standalone quality report.
Identification of a significant collection point within an operation.
New metadata element, not found in ISO 19115, which is required to describe geographic data.
Information about spatial, vertical, and temporal extent.
Information identifying the feature catalogue or the conceptual schema.
Abstraction of a real-world phenomena.
Information about the occurring feature type.
A factory of default Filter and Expression implementations.
A filter factory operating on AbstractFeature instances.
Description of the computer language construct that specifies the representation of data objects in a record, file, message, storage device or transmission channel.
Degree to which data are stored in accordance with the physical structure of the data set.
Specification of the coordinate operation method formula.
Full inspection.
Information on ground control point.
Information about a control point collection.
A 3-dimensional coordinate reference system with the origin at the approximate centre of mass of the earth.
Defines the location and orientation of an ellipsoid that approximates the shape of the earth.
Geographic position of the dataset.
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate reference system based on an ellipsoidal approximation of the geoid.
Description of the geographic area using identifiers.
Number of objects, listed by geometric object type, used in the dataset.
Grid whose cells are regularly spaced in a geographic or projected coordinate reference system.
Grid with cells irregularly spaced in any given geographic/map projection coordinate reference system.
Closeness of gridded data position values to values accepted as or being true.
Method used to represent geographic information in the dataset.
Expected or tested uniformity of the results obtained for a data quality evaluation.
Value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace.
A 2-dimensional engineering coordinate reference system applied to locations in images.
Defines the origin of an image coordinate reference system.
Information about an image's suitability for use.
Indirect evaluation.
Information about the party if the party is an individual.
Designations for the measuring instruments.
An international string using a map of strings for different locales.
Specification of a class to categorize keywords in a domain-specific vocabulary that has a binding to a formal ontology.
Keywords, their type and reference source.
Restrictions and legal prerequisites for accessing and using the resource.
Information about the events or source data used in constructing the data specified by the scope or lack of knowledge about lineage.
A 1-dimensional coordinate system for points that lie on a single axis (not necessarily a straight line).
Identifier within a name space for a local object.
Information about the scope and frequency of updating.
Low level factory for creating math transforms.
Source and target coordinate systems for which a new parameterized transform is going to be used.
Data quality measure description.
Reference to the measure used.
Information about the media on which the resource can be distributed.
The name to identify a member of a record.
Root entity which defines metadata about a resource or resources.
Information describing metadata extensions.
Information about the scope of the resource.
A factory for creating AbstractName objects.
A domain in which names given by character strings are defined.
Distance between consistent parts of (centre, left side, right side) adjacent pixels.
Renamed DefaultNonQuantitativeAttributeCorrectness for following a renaming in ISO 19157:2013.
Correctness of non-quantitative attributes.
Scope and domain of validity of a CRS-related object.
Describes the characteristics, spatial and temporal extent of the intended object to be observed.
Information about on-line sources from which the dataset, specification, or community profile name and extended metadata elements can be obtained.
Designations for the operation used to acquire the dataset.
Operation chain information.
Parameter information.
Describes the algorithm and parameters used to perform a coordinate operation.
Information about the party if the party is an organization.
The definition of a single parameter used by an operation method.
The definition of a group of related parameters used by an operation method.
A single parameter value used by an operation method.
A group of related parameter values.
A 1-dimensional coordinate reference system which uses parameter values or functions.
A 1-dimensional coordinate system for parametric values or functions.
Defines the origin of a parametric coordinate reference system.
Specifies that a subset of a coordinate tuple is subject to a specific coordinate operation.
Designations for the planning information related to meeting the data acquisition requirements.
Designation of the platform used to acquire the dataset.
Identification of collection coverage.
A 2-dimensional coordinate system for coordinates represented by a distance from the origin and an angle from a fixed direction.
Information identifying the portrayal catalogue used.
Defines the origin from which longitude values are determined.
Comprehensive information about the procedure(s), process(es) and algorithm(s) applied in the process step.
Information about an event or transformation in the life of a resource.
Report of what occurred during the process step.
A 2-dimensional coordinate reference system used to approximate the shape of the earth on a planar surface.
Data quality measure.
Accuracy of quantitative attributes.
Information about the value (or set of values) obtained from applying a data quality measure.
Information on the range of each dimension of a cell measurement value.
Description of specific range elements.
A list of logically related elements as (name, value) pairs in a dictionary.
A collection of record types in a given namespace.
An immutable definition of the type of a record.
Closeness of the relative positions of features in the scope to their respective relative positions accepted as or being true.
Information about resource release constraints.
A scale defined as the inverse of a denominator.
Degree to which the sample used has produced a result which is representation of the data.
Range of date validity.
Requirement to be satisfied by the planned data acquisition.
Level of detail expressed as a scale factor or a ground distance.
Information about the party and their role.
Identification of, and means of communication with, person(s) and organizations associated with the dataset.
Sample based inspection.
The characteristic of each dimension (layer) included in the resource.
The target resource and physical extent for which information is reported.
As of ISO 19115:2014, DQ_Scope has been replaced by MD_Scope.
Description of the class of information covered by the information.
A composite of a name space (as a local name) and a generic name valid in that name space.
Handling restrictions imposed on the resource for national security or similar security concerns.
Information about the series, or aggregate dataset, to which a dataset belongs.
Identification of capabilities which a service provider makes available to a service user through a set of interfaces that define a behaviour.
Information about the source data used in creating the data specified by the scope.
Reference to the source of the data quality measure.
Extent with respect to date/time and spatial boundaries.
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system with one distance measured from the origin and two angular coordinates.
Common ways in which the resource may be obtained or received, and related instructions and fee information.
Telephone numbers for contacting the responsible individual or organization.
Correctness of ordered events or sequences, if reported.
A 1-dimensional coordinate reference system used for the recording of time.
Defines the origin of a temporal coordinate reference system.
Time period covered by the content of the dataset.
Validity of data specified by the scope with respect to time.
Comparison of the classes assigned to features or their attributes to a universe of discourse.
A 1-dimensional coordinate system for time elapsed in the specified time units from a specified time origin.
Correctness of the explicitly encoded topological characteristics of the data set.
A parameterized mathematical operation that transforms coordinates to another CRS with a change of datum.
A TreeTable implementation with a list of columns given at construction time.
A TreeTable.Node implementation which can store values for a predefined list of columns.
The name of an attribute type associated to a member name.
Removed from latest ISO 19157 standard.
Brief description of ways in which the resource(s) is/are currently or has been used.
A 2- or 3-dimensional coordinate system for any combination of coordinate axes not covered by other CS types.
Information about the vector spatial objects in the dataset.
A 1-dimensional coordinate reference system used for recording heights or depths.
A 1-dimensional coordinate system for heights or depths of points.
Identifies a particular reference level surface used as a zero-height surface.
Vertical domain of dataset.
Interface of classes for which deprecated instances may exist.
Description about how to reduce the number of dimensions of the domain of a grid coverage.
A one-dimensional position within some coordinate reference system.
A two-dimensional position on top of Java2D point.
Thrown when the domain of two grid coverages or images do not intersect.
A resource that can be disposed when waiting for the garbage collector would be overly conservative.
Specification about how to estimate a domain of validity for transforms.
Method for replacing a non-linear "grid to CRS" conversion by a linear conversion (affine transform).
Kind of an element in a Well Known Text.
The angular height of an object measured from the horizontal plane.
Transform from two- or three- dimensional ellipsoidal coordinates to (geo)centric coordinates.
Whether the output coordinate system is Cartesian or Spherical.
Interface of classes for which empty instances may exist.
A two-dimensional envelope on top of Java2D rectangle.
Transforms envelopes to new Coordinate Reference Systems, and miscellaneous utilities.
Data Access Object (DAO) creating geodetic objects from a JDBC connection to an EPSG database.
A geodetic object factory backed by the EPSG database.
Action to perform when errors occurred while reading or writing some tiles in an image.
Information about errors that occurred while reading or writing tiles in an image.
Static methods working with Exception instances.
A literal or a named procedure that performs a distinct computation.
Convenience static methods for extracting information from Extent or Metadata objects.
Thrown when a factory contains invalid data.
Formats features or feature types in a tabular format.
Identifies the columns to include in the table formatted by FeatureFormat.
Helper class for mapping GenericName instances and their shortened names to features.
A set of predefined operations expecting a Feature as input and producing an Attribute as output.
Definition of filtering to apply for fetching a subset of FeatureSet.
An expression to be retrieved by a Query, together with the name to assign to it.
Whether a property evaluated by a query is computed on the fly or stored.
Static methods working on features or attributes.
A dataset providing access to a stream of features.
A view of FeatureSet data organized as a table.
Helper class for the creation of FeatureType instances.
A provider of file system services as wrappers around Amazon Simple Storage Service (AWS S3).
Identification of a subset of resources from a collection of resources whose property values satisfy a set of logically connected predicates.
Type of GPS fix (position derived from measuring external reference points).
Specifies whether trajectories are represented in a single moving feature instance or fragmented in distinct static feature instances.
Base class for objects that can be formatted as Well Known Text (WKT).
Provides support methods for formatting a Well Known Text (WKT).
Thrown when an operation would require to move the cursor back, but the underlying storage does not allow that.
A value class for rational numbers.
Grid coordinates which may have fraction digits after the integer part.
Provides implementations of French extensions defined by AFNOR.
A set with elements ordered by the amount of time they were added.
The manners in which the inputs of a function are mapped to the outputs.
Thrown when a coordinate cannot be converted to a geographic identifier, or conversely.
A factory of reference systems by identifiers implemented by the SIS library.
A mutable DirectPosition (the coordinates of a position) of arbitrary dimension.
A mutable Envelope (a minimum bounding box or rectangle) of arbitrary dimension.
Creates geodetic objects from codes defined by an authority.
Performs geodetic calculations on a sphere or an ellipsoid.
Unchecked exception thrown when an error occurred while computing a geodetic value.
Creates Coordinate Reference System (CRS) implementations, with their Coordinate System (CS) and Datum components.
Geographic coordinates represented as geohashes strings.
The encoding format used by GeohashReferenceSystem.Coder.
Some libraries providing geometric objects or topological operations.
A data store backed by GeoTIFF files.
The provider of GeoTiffStore instances.
A listener of mouse or keyboard events in a source canvas which can be reproduced in a target canvas.
Specifies clipping behavior during computations of GridExtent.
Base class of coverages with domains defined as a set of grid points.
Interpolates values of sample dimensions at given positions.
Basic access to grid data values backed by a two-dimensional RenderedImage.
Helper class for the creation of GridCoverage instances.
A predefined set of operations on grid coverages.
Types of changes that a coverage processor can do for executing an operation more efficiently.
Access to data values in a n-dimensional grid.
Creates a new grid geometry derived from a base grid geometry with different extent or resolution.
A range of grid coverage coordinates, also known as "grid envelope".
Valid extent of grid coordinates together with the transform from those grid coordinates to real world coordinates.
High-level description about how a grid is orientated relative to the CRS axes.
Specifies rounding behavior during computations of GridExtent from floating-point values.
A control for selecting a two-dimensional slice in a grid extent having more than 2 dimensions.
A view of numerical values in a RenderedImage.
The interface for all SIS objects having identifiers.
Searches in an authority factory for objects approximately equal to a given object.
The domain of the search (for example whether to include deprecated objects in the search).
Utility methods working on arbitrary implementations of the IdentifiedObject interface.
A lazy set of IdentifiedObject instances created from their authority codes only when first needed.
A map view of some or all identifiers in an identified object.
Some identifier namespaces that are handled in a special way.
Thrown when a store cannot write the given feature because its type is not one of the supported types.
Thrown when the argument specified to a method or constructor would result in an invalid GridGeometry.
Thrown when an invalid name is used for identifying a coverage, a feature or other kind of element in a data store.
Thrown when a DataStore cannot be opened because of invalid parameters.
Thrown when SampleDimension cannot be created.
Combines an arbitrary number of images into a single one.
A predefined set of operations on images.
Execution modes specifying whether operations can be executed in parallel.
Whether ImageProcessor can produce an image of different size compared to requested size.
Information about RenderedImage (sources, layout, properties).
A builder for the rendered image to be returned by GridCoverage.render(GridExtent).
A request for a two-dimensional view of a grid coverage.
An immutable Envelope (a minimum bounding box or rectangle) of arbitrary dimension.
Immutable value uniquely identifying an object within a namespace, together with a version.
Thrown when a write operation cannot be performed because the resource to write is incompatible with the data store.
Thrown by GridGeometry when a grid geometry cannot provide the requested information.
Loads a logging configuration file using Java logging syntax augmented with Apache SIS extensions.
Resources needed for installation of third-party or optional components.
Provides SQL scripts needed for creating a local copy of a dataset.
A list of unsigned integer values.
Thrown when an internal error occurred in a DataStore implementation.
Transforms between two geographic CRS by performing geocentric translations interpolated from a grid file.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This operation method is non-standard, of little use and has greater errors than intended.
Transforms between two CRS by performing translations interpolated from a grid file.
Algorithm for image interpolation (resampling).
Thrown when a unknown command has been given by the user on the command-line.
Thrown when a factory createFoo(…) method is given invalid parameters.
Thrown when a metadata is in a invalid state or has illegal property values.
Thrown when an illegal option has been given by the user on the command-line.
Thrown when an input stream or a channel cannot modify its position to the given value.
Utilities methods working on Appendable objects.
The base class of ISO 19115 implementation classes.
Strategy for iterating over the point arrays given to AbstractMathTransform.transform(…) methods.
Provides implementations of Japanese extensions.
Features containing association to features from two different sources, joined by a SQL-like JOIN condition.
Specifies whether values on both sides are required (inner join), or only one side (outer join).
The name of the keys included in a Map of metadata.
Whether WKT keywords shall be written with lower, upper or camel case styles.
Whether to use short or long WKT keywords.
Reads Landsat metadata and bands.
The provider of LandsatStore instances.
A latitude angle in decimal degrees.
To be removed after migration to GeoAPI 4.0.
Interfaces of classes for which instances can be compared for equality using different levels of strictness.
Equation of a line in a two dimensional space (x,y).
An Appendable which can apply different kinds of reformatting that depend on the End Of Line (EOL) occurrences.
A usually affine, or otherwise a projective transform, which convert coordinates using only linear equations.
Creates an affine transform which will map approximately the given source positions to the given target positions.
Static methods working on Locale instances.
Creates an "almost linear" transform mapping the given source points to the given target points.
Thrown when a localization grid cannot be computed, presumably because of a problem with grid data.
Interface of classes for which each instance is configured for a particular locale.
An exception which can produce an error message in the client locale.
Formats Location instances in a tabular format.
A set of utilities method for configuring loggings in SIS.
Shows a table of recent log records, optionally filtered to logs related to a specific resource.
A longitude angle in decimal degrees.
A canvas for maps to be rendered on screen in a JavaFX application.
A snapshot of MapCanvas state to render as a map, together with rendering code.
A canvas for maps to be rendered using Java2D from Abstract Window Toolkit.
A snapshot of MapCanvasAWT state to paint as an image.
A ContextMenu that can be shown in a MapCanvas.
Context of a marshalling or unmarshalling process.
Creates and configures Marshaller or Unmarshaller objects for use with SIS.
Simple mathematical functions in addition to the ones provided in Math.
An object capable to create MathTransform instances from given parameter values.
Utility methods creating or working on MathTransform instances.
Matrix factory methods and utilities.
A matrix of fixed 1×1 size, typically resulting from MathTransform1D derivative computation.
A matrix of fixed 2×2 size, typically resulting from MathTransform2D derivative computation.
A matrix of fixed 3×3 size.
A matrix of fixed 4×4 size, often used in datum shifts.
A Matrix able to perform some operations of interest to Spatial Information Systems (SIS).
A range of numbers associated with a unit of measurement.
Algorithm to apply when more than one grid coverage can be found at the same grid index.
Performs deep copies of given metadata instances.
A connection to a metadata database in read-only mode.
Enumeration of some metadata standards.
Thrown when a metadata access failed.
A panel showing a summary of metadata.
A view of metadata represented by a TreeTable.
A connection to a metadata database with write capabilities.
The Military Grid Reference System (MGRS).
Thrown when the number of bands or sample dimensions specified to a method is not equal to the number expected by a coverage.
Thrown when the source and target CRS of a conversion use different datum.
Thrown when two matrices cannot be added or multiplied because the sizes do not match.
Indicates that an object cannot be constructed because of a mismatch in the reference systems of geometric components.
Thrown when a particular object cannot be created because a resource is missing.
Helper class for building the description of a location.
Base class of metadata having an editable content.
Whether the metadata is still editable or has been made final.
Two- or three-dimensional datum shift using the (potentially abridged) Molodensky transformation.
A formatter writing log messages on a single line.
A factory that delegates the object creation to another factory determined from the authority part in “authority:code” arguments.
An identification of a CRS object which is both a Identifier and a GenericName.
Static methods for creating, parsing and formatting generic names.
Lists some namespaces URLs used by JAXB when (un)marshalling.
A data store backed by netCDF files.
The provider of NetcdfStore instances.
A marker interface for nil XML elements providing an explanation about why the information is absent.
Explanation for a missing XML element.
Thrown when a matrix cannot be inverted.
Thrown when no factory has been found for a given authority name.
Thrown when requested data are not found in the data store.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
This exception was introduced before Java introduced Objects.requireNonNull(…).
A range of numbers capable of widening conversions when performing range operations.
Static methods working with Number objects, and a few primitive types by extension.
A function which converts instances of source type to instances of target type.
Static methods for creating ObjectConverter instances or collection views based on converters.
Description of optimizations or simplifications to attempt on filters and expressions.
Expression that can be optimized.
Filter that can be optimized.
Marker annotation for methods which may return java.util.Optional in a future version.
A predefined set of data important to Apache SIS but not redistributed for space or licensing reasons.
Keys in a map of options for configuring various services (DataStore, etc).
Helper class for parameter descriptor instantiations.
Formats parameter descriptors or parameter values in a tabular format.
The amount of information to include in the table formatted by ParameterFormat.
An object which can supply its parameters in a ParameterValueGroup.
Convenience methods for fetching parameter values despite the variations in parameter names, value types and units.
A parser or a factory capable to create an object from a string in the WKT format.
Transform which passes through a subset of coordinates to another transform.
Logging levels for data processing with execution time measurements.
An iterator over sample values in a raster or an image.
Builds pixel iterators for specified region of interest, window size or iteration order.
Contains the sample values in a moving window over the image.
The translation to apply for different values of PixelOrientation or PixelInCell.
A canvas for two-dimensional display device using a Cartesian coordinate system.
Base class of RenderedImage implementations in Apache SIS.
Equation of a plane in a three-dimensional space (x,y,z).
Thrown when an evaluate method is invoked for a location outside the domain of the coverage.
A k-dimensional tree index for points.
Provides the coordinates of any element stored in PointTree.
Computes latitudes and longitudes on a sphere where the south pole has been moved to given geographic coordinates.
Provider of map projections centered on a point of interest.
Tells whether a storage (file, database) appears to be supported by a DataStore.
Describes one property of the FeatureType to be built by an FeatureTypeBuilder.
Provides static methods working on Quantity instances.
Parses and formats numbers with units of measurement.
Definition of filtering to apply for fetching a resource subset.
A set of minimum and maximum values of a certain class, allowing a user to determine if a value of the same class is contained inside the range.
Parses and formats Range instances according the given locale.
Constants that are used as attribute keys in the iterator returned from RangeFormat.formatToCharacterIterator(Object).
An ordered set of disjoint ranges where overlapping ranges are merged.
Time when the "physical" loading of raster data should happen.
Thrown when a DataStore cannot perform a write operation.
A short list (~10 items) of most recently used ReferenceSystems.
Controls the (un)marshaller behavior regarding the xlink or uuidref attributes.
Thrown when a geographic identifier (or reference) has been successfully parsed but fails some verification.
Base class of reference systems that describe locations using geographic identifiers instead of coordinates.
Conversions between direct positions and identifiers.
Implements the XReferencing methods to make available to Apache OpenOffice.
Region of interest (ROI) for an operation to apply on a coverage.
The registration of all formulas provided in this package.
Thrown when a map rendering process failed.
An image which is the result of resampling the pixel values of another image.
Provides access to geospatial data in a DataStore.
Thrown when a write operation cannot be performed because it would cause the replacement of an existing resource.
Definition of a resource (table, view or query) to include in a SQLStore.
Event sent when a resource is loaded or closed.
A panel showing a tree of resources together with their metadata and data views.
An international string backed by a ResourceBundle.
A provider for data licensed under different terms of use than the Apache license.
A view of data Resources organized as a tree.
The Practical Salinity Scale (PSS-78).
Describes the data values in a coverage (the range).
A mutable builder for creating an immutable SampleDimension.
Specifies the order in which attribute value records are assigned to grid points.
Utility methods working on Java2D shapes.
An international string consisting of a single string for all locales.
A data store capable to read and create features from a spatial database.
Provider of SQLStore instances.
Converts the SQL statements from MS-Access dialect to standard SQL.
A view of Metadata properties organized as a tree table.
Parent of SIS classes that contain only static utility methods.
Holds some statistics derived from a series of sample values.
Formats a Statistics object.
A status bar showing geographic or projected coordinates under mouse cursor.
Information for creating a connection to a DataStore in read and/or write mode.
Parent class of events happening in a data store resource.
An object which listens for events (typically changes or warnings) occurring in a resource or one of its children.
Holds a list of StoreListener instances and provides convenience methods for sending events.
Static methods working on StringBuilder instances.
Thrown when an operation can only be applied on a subspace of a multi-dimensional coverage, but not such subspace has been specified.
The set of symbols to use for Well Known Text (WKT) parsing and formatting.
An Appendable which formats the text as a table suitable for displaying in devices using a monospaced font.
Identifies a column in TreeTable.Node instances.
Base class for parser and formatter of tabular data, providing control on line and column separators.
Creates parameter groups for tensors (usually matrices).
A small hyper-rectangular representation of data which is part of a tiling scheme.
A resource which content can be accessed by smaller chunks called tiles.
A collection of tiles with the same size and properties placed on a regular grid with no overlapping.
A collection of TileMatrix in the same CRS but at different scale levels.
Information about the availability of a tile.
Parameters for a time-dependent geographic transformation between two datum.
Identifies the name of a property to use for summarizing in one line the content of a metadata object.
The function converting raster sample values to geophysics values.
The type of data used to transfer pixels.
Creates a transform which will map approximately the given source positions to the given target positions.
A change in the "objective to display" transform that Canvas uses for rendering data.
The reason why the "objective to display" transform changed.
Extracts a sub-transform from a given MathTransform and source or target dimension indices.
Controls the replacement of characters, abbreviations and names between the objects in memory and their WKT representations.
Defines the structure (list of columns) of a table and provides the root of the tree containing the data.
A node in a tree combined with a row in a table.
A parser and formatter for TreeTable instances.
Static methods working on TreeTable objects and their nodes.
Information common to all kind of types (feature, association, characteristics).
Static methods working on GeoAPI types and CodeList values.
The kind of values in the MetadataStandard.asTypeMap(…).
Thrown when a whole factory cannot be created because a resource is missing.
Thrown when an object cannot be converted from the source type to the target type.
Thrown by FormattableObject.toWKT() when an object cannot be formatted as WKT.
Parses and formats units of measurement as SI symbols, URI in OGC namespace or other symbols.
Identify whether unit formatting uses ASCII symbols, Unicode symbols or full localized names.
Provides constants for various Units of Measurement together with static methods working on Unit instances.
The central point from which all unit services (parsing, formatting, listing, etc) can be obtained.
Thrown when an operation cannot complete because a given name is unrecognized.
Indicates that an operation is not allowed on a geometry object because it is unmodifiable.
Thrown on attempt to set a read-only value in a metadata object.
Thrown when a Well Known Text (WKT) cannot be parsed.
Thrown when a storage uses some encoding options not supported by current implementation.
Thrown when an operation cannot use arbitrary implementation of an interface, and a given instance does not met the requirement.
Thrown when a resources cannot be filtered with a given query.
Thrown when no DataStoreProvider is found for a given storage object.
Static methods for object comparisons in different ways (deeply, approximately, etc).
Performs conversions of XML element or attribute values encountered during XML (un)marshalling.
Whatever MetadataStandard.asValueMap(…) shall contain entries for null, nil or empty values.
The range of values assignable to a field, or to a JavaBean property.
Provider of textual content to show in a StatusBar for values under cursor position.
Task for fetching and formatting values in a background thread.
A vector of real numbers.
Holds a version number as a sequence of strings separated by either a dot or a dash.
Describes non-fatal errors that occurred in a resource or a data store.
Warnings that occurred during a Well Known Text (WKT) parsing or formatting.
A set of objects hold by weak references.
A hashtable-based map implementation that uses weak references, leaving memory when an entry is not used anymore.
Base class of user interfaces provided by Apache SIS.
A separated window for visualizing a resource managed by ResourceExplorer.
A list of windows showing resources managed by ResourceExplorer.
A factory providing CRS objects parsed from WKT definitions associated to authority codes.
Parser and formatter for Well Known Text (WKT) strings.
Annotates code containing workarounds for bugs or limitations in an external library.
An envelope or position converter making them more compatible with a given domain of validity.
The strategy to use for representing a region crossing the anti-meridian or other wraparound limit.
Enforces coordinate values in the range of a wraparound axis (typically longitude).
An Aggregate with writing capabilities.
A FeatureSet with writing capabilities.
A GridCoverageResource with writing capabilities.
Write options that may apply to any data store.
Configuration of the process of writing a coverage in a data store.
A pixel iterator capable to write sample values.
A TiledResource that can write and delete tile matrix sets.
A TileMatrix that can write and delete tiles.
A TileMatrixSet that can write and delete tile matrices.
The XML attributes defined by OGC in the xlink schema.
Communicates the desired timing of traversal from the starting resource to the ending resource.
Communicates the desired presentation of the ending resource on traversal from the starting resource.
The type of a xlink.
Provides convenience methods for marshalling and unmarshalling SIS objects.
Services from the org.apache.sis.referencing package to be exported to Apache OpenOffice or LibreOffice.